DC/ Marvel is celebrating its Black Super Heroes and creative talent for Black History Month.

For Black History Month 2022, DC celebrates its rich legacy of Black Super Heroes and creative talent with an incredible selection of comic books, collected editions, original graphic novels, variant covers, plus a new initiative designed to cultivate the next generation of storytellers of color.

What is Black History Month and why is it celebrated?

What is Black History Month? Black History Month is an annual celebration that started in the US in 1926. It was conceived by historian Carter G Woodson who proposed marking a time to honour African Americans and raise awareness of Black history.

Who was the first black hero in DC?

DC Comics’ first black superhero to star in his own series was Black Lightning. He debuted in his self-titled series in April 1977. He was Jefferson Pierce, an Olympic athlete turned inner-city school teacher.

Does DC have a black superhero?

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It’s often said that Black Lightning was DC’s first Black superhero, but this, however, is only half-true. While Black Lightning was the first Black DC superhero to headline his own comic book title, quite a number of Black heroes have preceded him in DC history.

When was the first black superhero?

When thinking about the first Black superhero, most people point to Black Panther, the Jack Kirby and Stan Lee character who first appeared in Fantastic Four #52 in July 1966. However, the first Black superhero in US comics was actually Lion Man.

Who is the first black Avenger?

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He made his first film appearance in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. Black Panther is the first Black Superhero to appear in a major American comic book. Black Panther is a member of the Avengers.

Was there a black super soldier?

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Portrayed by. Isaiah Bradley is a Korean War veteran, who was unwillingly subjected to human testings of the Super Soldier Serum in the 1950s.

  • On sale now: Green Lantern #11
  • February 8: I Am Batman #6
  • February 15: Nubia & The Amazons #5 (of 6)
  • February 15: The Flash #779
  • February 22: Aquamen #1
  • February 22: Action Comics #1040

Suicide Squad (featuring Amanda Waller) by Robbie Thompson and Eduardo Pansica (issue #12 on sale February 1)

Icon and Rocket Season One (issue #5 on sale now, issue #6 on sale February 15)

Aquamen, by Chuck Brown, Brandon Thomas, Sami Basri and Adriano Lucas (debuting Feb 22)

Static Season One (issue #6 in stores March 1)

Hardware Season One (issue #4 on sale 1/25, issue #5 on sale February 22)

NAOMI Season Two, co-written by Brian Michael Bendis and David F. Walker, with art by Jamal Campbell (issue #1 on sale March 8)

DC Books for Young Readers, Original Graphic Novels and Collected Editions

Milestone Compendium One (on sale February 1)

REPRESENT! (on sale February 1)

Batwing: Luke Fox (on sale February 15)

The Other History of the DC Universe, by John Ridley, Andrea Cucchi and Giuseppe Camuncoli (available now)

Green Lantern John Stewart: A Celebration of 50 Years (available now)

Mister Miracle: The Great Escape, by Varian Johnson and Daniel Isles (available now)

Far Sector, by N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell

Nubia: Real One, by L.L. McKinney and Robyn Smith (available now

Black Comic Book Super Heroes/Villains

20 Great Black Comic Book Characters

Jezebel Jet

Jezebel Jet | Jezebel, Black characters, Comics

Jezebel Jet is a wealthy African supermodel and social activist. She catches Bruce’s eye during a visit to an art exhibition and the two begin dating soon afterwards. Jezebel appears a lot more insightful than Bruce’s other girlfriends, immediately suspecting that he’s hiding something from her. After watching Bruce brutally beat up a super-villain, she concludes that Bruce is Batman.

Bruce comes clean and their relationship becomes even more serious, with rumours that the two may get married at some point. When a criminal organization known as [the Black Glove] kidnaps Jezebel, Batman follows them to Arkham Asylum. While there, Batman hears Jezebel’s screams mixed with the Joker’s taunts. He confronts the Joker, who has formed an alliance with the Black Glove, but steps aside to let Batman see Jezebel bound and imprisoned in a glass cell that is slowly filling with poison petals. Batman breaks the glass and tries to save Jezebel, but to his shock, Jezebel removes her restraints and casually walks out with no signs of intoxication. She then gloats as she reveals herself to be the Black Glove’s mole.


Lobo is an intergalactic bounty hunter, the last Czarnian. Known for his colorful speech and rapid regeneration, he has been a nuissance more than a threat.Lobo, whose name comes from a Khund dialect  and means “one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it,” is the last of his people for one reason: he killed them all. He hailed from the planet Czarnia which was a virtual paradise that knew nothing of war and the Czarnians were almost immortal. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane and became the planet’s first mental patient in ten millennia after the infant Lobo chewed off four of her fingers. Lobo knew he was one of a kind, but he wanted even more. Inspired by the idea of genocide, Lobo created a swarm of lethal scorpion-like creatures, he set them on his people wiping out his entire species but himself. He claimed it was a science project and gave himself an ‘A’.Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. Despite his ruthless nature, Lobo has a strict code of honor when it comes to these agreements. Along the way he has met and battled a number of superheroes.


  • Czarnian Physiology: It is said that Czarnians can only be truly killed by other Czarnians (though this does not matter to Lobo either way, as he cannot die by any means). Lobo can survive unaided in the vacuum of space.
    • Superhuman Strength: His strength varies greatly from writer to writer. Lobo has shown strength sufficient enough to knock out Superman with his blows without too much apparent effort, but at times is barely able to pick up cars. At most times, Lobo is shown to be on par with Superman in terms of strength. He has even shown enough strength to destroy entire planets. More often than not, Lobo is able to effortlessly lift far in excess of 100 tons.
    • Superhuman Stamina: He possesses inexhaustible stamina and in most interpretations cannot tire.
    • Immortality: Lobo is functionally immortal and cannot die no matter what happens. He is immune to the effects of aging and disease and has been banned from entering either Heaven or Hell.
    • Invulnerability: He has at times shrugged off blows from the likes of Superman with no damage, taken planet-destroying attacks without so much as a scratch but at other occurrences has had his skin penetrated by bullets and had only some resistance against most magic spells and attacks.
    • Superhuman Speed: Lobo possesses the ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow, appearing to move faster than humanly possible. He can move at incredible speeds.
    • Self-Sustenance: Lobo does not need any food, water, air, or sleep and he can survive in the vacuum of space without any harm.
    • Regeneration: If Lobo does somehow sustain an injury, his accelerated healing enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue instantly, with little apparent pain. He will apparently heal from any injury. For instance, Lobo can regenerate out of a pool of his own blood, apparently recycling the cells instantly. The speed of regeneration has also varied throughout his appearances.
    • Bio-Fission: If Lobo spills even a drop of blood, that drop can become a completely new Lobo. This ability was later removed by Vril Dox but since then it appears to have been restored.
    • Thermal Immunity: According to Lobo’s own words, he “ride through the cold of space and the heat of blazing suns”.Once he withstood a flaming attack which killed dozens of Thunderers of Qward around him.
  • Possession: Due to Lobo being banned from the afterlife, if Lobo’s body dies his spirit may wonder the earth. With this he can possess other beings, and even repossess his own body, no matter what state it’s in. 
  • Genius Level Intellect: As unbelievable as it may seem, despite his violent and loutish nature, Lobo seems to have a genius-level intellect in matters of destruction and violence. He can create complex virulent agents and the necessary antidotes to them such as the one he let loose on Czarnia, resulting in the deaths of the entire population in the span of one week. He was also able to scavenge parts from a destroyed time hopper and attach them to his own bike, producing a working time machine.
    • Mechanical Aptitude
  • Tracking: The tracking ability allows him to trace any prey across even the Universe.
  • Multilingualism: By his own account, Lobo can speak 17,897 different languages from across the galaxy.
    • Morse Code: Lobo can communicate in Morse Code.
  • Expert Combatant: Lobo is a proficient hand-to-hand combatant, being able to hold his own against such accomplished fighters as Superman., Batman, Aquaman and Etrigan
  • Marksmanship: When someone yelled that Lobo was shooting and going crazy, Jonas Glim stated that every shot is carefully place with Lobo. Lobo then proves this by shooting down a weight to crush the man that insulted him. This feat is even more impressive when you add the fact that Lobo was using a full auto firearm when he did this.
  • Indomitable Will: According to Lobo’s own words, a power ring is powered by willpower, and no one has more willpower than himself. He once used his own willpower in conjunction with his fabulous strength to break a force field created by G’nort.
  • Unpredictable Temperament: Lobo loves to fight, loses patience easily, is very arrogant and does not get along in a group. At the time he was in the L.E.G.I.O.N., his comrades were often the target of his physical and verbal violence.
  • Moral Code: Lobo is an infallible man of his word. He will never break a contract, even if it means his death. However, experience has taught him to choose his words carefully to allow for loopholes.
  • Chained Hook: Though he employs a wide arsenal of firearms, explosives and blades, Lobo’s signature weapon is a large hook on a chain. Aside from use as a weapon, he also uses it to tie up opponents or drag them behind his bike.
  • “Frag” grenades
  • Lobo has already been shown carrying countless other weapons, as a laser weapon, a large knife, and even a guilt grenade.

Fox Wanted

Fox is the best friend and first love interest of Wesley Gibson in the world of Wanted as he meets her in the Fraternity.

Fox’s personality differs from the comic book and the movie. In the comic book Fox is mentally insane and cruel towards Wesley, slightly envying him for inheriting his father’s fortune and not living up to his father’s legacy. Fox in the film is slightly compassionate toward him, and understanding how it is difficult to take a life and even kissing him in front of his cheating girlfriend, and is very intelligent. The original Fox doesn’t care about the Fraternity, just fulfilling her blood lust. The film version of Fox follows the code.

In the film, her care for Wesley and devotion to the code were shown in the end during the final standoff in the Office. While several assassins, including Fox and The Gunsmith, were pointing their guns at Wesley and realized that all their names had come up, Sloan gave everybody a choice to either follow the code to the letter and kill themselves or forget the code and shoot Wesley. All the other assassins were about to shoot Wesley, but before anyone did, Fox fired a bullet that curved through the heads of all the other assassins and inevitably came back around and killed her as well, as she fell to the ground dead with a smile on her face.

Mark Richards was the third Tattooed Man.

Tattooed Man in DC Comics - Tattoo Kits, Tattoo machines, Tattoo  supplies丨Wormhole Tattoo Supply | Comic tattoo, Comic book tattoo, Dc  comics artwork

A villain of Green Lantern like the first, he briefly became a hero during Final Crisis but it did not change his fortune for the better.

When serving with the U.S. Marines, Mark Richards went missing when his helicopter exploded, and he was presumed dead for several years. He then appeared in Gotham City, operating as a hit man with the aid of seemingly living tattoos. He claimed that these tattoos were formed from the sins of people he had killed, placed on his skin through a process called sin-grafting, learned in Modora. He believed that by taking the sins on himself, he was redeeming the souls of those he had slain. All of his victims had tattoos representing their sins. His actions were brought to an end by Green Lantern and Batman.

Later, like most powered evil-doers, Mark became a member of the Secret Society of Super Villains. He was among those Society members who sought refuge at the Hall of Justice, so that he wouldn’t be exiled to Checkmate’s prison planet, where many villains had already been sent.

Not long after Slipknot had killed his son, Leon, Mark’s wife blames him for the death of their only son, and Deathstroke is there to tell him she’s right. Deathstroke points out that Slipknot is a loose end that Mark couldn’t tie up and as a result Leon is dead. But Deathstroke promises that he can get Mark, Slipknot’s head on a platter, all he has to do is join Deathstroke’s new team. Deathstroke calls the new team Titans, but it also goes by Villains for Hire. It consist at first of Mark, Cheshire, Osiris, Cinder and Deathstroke.

There first mission is to kill the newest Atom, Ryan Choi. Although Mark isn’t the one to give Ryan the death blow his involvement will haunt Richards for a while. Next Richards and Cheshire steal a set of digital schematics from Deftech Industries, where they run into to some of Drago’s crew but Mark is able to make them an escape route.

The next mission is more complicated, the team thinks they are trying to assassinate Lex Luthor, but they are really there to flush out the real assassin, Facade. Mark is with the street level team when Cinder blows up Lex’s limo. He is later in the sewer with Osiris when Facade, disguised as Deathstoke attacks. Mark is able to cut Facade in two with a tattoo blade. This doesn’t stop Facade but when the real Deathstroke shows up he is able to use an EMP bomb on Facade shorting it out.

Sometime between that mission and the next Mark has a talk with Cinder about how she had that look of a death wish during their last battle, showing that he really cared about the young girl, but they are interrupted by Osiris.

The next mission Mark and Cheshire go undercover to Elijah’s drug lab under the Mojave Desert, but when Cheshire learns that Elijah is harvesting young children for his drug Bliss she blows the cover and Mark has to help her fight their way out. Luckily Deathstoke and the rest of the team, including its newest member Arsenal, show up but so does Elijah’s team, the Dominators. Mark and Dj Molecule go toe to toe but it’s not until Deathstroke helps that Mark can beat the energy blasting enemy.


  • Body Art Animation: By using an unknown process known as sin-grafting, Mark has what he says are the sins of the men he had killed. He further states by placing the tattoos on his body he redeems those he has killed. The tattoo’s peel themselves off his skin by force of his will and then he can mentally direct them in any way he sees fit.
Luke Cage: The History Of Black Mariah | ScreenRant

. Black Mariah

Black Mariah was the leader of a gang of New York criminals called the Rat Pack. Their primary source of income involved using a stolen ambulance to pick up the bodies of the recently deceased and then stealing whatever valuables they had on their person.

Mariah Dillard was the leader of a gang of New York criminals called the Rat Pack. Their primary source of criminal activity was using a stolen ambulance to pick up the bodies of the recently deceased, and then stealing whatever valuables they had on their person] During one of these thefts, a widow of one of the victims hired Power Man (who was at the scene of the murder) to find her husband’s body. Power Man finds the hideout of Black Mariah. This led to a clash between Mariah and her men against Power Man. Power Man defeated Mariah and her cohorts and turned them over to the police.

After some time in prison, Black Mariah started a drug-dealing enterprise. She is the primary distributor of a drug called Acid Z, a potent drug that would eventually make its users become crazy and often suicidal. When some of the drug got into the hands of Luke Cage’s friend D.W. Griffith, Power Man went looking for his old friend while his partner Iron Fist tracked down the primary distributor and shut them down. Iron Fist found Black Mariah’s hideout; however, he also found out that she had hired a special enforcer as protection: Iron Fist’s old foe Scimitar. Power Man joined Iron Fist in battle after learning of his old foe’s involvement in the drug distribution. The Heroes for Hire made short work of Mariah and Scimitar, crushing their drug operation and turning both crooks over to the police.

Black Mariah is featured in the 2016 relaunch of Power Man and Iron Fist.Here, she teams up with former Heroes for Hire secretary Jennifer “White Jennie” Royce into taking down Tombstone’s empire.

Black Mariah later appears as a member of Alex Wilder’s incarnation of the Pride.

Black Mariah is among the crime lords that compete with Mister Negative in obtaining the Tablet of Life and Destiny so that she can win the favor of Mayor Wilson Fisk.While Black Mariah has no powers, her weight, estimated to be 400 lbs., enables her to strike with great force. Outside of her fighting experience, she has been known to catch her enemies off-guard.

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Alter egoEliot Franklin
Team affiliationsWrecking Crew Frightful Four Masters of Evil Secret Empire Illuminati Lethal Legion
AbilitiesGifted physicist Experienced planner and tactician Superhuman strength, durability and endurance High-level intellect Wields a virtually indestructible wrecking ball

Dr. Eliot Franklin was born in Buffalo, New York. He became a brilliant physicist and engineer, inventing a miniature gamma-ray bomb, a feat that Dr. Robert Bruce Banner (better known as the Hulk) was unable to do at that time. Dr. Franklin was often called “the Black Bruce Banner” because of his genius-level intellect and his scientific knowledge in the field of gamma radiation. Franklin used his scientific genius in private employ and built a miniaturized gamma bomb for Richmond Enterprises. However, Richmond executive J. C. Pennysworth used a loophole in the contract to steal the gamma bomb intellectual property. Franklin threw a fit and was fired. He later attempted to steal back his plans for the gamma bomb, but was caught and imprisoned. In prison he met Dirk Garthwaite (aka the Wrecker, who was de-powered at that time), Henry Camp, and Brian Philip Calusky.

One night during a thunderstorm, Garthwaite broke out of prison, along with his cellmates Henry Camp, Brian Philip Calusky, and Dr. Eliot Franklin. He recovered his magical crowbar and held it aloft, all four men placing their hands upon it. Lightning struck the crowbar, not only reactivating the enchantment but also empowering the other three men as well. The four felons dubbed themselves the Wrecking Crew; Camp became Bulldozer, Calusky became Piledriver, and Franklin became Thunderball. Soon after, Thunderball took an ordinary wrecking ball for an offensive weapon which was energized by the Wrecker’s crowbar, making it almost indestructible.

Thunderball then convinced his allies that they should capture the gamma bomb he had created and use it to ransom New York. They began to tear apart buildings owned by Richmond Enterprises to find the bomb, attracting the attention of the Defenders, including Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond himself). The Crew was defeated by the Defenders and dispersed to different prisons.

Thunderball later battled Captain America and Iron Fist alongside the Wrecking Crew while trying to lure Thor into battle. Thunderball later battled Thor alongside the Wrecking Crew.He also battled the second Iron Man, James Rhodes.Thunderball was later taken to the Beyonder’s Battleworld during the Secret Wars with the rest of the Wrecking Crew and various other criminals, where they were part of Doctor Doom’s evil alliance, and battled heroes such as the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four.

The relationship between the Wrecker and Thunderball has always been somewhat strained at times. Dr. Franklin believes that he is superior to the Wrecker because he is smarter than the Wrecker is, thus causing him to be resentful that the source and total reliance of his power lies with the Wrecker. Thunderball has attempted to usurp the Wrecker’s power many times, only to be eventually thwarted. Once, the Wrecker easily crushed Thunderball’s hand after he tried to steal his crowbar.However, the Wrecker has always taken Thunderball back, because he considers Thunderball and the rest of the Wrecking Crew as the only family he truly has. On one occasion, the Wrecking Crew battled Spider-Man and Spider-Woman while attempting to acquire the means to blackmail the federal government. Thunderball and the Wrecker fought for control over the Norn power, and Thunderball succeeded in stealing the crowbar and added it to his own powers, but he was defeated by Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.

As a member of the Wrecking Crew, Thunderball has faced many of Marvel’s superheroes, including Thor, Iron Man, the Avengers, and the Hulk. They have also been part of other “Super Villain” organizations, but they always stayed together as a team. Thunderball has occasionally operated on his own, working as a scientist for criminal organizations.

Thunderball joined the Masters of Evil alongside the rest of the Wrecking Crew, and took over Avengers Mansion. As part of this “Siege of Avengers Mansion”, the Wrecking Crew, along with other Masters as Tiger Shark and Mister Hyde, beat a drunken Olympian demigod Hercules nearly to death. However, they were drained of their power by Thor in retaliation. Thunderball was later protected from the Wrecker’s vengeance by the Thing.

Thunderball developed something of a soft spot for the employees of Damage Control, particularly account executive John Porter, after the firm helped him recover his lost wrecking ball (the weapon had been turned in to Damage Control’s Lost and Found department). During a massive supervillain breakout at the prison called the Vault, the Wrecking Crew met up with a team from Damage Control led by Porter. To aid Porter without appearing to betray the Crew, Thunderball tricked his teammates into thinking John has superpowers (really, Thunderball hitting the Crew when the lights are out) and the Damage Control team manages to escape.The Wrecking Crew battled the Avengers and Freedom Force during the breakout, and Thunderball battled Venom for leadership of the convicts. Ultimately, Thunderball helped Iron Man and Dr. Hank Pym disarm a bomb that would have destroyed the Vault.

The Wrecking Crew were broken out of prison and used by a group of villains during the Acts of Vengeance storyline. Thunderball was sent by Doctor Doom to help a group of villains assembled to defeat the Fantastic Four, although the villains were all defeated. With the Wrecking Crew, Thunderball freed the Wrecker and Ulik from police custody. They battled Hercules and Thor and then battled Thor, Excalibur and Code: Blue. Thunderball was freed from police custody by Jeff Wilde. Thunderball joined forces with the Secret Empire, creating many of the weapons systems that would be used to turn Jeff Wilde, son of the original Midnight Man, into the cyborg warrior known as Midnight. In a battle with the Empire against Spider-Man, the Moon Knight, and their allies Darkhawk, the Punisher, Nova, and Night Thrasher, Thunderball was one of the few Empire operatives to survive the destruction of the organization’s base. He surrendered to the assembled heroes soon after.

The Wrecking Crew with Thunderball once conquered an entire planet together, Polemachus, which was the home of sometime Avenger ally/adversary Arkon. They overthrew Arkon and his consort, Thundra, and ruled Polemachus with the help of Arkon’s former Grand Vizier, who betrayed them. This was after they briefly lost their Asgardian powers (when Loki took the power originally meant for him from the Wrecker) and obtained their powers from a totally different energy source. Part of that energy source was Monica Rambeau herself, also known as the Avenger Pulsar (at the time, her codename was Photon).

During a battle in London, Thunderball tries to kill a wounded Captain America. Kelsey Leigh saves him using the shield, but dies due to the shock of the impacts. Kelsey later returns as a new Captain Britain and seemingly kills Thunderball, but he survives. It is, however, revealed that this Thunderball is either Mordred, the ally of Morgana le Fay, or Franklin possessed by him.

Later, the Wrecking Crew breaks into a bank in Los Angeles, where they are confronted by the Runaways, who defeat them. Thunderball gets chewed on by one of the team, Old Lace, a dinosaur from the future.

Thunderball and the rest of the Wrecking Crew are forced into governmental service under the Thunderbolts program.

The Wrecking Crew with Thunderball have since been spotted in Canada fighting the newly created Omega Flight.

The Hood hired Thunderball and the rest of the Wrecking Crew as part of his criminal organization to take advantage of the split in the superhero community caused by the Superhuman Registration Act. He helps them fight the New Avengers, but is taken down by Doctor Strange.

Thunderball was later seen with the Hood watching the Skrull invasion on TV, helping to ferret out Skrull infiltrators from their own ranks and assisting in the Hood/hero alliance battle against invading Skrulls in Central Park.He joins with the Hood’s gang in an attack on the New Avengers, who were expecting the Dark Avengers instead.

During the Siege storyline, Thunderball rebelled against his teammates’ attitude, stating that looting Asgard was blasphemy. He was knocked out by the rest of the Wrecking Crew before they were eventually defeated by the Young Avengers.

Following the Death of Wolverine storyline in the pages of Wolverine, the Wrecking Crew hired out to Mister Sinister to recover the remains of Wolverine and encountered Mystique’s team.

As part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel event, Thunderball appears as a member of the Hood’s incarnation of the Illuminati. Titania asks about the rest of the Wrecking Crew and he replies “I ditched ’em. I needed a change and the Hood offered it.”

During the “Search for Tony Stark” story arc, Thunderball and the rest of the Wrecking Crew rejoin the Hood’s gang as they attack Castle Doom. Thunderball and the Wrecker are defeated by Doctor Doom in his Iron Man armor.

Thunderball possesses superhuman strength and a high degree of imperviousness to harm thanks to the Asgardian magic imparted by the Wrecker’s crowbar. He can withstand high amounts of concussive force and is virtually bulletproof. Thunderball’s power augmented his entire body, strengthening his bones, muscles and flesh. His superhuman abilities are currently four times greater than when he originally shared the Wrecker’s power, making him somewhat stronger than an average well-trained Asgardian god.

Thunderball possesses a virtually indestructible wrecking ball attached to a 4-foot-long (1.2 m) chain, enchanted by the Wrecker’s crowbar. The wrecking ball, when thrown, is capable of returning to Thunderball in a similar fashion as the Wrecker’s crowbar and Thor’s hammer. With effort, Thunderball can even control the path it takes on its return. Thunderball can spin the wrecking ball on its chain fast enough to deflect bullets and automatic gunfire. By slamming the wrecking ball on the ground, Thunderball can cause minor localized quakes, knocking his opponents off-balance. The wrecking ball is also durable enough to be thrown into vehicles, buildings, and other structures, knocking them down with no damage to itself. In the past, the Hulk and Hercules have both destroyed the wrecking ball. When this happens, Thunderball does not suffer any ill psychic effects from the wrecking ball’s destruction. He can recreate the weapon by obtaining a new wrecking ball and having the Wrecker enchant it for him.

In addition, Thunderball is highly intelligent. He is a scientific genius in the field of engineering and physics, specializing in gamma radiation. He is a gifted physicist with a Ph.D. in physics as well as an experienced planner and tactician. On at least one occasion when he did not have access to the Wrecker’s crowbar, he used his own engineering abilities to create an energized exoskeleton of power armor that simulated the abilities of the wrecking ball, albeit on a lesser scale.The exoskeleton also gave Franklin the ability to shock foes on physical contact. He also engineered an energized wrecking ball capable of projecting electrical energy bolts.

Marvin “Krondon” Jones III Joins 'Black Lightning' As Tobias Whale –  Deadline

Tobias Whale is an African American albino crimelord.Tobias Whale has set his sights on Gotham city. He rallied and united the gangs of Gotham through a combination of force, and a common goal. His goal was to kill all of Gotham’s ‘masks’. To send a message to the masked super-villains, he tortured Scarecrow and hung him, battered but alive, on a pole. He sends his forces into a full gang war against Penguin’s gangs. One of Penguin’s gangs capture him and offer him a truce. He accepts. Later, he joins Intergang along. When Johnny Stitches comes to kill him, Johnny also joins Intergang.The man presented Tobias with the ‘Demon Cup’ he had stolen from Graveyard Studios and Tobias recalled the movie it was featured in saying that it needed blood to work. He shoved it into the man’s mouth, breaking his jaw, and activating it, which resulted in the summoning of Nebiros who begins to consume the souls of his men. Before Nebiros consumes his soul, Tobias shows him a picture of the Blue Devil and offers a deal to him, saying that he can feed upon the souls of the junkies that get hooked on his drugs.Tobias Whale is an effective leader who is skilled in criminal activity, intimidation tactics and logistics. He is often depicted as being capable and even above average in hand to hand combat as well as being at peak human strength (as he has hurt Black Lightning who is an Olympic level athlete).

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First Look: China Anne McClain Suits Up as Lightning | DC


Born Jennifer Pierce, she was born a metahuman in the DC Universe. She is the second child of superhero Black Lightning and the younger sibling of Anissa Pierce, the heroine known as Thunder. Forbidden to use their abilities until completing their educations, Pierce was put in contact and later becomes a member of the superhero team the Justice Society of America. Her father orchestrates this so Jennifer would not endure the hardships her sister did while transitioning into crimefighting. She possesses abilities similar to her father’s of electrical generation and manipulation as well as flight. Thus far in her narrative, Pierce has not gained full control of her abilities.Jennifer Pierce is the younger daughter of the superhero Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce) and his ex-wife Lynn Stewart. She inherits a metagene from her father which causes her to manifest superpowers when she becomes a teenager. However, like her father in his youth, she lacks the ability to properly control her electrical powers. This results in the shorting out of any electronic device that she touches. This side effect has left her feeling alienated and freakish among her peers, who have access to cell phones, televisions, the internet, and other conveniences of the modern world. Jefferson initially forbids his daughters from following in his footsteps as a costumed hero until after they complete their education. After seeing the rough road that his eldest daughter Anissa follows when she disobeys this order as the heroine Thunder, Jefferson decides that Jennifer will need guidance. He contacts the Justice Society of America, who are in the middle of a recruitment drive. Upon joining the Justice Society, Jennifer immediately forms a bond with fellow teen heroines Stargirl and Cyclone. She also attracts the romantic interests of Jakeem Thunder, another younger member of the team. Jennifer is at first unsure of a superhero codename, believing that her sister will “kill her” if she adopts the name Lightning as a counterpoint to Anissa’s own. Nonetheless, this is the name she eventually settles on when she first goes into battle with the JSA.

Idie Okonkwo

Oya (comics) - Wikipedia

Idie (Pronounced “Ih-Dyay”) was a fourteen year-old girl living with her family in Nigeria, in Delta State, or in Oyo, in Oyo State, when her mutant powers manifested. She was located by the X-Men using Cerebra. With the advent of her mutant abilities, Idie accidentally burned down her village and killed her family. A paramilitary group that tracked down Idie attempted to murder her, but the arrival of Hope Summers and Storm prevented the troops from harming her.

As he returns from an obviously tiring mission, Wolverine encounters Hope and the Lights, including Oya, awaiting his return so they can start Combat Training class. Wolverine cancels the class he had no knowledge of, and instead asks them if they should not be doing something more age appropriate; specifically, he asks Oya if she had a doll or something to go play with. Oya states that she had a doll, but it was destroyed when her village people came to kill her. Later, Wolverine solicits Shadowcat to retrieve a new doll for Oya, which he gives while they share some ice cream.

Oya is one of the X-Men to attend the opening of a Mutant History Museum, a group that includes several adult and younger mutants. When the Museum is attacked by the new Hellfire Club, most of the X-Men are quickly defeated as Oya hides. Both Wolverine and Cyclops rush towards the museum, but the Hellfire grunts begin setting up a bomb within the museum. To Wolverine’s protest, Cyclops gives Oya the go ahead to do anything she thinks necessary, and Oya “murders” most of the Hellfire grunts. Outside the museum, she is comforted by Hope and the other Lights, but Oya simply wants to return to Utopia to get some sleep.

Oya doesn’t have any remorse for killing the Hellfire grunts. She tells Wolverine, that once you accept being a monster, being a murderer isn’t so bad. Laurie is furious at Hope for letting her be part of the Sentinel battle on Utopia. She went as far as to point a gun at Hope. Hope realizes that she didn’t do a good job taking care of her. She tells Wolverine to take Oya with her to the new school which will be The Jean Grey Academy, and take better care of her than she could. Oya and Hope share a heart-felt good bye. When Wolverine and his new crew of teachers and students land in Westchester, Oya asks Wolverine if she is responsible for breaking up the X-Men, Wolverine replies: “No, darlin’. You led us home.”

Powers and abilities

Idie has the mutant power of temperature manipulation (an aspect of atmokinesis, like Storm/Ororo). This power allows her to move heat from one area to another, producing various effects, as well as rendering her body completely immune to temperature extremes. To date, Idie’s use of her powers has only been limited by the amount of heat available to her within her immediate environment. She is consistently able to move enough heat to create fire in one area and ice in another. While she often creates fire as she creates ice, and vice versa, this is not a necessity. Idie can create ice (Negative Heat) by absorbing heat into herself without releasing it as fire. Idie can then store the heat she has absorbed into herself as a resource for a later time. At will, Idie can release the stored heat in her body as fire (Positive Heat), without requiring to simultaneously create ice. When using her powers, her right eye glows blue, and her left glows orange.

Powers And Abilities
  • Thermokinesis: Idie has the ability to alter temperatures around her. However, she cannot simply create heat and cold; she can only rechannel temperature. These temperature manipulation powers results in:
    • Pyrokinesis: capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames.
    • Cryokinesis: able to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, often used to generate ice.

Marie Laveau

Marie Laveau became mystically enslaved by the Silver Dagger. He manipulated her in a plot to return himself to the corporeal plane and destroy Doctor Strange. When the spell wore off, Laveau stabbed the Silver Dagger with his own enchanted blade and thus foiled his plans.

The day came when all real vampires were wiped of the face of the Earth via the Montesi Formula. Eventually, Laveau would notice that she had resumed the aging process again, this time at an alarming pace. Marie Laveau wanted to preserve herself at all costs.

Marie Laveau used her Voodoo magic to seek out any trace of real vampirism on Earth. In the meantime, Laveau explored the possibility that there may be an alternative to the vampirically altered blood she needed to remain young. This lead her to Dr. Michael Morbius, who at the time was cured of his “pseudo-vampirism.”

The Voodoo Queen lured Morbius into a trap where she restrained him and returned him, against his will, to his previous condition as a “living vampire.” Laveau found that Morbius’s blood was not a suitable substitute for real vampire’s blood.

The day came when a real vampire was found. This vampire was Victor Strange, brother of Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme. Ironically, it was Stephen Strange that rid the world of vampires in the first place. Marie Laveau magically forced Victor Strange to steal his brother’s volume of The Darkhold and to bring it to her. When Victor Strange delivered The Darkhold to Marie Laveau, she shot him with a golden Arrow of Eros to turn him into her love slave. During this time, Laveau named her new pet vampire, “Baron Blood” and had him wear a costume much like that of the original Baron Blood, John Falsworth. Victor Strange resented his vampirism, and Laveau found him to be difficult to control despite her magic. The Voodoo Queen then decided to use the Darkhold to reincarnate the original vampire, Varnae. Marie Laveau knew that the return of Varnae would lead to the spread of vampirism throughout the world. In the end, Marie Laveau achieved her goal of returning vampires to Earth so that it was now possible for her to perpetuate her youth indefinitely.

Lysistrata Jones

Lysistrata Jones was a local crime boss in Buck Wild’s neighborhood and was considered by him to be his arch-enemy since the 1970’s. She hired muscle to run her crack and prostitution dens. She was eventually able to mind-control Buck Wild after ensnaring him with her P-whip after he just got out of jail and attacked one of her crack houses. Buck Wild then attacked Icon and Rocket when the two raided one of Lysistrata’s crack dens. When Icon was able to restore Buck Wild’s memory, the three of them proceeded to take the fight to Lysistrata herself. Lysistrata was able to ensnare both Buck Wild and Icon with her P-whip and mesmerize them with her beauty putting them under her control. Rocket, however, was able to subdue Lysistrata easily. She was then spotted being arrested by the police.

She next appeared during Buck Wild’s funeral, where she related the love-hate relationship she’s had with Buck Wild dating back to the 1970’s. She also mentioned one of their encounters where Buck Wild had to do something that would hurt him but would be the safest way to subdue Lysistrata without causing much damage to anyone including Lysistrata herself. She eventually admitted during the funeral that she “loveded” Buck Wild despite their animosity. Nothing was heard of her ever since.

Powers and Abilities

Lysistrata Jones doesn’t seem to have superhuman powers but seems very effective against male opponents. Using her natural beauty and sex appeal to throw them off, she can also utilize her energized “P-whip” to ensnare them and put them under her mind-control. She also seems trained in both armed and unarmed combat but all these skills seem ineffective against female opponents as Rocket easily subdued her and Lysistrata seemed to show hesitation in fighting her ever since.

Midnight Sun

M'Nai as Midnight Sun (Earth-616) - Marvel Comics

Midnight Sun began life as M’Nai, a child in a small African village which Fu Manchu was using as his headquarters. When the British Armed Forces attacked the village, M’Nai’s entire family was killed and M’Nai suffered permanent facial scars. Noticing that M’Nai did not cry despite his injury, Fu Manchu decided to raise the child in China as his own, alongside his son Shang-Chi. Taking the identity of “Midnight”, M’Nai wore a mask at all times to hide his facial scar. Although he and Shang-Chi sometimes came to blows, they grew up as friends, a relationship which would end when Shang-Chi rebelled against his father and left.

Midnight continued to work as Fu Manchu’s agent until he was ordered to assassinate Shang-Chi. Their friendship unraveled during the mission, as Midnight mocked Shang-Chi’s attempts to convince him to renounce their father’s villainy. Midnight proclaimed that his heart was filled with unspeakable hatred for humanity due to the way that his family was killed and his face irreversibly disfigured and renounced his friendship with Shang-Chi. While fighting Midnight at the top of a winch, Shang-Chi dodged a powerful kick. The kick was so forceful that Midnight lost his balance and fell to his apparent death.

Secretly, Midnight was plucked from the time-stream by Kang the Conqueror moments before his death. Kang used Midnight as a soldier in his Legion of the Unliving, sending him to fight the Avengers. He was knocked unconscious by Mantis. After the end of the battle, Immortus returned him to his own time, where his death was allowed to take its course. Midnight’s cape caught on the winch as he fell, breaking his neck. As his body hung from the winch, Shang-Chi contemplated climbing up to retrieve the body and look upon his brother’s scarred face (which he never saw when he was alive) but opted not to out of respect for Midnight.

Midnight’s body was obtained by the Kree and kept in cold storage for years. When the Kree realized that they needed an agent who could defeat the Silver Surfer in combat, a Kree scientist named Kar-Sagg reanimated Midnight’s brain and placed it in a cloned body which had been enhanced with superhuman powers to make him a match for the Silver Surfer. It is at this point that he was renamed “Midnight Sun”.

Powers and abilities

As an agent of Fu Manchu, Midnight was a highly trained martial artist and espionage agent. He was a master of unarmed combat and many martial arts weapons, particularly daggers, nunchaku, and shuriken. His specialty was vanishing into shadows and ambushing his opponents. He has had years of experienced in the disciplines of Kung Fu, and is an accomplished Kung Fu practitioner.

When Kar-Sagg transformed him into a Kree agent, he transferred Midnight’s brain into a powerful cloned body. His new body has superhuman strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes. Most notably, silver discs were grafted to the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet, which provide propellant force that allows him to travel through space. He often used these discs to bash his enemies using his martial arts skills. His body was also modified to allow him to survive outer-space conditions, and he appears to have no need for food or rest. He is also mute. Although the exact extent of his superhuman strength, speed, and toughness are unknown, he was capable of causing pain to the Silver Surfer, and surviving the Surfer’s repeated attacks without serious injury. His superhuman attributes were made more formidable by the fact that he retains all of his martial arts skills and affinity for darkness, even after suffering amnesia.

Michael Christion Amar, better known as Murmur,

Murmur - DC Comics - Flash enemy - Character profile - Writeups.org

Murmur was originally a surgeon who went insane. He went on a killing spree, believing it would stop the voices in his head. Later, he was sentenced to death by lethal injection; a procedure that failed due to his abnormal bloodstream. Whilst in jail, he cut out his tongue and sewed his mouth shut to stop himself from confessing to any crimes.

Murmur possesses an unusual blood chemistry that makes him immune to many poisons and viruses, though the true extent of this is unknown. He is very intelligent and was once a skilled surgeon. He has a parlayed this skill with knives into deadly efficiency with most bladed weaponry.


David Alleyne was born a mutant, but kept his power to pick up knowledge and skills from others a secret from his friends and family. Dani Moonstar recruited him and he decided to go to the Xavier Institute after an attack by Purity, an anti-mutant group.
Dani Moonstar created a team called the New Mutants which she wanted Prodigy to become the team leader of at first but he declined which lead to Wind Dancer being the leader of the team for a short time. During a field training mission against the hellions David and his team noticed how it was Sofia’s lack of tactical training that caused the team to lose the mission in the first place. After Josh’s dispute with Sofia about the team losing the mission, David yet again gets prompted to be the team leader but states fully that he is standing by the original team leader during a plan to get Wither out of the mansion.
Before he got taken in by the FBI Sofia tries to use her wind powers to get him out safely while Surge made a distraction for the cops, the plan failed which caused Dani to come and back them up, she then tells her squad that they should not take matters into their own hands and that the X-Men would deal with it, Sofia fights back and says that as Wither is on her team it should be their responsibility to help him in any situation,
David tells her that she is getting overly dramatic, Sofia mentions that he had the opportunity for team leadership so he should not be complaining about her emotional state and she then storms off in anger, David tries to get to her but Noriko makes it clear that that would be a futile action, later on the team find out that the Hellions have gone to go and break Wither out from the FBI’s hold after he has been taken in with Sofia among them, Laurie offers to talk to Sofia first as they are best friends but David say’s he knows what this is all about and that it would be best for him to talk to her first, a battle rages on outside the park between the New Mutants and the Hellions, as soon as Sofia sees David she unleashes a powerful gust of wind on him to fight him off, David immediately questions her actions and Sofia asks if he was going to give her another lecture on her bad leadership skills or her impulsiveness, David then states that he did not want her to give up the role of leadership and that he was willing to follow her to the end, Sofia admits her confusion with Wither and did not know what to do as Leader of the New Mutants,
David re assures her that she is not alone in the squad and Sofia states that she is with the New Mutants but he must lead them. Soon he takes control of the battle by ordering Sofia to attack Dust with her wind powers instead and then Noriko to electrocute Mercury with her powers,later the X-Men come in and punish both teams for taking matters into their own hands but the Hellions were in far more trouble, later Sofia and David arrange a danger room session, they both discuss their attributes for the team and David suggests that they could co-lead the New mutants as it was done in the past, Sofia thinks this a brilliant idea and agrees which started the new age of The New Mutants.

Attack Prediction: Prodigy is able to predict physical attacks directed at him, allowing him to easily avoid or counter them. Prodigy was able predict Wolverine’s attacks when learning self-defense, managing to holding his own against the veteran X-Men. While Prodigy would not be able to defend against an energy attack, he is able to decipher where the attack would come from. For example, if Cyclops were to fire at him, Prodigy would be able to use his power to learn where the beam would be aimed towards, since Scott uses his skill at aiming.

Psychomimetic: Prodigy’s mutant ability allows him to telepathically gain/duplicate the knowledge, mental skills, and abilities (mental and physical). Not only does this make him incredibly skilled and even smarter depending on who’s near him, but it gives him a better understanding of his teammates’ skills and how to best have them work as a unit (each person’s abilities complimenting another), making him a natural leader. A side effect of his powers are self-imposed mental blocks, which prevents him from retaining the knowledge he absorbs, forgetting whatever he has learned after a short period of time (the power is completely involuntary). It’s possible that Prodigy’s mutant ability could allow him to copy others powers, however it’s unknown if he could.


Expert Leader/Strategist: Prodigy is a natural leader and strategist. He has the combined leadership skills of Cyclops, Storm, Rogue and Wolverine among others; he also possess Cyclops’ strategic knowledge. Prodigy has been compared to Cyclops and Moonstar, because of his ability to come up with plans during the field day events and out on missions. His natural leadership skills have been enhanced through contact with various X-Men and his time as co-leader of the New Mutant Squadron.

Expert Hand-to-hand Combatant: Prodigy has all the combat skills of Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat, Psylocke, and Gambit, among others.

Super-Genius: Prodigy is naturally intelligent. He completed college level courses while in high school, operates complicated technology, pilots the Blackbird, and built the Danger Cave, all without using his powers. He also possess Beast’s knowledge of science and biology, Professor Xavier’s expertise in various subjects, Iceman’s mathematical comprehension, Shadowcat’s computer prowess, his father’s culinary aptitude, the Magical know how of Doctor Strange, along with the education of most of the other X-Men and his fellow students.


Prodigy originally required corrective lenses due to his poor eyesight, until his vision was corrected by Elixir through his Biokinesis.

Doctor Positron
Dr. Positron

The son of Adam Brashear/Blue Marvel and his spy wife Candace Brashear/Agent 314. Max is Bi-racial since his father is black and his mother white.  He was in his final year at Howard University when his mother was killed. It’s unknown when he found out his father was the superhero Blue Marvel.

Max Brashear was the second son of Adam Brashear, the Blue Marvel. After his brother was left stranded in the Neutral Zone following a battle against Dr. Skorpion, Max grew distant from his father, ultimately abandoning his family and asking not to be contacted ever again.

Max started working for the terrorist organization W.E.S.P.E., under the identity of Doctor Positron, in order to fund his projects to open a portal to the Neutral Zone and bring his brother back.

A short time later, Max lured Blue Marvel and the Mighty Avengers to his base on an island where he revealed his identity to his father and activated the portal to the Neutral Zone, but the dimensional feedback caused most of his headquarters to explode, revealing a giant hand emerging from the portal.

Skills and abilities: Max is a gifted engineer and scientific mind.


Anissa Pierce is one of Black Lightning’s two daughters. Able to increase her density, she can bring the Thunder. She was a member of the Outsiders.Her father did not want her following his footsteps, and he struck a bargain with her: she would graduate from college before considering a career in crime fighting. She did, and the same night of her graduation she donned a costume and became Thunder.Although it is not clear but one assumes she got her powers genetically from her father who is also a metahuman. Her father Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning) and her mother Lynn Stewart did not want her following in his footsteps, and he struck a bargain with her: she would graduate from college before considering a career in crimefighting. She did, and the same night of her graduation she donned a costume and became Thunder. She is also the older sister of Lightning.Anissa is shown to still be a member of the team following the One Year Later event. She has been through a lot during the missing year, such as dealing with her father’s incarceration, forming a lesbian relationship with Grace, and being deep undercover in an African country. Thunder eschewed the use of the blond wig and updates her costume following the One Year Later jump. During this time period, Thunder is showing that she is becoming a more skilled crime fighter and continues to prove herself a loyal teammate.

Thunder has the ability to increase her body’s mass while preserving volume, which effectively increases her density. In this state she is near-immovable, almost completely invulnerable. A mob enforcer once suffered a compound fracture after trying to punch Thunder in the face. Notably, she can make her skin strong enough to withstand bullets. Just by stomping the ground she can create massive shockwaves.

Alvin Pierce (Grandfather, deceased)

Lynn Stewart (Mother)

Jefferson Pierce (Black Lightning, father): Jefferson Pierce is the Father of Lightning. He has absolute control of the electricity.

Jennifer Pierce (Lightning, sister): Jennifer Pierce is the daughter of Black Lightning. She has absolute control of the electricity, however she can’t interact with anything electrical.

Powers and Abilities

Thunder has the power to increase her body density, particularly at impact points such as her fists and feet, allowing her to make devastating blows and to create shockwaves along the ground. A favorite tactic of hers is to drop onto an opponent from above, increasing her density to increase the force of her impact. The density increase also makes her heavier, making her difficult to move, knock back, or grapple effectively. When using her power, she also has a considerable degree of invulnerability to physical attacks, especially those seeking to inflict damage through force or impact.

Density Manipulation: She has the ability to increase her body’s mass while preserving volume, which effectively increases her density.

Invulnerability: In this state she is near-immovable, almost completely invulnerable (a mob enforcer once suffered a compound fracture after trying to punch Thunder in the face)

Superhuman Strength: Thunder possesses strength levels that allow her to create massive shockwaves just by stomping the ground. She has been observed easily lifting/throwing objects weighing more than 7 tons.


Surgeon: Anissa is a trained doctor, so more than capable of keeping a level head in situations of blood and gore.

Connection: Her inter-personal skills however, are a little sketchy, and she’s better at reading people than she is interacting with them.

Bi-lingual: She can speak French fluently, and although has little use for it, moderate Spanish when the need arises.

Computer Knowledgeable: Her sense of direction is somewhat non-existent, but she does like to compensate with an intermediate knowledge of computers and systems so that if she does fail to meet the grade, she can at least have means to mechanically find an answer.

Dr. Cecilia Reyes

Why We Need a Hero Like Cecilia Reyes Now More Than Ever | Marvel

Raised in the Bronx, she is Latin American (originating from Puerto Rico) medical doctor specializing in trauma surgery. She has the mutant ability to project a force field around her body. Unlike most X-Men, she has no interest in superheroics, and desires only to live an ordinary life, having been forced into the team by circumstance.At six, she saw her father Alejandro Reyes gunned down in a drive-by shooting. She dedicated her life to becoming a doctor. Soon after achieving her goal, her mutant powers activated, and she contacted Charles Xavier who invited her to join Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters and his X-Men. She rejected the offer and asked Professor X to keep her status as a mutant secret, preferring to continue her trauma surgeon career at the Our Mother of Mercy Hospital in the South Bronx.

Cecilia had to deal with feelings of inadequacy as part of the X-Men. And these fears were shown to light one day when the X-Men were attacked by a dimensional race. Using an old costume once worn by the Wasp, Cecilia helped prove to herself that she was valued by defeating the attackers, even if it was accidentally. When the X-Men were attacked by the Shadow King, he tried to corrupt the newer X-Men tempting them with their secret desires. He offered Cecilia a new future with her own operating room and the knowledge the world’s best surgeons. Still, she was concerned about her fellow X-Men’s fate, and had not yet reached a decision when the Shadow King was eventually defeated by Storm and Psylocke. Afterward, Cecilia took charge of helping the injured people of Storm’s village, thus redeeming herself for letting herself be tempted.

Cecilia then went on a date with Beast, who, by co-incidence also met Reed Richards and Susan Storm, other wise known as Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman. During their date the were effected by a machine that manipulated their fear, hate and doubt. It made Cecilia beat Beast, blaming him for her hated life as a X-Man. It even prompted her to say she hated herself. After the villain was defeated Cecilia was consoled by Susan, who sympathized with her situation, a situation she’s found herself in before.

Time passed and, with Xavier missing and the school still barren, several X-Men began going their separate ways and leading their own lives. Cecilia was one of those X-Men. She opened up her own small practice in Salem Center, so she could pursue her own dream while still helping out the X-Men every now and then. For example, she would house sit at the mansion when the X-Men were away on a mission. On one occasion, she aided Wolverine in defending some Japanese agents from the mob. During this adventure, Cecilia even stood up to the Silver Samurai, and made him listen to reason rather than to resort to violence


Cecilia Reyes is a mutant.

Psioplasmic Bio-Field: generates a psioplasmic bio-field, increasing her durability. The field extends six inches from any point on her body. This field constantly surrounds her body at every given moment, completely invisible, and only takes on a glass-like translucency when subconsciously activated by a threat.

The field reacts to kinetic impact, energy signatures, certain psionic forces, temperature changes, etc. The bio-field is an extension of Cecilia’s body, and so she feels the attack as its effect is dispersed over the field. Her power is subconscious, meaning it protects her from harm whether she wants it to or not, or is aware of the incoming threat or not.

Eventually Cecilia learned how to manifest the field at will, as a weapon. Surrounding her fists with psioplasmic force can increase the bludgeoning power behind her punches; she formed spikes to kill the Neo known as Jaeger; she could expel the field outward in a hammer-like ram, etc.


Cecilia is a capable medical doctor and surgeon, making her the only member of the X-Men who is a true doctor of medicine.

Physical Strength

Dr. Reyes possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.


Calypso (comics) - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

She is a voodoo priestess who utilizes magic potions, and the occasional lover and partner of Kraven the Hunter.

Calypso is a nameless voodoo priestess of Haitian nationality. She was a psychopathic woman who was associated with Kraven the Hunter. Calypso seemed to enjoy driving Kraven into fits of rage and furthering his hatred of Spider-Man which ultimately led to Kraven’s suicide in the “Kraven’s Last Hunt” storyline.

When artist Todd McFarlane started writing the new Spider-Man comic in 1990, his opening five-issue story arc “Torment” featured Calypso as the main antagonist, whom McFarlane transformed into a dangerous threat for Spider-Man.The explanation for Calypso’s supernatural powers was the sacrifice of her younger sister. She used her abilities to hold Lizard in her grasp and the two nearly succeeded in murdering Spider-Man. However, the webslinger managed to beat them both and Calypso is apparently killed.

Calypso resurfaces abducting Haitian refugees, turning some into zombie slaves and selling the rest back to her homeland’s government. Her actions bring her into conflict with Daredevil and his Infinity War doppelganger, Hellspawn. Calypso briefly enthralls Daredevil, but he is able to break free of her control, and she seemingly dies yet again when the spirits of those she turned into zombies overwhelm her.Cheating death once more, Calypso flees to New Orleans, where her obsession with necromancy leads her to the resting place of Simon Garth, a self-aware zombie. Reviving Garth, Calypso tests his abilities and pits him against Hellspawn, though he eventually breaks free of her control and wanders off, leaving one of his Amulets of Damballah with Calypso.

Calypso subsequently breaks into the Vault and attempts to make the incarcerated Lizard her servant again, but he resists and mauls her. The Amulet of Damballah, which Calypso transferred her soul into while dying, ends up in the possession of Glory Grant, who Calypso possesses. Despite interference from Spider-Man, Garth, and Shotgun, Calypso is successfully able to exhume her own corpse and revive herself with the Amulet of Damballah.

Commanding a squad of savages, she later attacks Spider-Man and Alyosha Kravinoff, the son of the original Kraven the Hunter. Desiring revenge for losing Sergei, she uses her powers to drive Spider-Man and Alyosha into fighting each other. Spider-Man and Alyosha fight off her spell, and shared a handshake. Alyosha says that he will hold Calypso at his mansion, so the villainess can tell him about his long-lost father. However, Alyosha kills Calypso instead.

Powers and abilities

Calypso was well-versed in the religion and practice of voodoo. She often used voodoo drums, potions, and charms. Calypso used mind control, resurrection, and poisons.


Eli Bradley has a family legacy of heroes. After losing the secrets of the Super Soldier Serum when Dr. Erskine died, the United States Army still wanted to produce more Super Soldiers like Steve Rogers. To this end, Col. Walker Price and Dr. Wilfred Nagel took 300 African-American soldiers from Mississippi to experiment upon. Only a handful of men survived the gruesome process, and only one of them survived the covert missions and assignments: Isaiah Bradley,Eli’s grandfather. His uncle, Josiah X, continued the family tradition, enlisting in Vietnam War. Later he even took up Isaiah’s old Captain America uniform and joined the Crew. Before Isaiah received the Super Soldier Serum, he fathered Sarah Gail, Eli’s mother. Because of this Eli was born with no superhuman abilities.

Shortly after the Avengers had disbanded, a younger version of Kang the Conqueror traveled to the present era, with the goal of stopping his future self. Unsuccessful in his attempts to contact the Avengers, he downloaded the The Vision’s programming and operating system from the remains of the destroyed Avengers Mansion. Among the Vision files, he found the Avengers Fail-Safe Program. Dubbing himself Iron Lad, he began to seek Avengers recruit in the New York City area. One of these recruits was Josiah X, Eli’s uncle. However, Josiah had been out of contact with his family for years. Eli lied to Iron Lad, claiming to be a Super Soldier due to a blood transfusion from his grandfather, and volunteered for Iron Lad’s team. Eli then began using the illegal Mutant Growth Hormone (MGH) pills to fabricate superhuman abilities. Wearing a costume very similar to that of Captain America’s original sidekick, Bucky, Eli donned a full cowl and a set of five-pointed throwing stars as Patriot, and alongside his new teammates Hulkling, Asgardian and Iron Lad, formed the Young Avengers.
After several weeks of training, the Young Avengers began taking on superhero missions.Their second mission was an attempted to save two hundred guests at St. Patrick’s Cathedral when they were taken hostage during Susan Bishop’ wedding. Unfortunately, the Young Avengers were only successful in starting a fire and becoming hostages themselves. It was a bridesmaid, Kate Bishop, that actually saved them using one of Patriot’s own throwing stars. The Young Avengers were able, however, to escape the scene before the police arrived.


Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Eli was originally born with no superhuman powers. However, after receiving a blood transfusion from his maternal grandfather Isaiah, he became mutated due to exposure to the Super-Soldier Serum which enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human potential, his powers including:

  • Peak Human Strength: Eli’s physical strength is enhanced to the peak of human potential. He is stronger than normal humans. While not superhuman, he is strong enough to lift up to 800 lbs with maximum effort.
  • Peak Human Speed: Eli can run and move at great speeds faster than normal humans. He is capable of reaching up to 30 mph. At peak capacity, he can fully exert his speeds for no more than 35 mph. On one occasion, he has been shown to almost outrunning a helicopter.
  • Peak Human Stamina: Eli’s musculature produces considerably fewer fatigue-toxins, allowing him to physically exert himself for up to one hour before showing any signs of fatigue. His lung capacity is at peak human level enabling him to hold the breath for 6 minutes underwater.
  • Peak Human Durability: His skin, bone, and muscle tissues are augmented to levels that are denser and harder than normal humans. He shrugged off a hail of tranquilizer darts and survived a building of massive explosion without stopping.
  • Peak Human Healing: Eli’s healing speed is faster than normal humans. He is able to regenerate injured tissue, brain cells, heal broken bones and torn muscles to an extraordinary level. However, he is unable to regenerate missing limbs or organs.
  • Foreign Chemical Immunity: The Super Soldier Serum in his body are efficient enough to keep him from becoming intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, poison gases and impurities in the air.
  • Disease Immunity: Due to his highly efficient immune system, Eli is immune to all Earthly poisons, toxins, venom, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, gas attacks, and nerve-toxins of any kind.
  • Peak Human Agility: Eli’s agility, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination is enhanced to the levels that are above than an Olympic gold medalist. He has the combined agility and acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats.
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Eli’s reflexes are enhanced to the levels that are superior to that of any Olympic-level athlete that has ever compete.
  • Peak Human Intelligence: His mental performance has been greatly enhanced, allowing it to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. His mind also processes information quickly, giving him an accelerated learning aptitude or knack for quickly analyzing multiple information streams and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations when necessary. He possesses an eidetic/photographic memory and perfect recall.
  • Extended Longevity: The SSS dramatically slows Eli aging due to extensively healthy cells regenerating. Much like Isaiah Bradley and Josiah X, two others exposed to the Super Soldier Serum.
  • Skilled Combatant: Even without his powers, Eli, partially through his adventures with the Young Avengers, is a experienced combatant.
  • Skilled Athlete: Eli is an excellent athlete and has portrayed skill in Parkour.
  • Skilled Tactician: Eli was shown to be a capable leader and a naturally skilled tactician.
Physical Strength

Peak Human Strength



  • Patriot’s Uniform: Elijah’s costume is visually similar to both Captain America’s late sidekick Bucky and Captain America/Isaiah Bradley’s classic uniform.


  • Patriot’s Shield: Eli wields a replica of Captain America’s original shield.
  • Throwing Stars: Eli uses a personal array of five-pointed throwing stars.

Isaiah Bradley

Who Is Isaiah Bradley? - The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Introduces  Patriot's Grandfather

Isaiah Bradley aka the Black Captain America was one of 300 African-American soldiers who were used as test subjects at Camp Cathcart as part of the Project Rebirth’s attempt to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. Bradley, the only survivor, took on the mantle of Captain America and traveled to Europe to fight in the war. This was seen as treasonous by the military, who sentenced him to life in prison as punishment, although he was released after 17 years.His legacy remained a secret to the world at large but became a legend and a hero to the black community.

Isaiah Bradley grew up in New York City. When he met Faith Shabazz, the two fell in love and were soon married in 1940. They spent their honeymoon at the World’s Fair in Queens. Unfortunately, the two were soon parted when, after Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, the United States of America entered the war, and Isaiah joined the the army. This parting was compounded by Faith’s pregnancy with their first daughter, Sarah Gail Bradley.After losing the secrets of the Super Soldier Serum with the death of Dr. Erskine, the United States Army still wanted to produce more Super Soldiers like Steve Rogers. Col. Walker Price and Dr. Wilfred Nagel forcibly recruited Isaiah and 300 other African-American soldiers to serve as test subjects to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. To keep the operation secret, families were sent letters informing them of the soldiers’ deaths. Although, Faith refused to accept Isaiah’s death, and continued to look for the truth.Bradley’s last assignment was a suicide mission to kill Doctor Kosh, stop the development of the German Super Soldier formula, and destroy a Nazi death camp in Schwarzebitte, Germany. Before leaving on the mission, Isaiah took a Captain America costume and shield with him. His mission was successful but was also captured. Luckily, while being transported, Isaiah was rescued by a group of German freedom fighters. Months after Isaiah was rescued from Germany, he was able to finally return home where he was promptly court-martialed and given life in prison for stealing the Captain America costume. Starting in 1943, Isaiah served seventeen years in solitary confinement. There his body and mind slowly deteriorate due to unforeseen side effects of the Super Soldier Serum. He was only released because Faith wrote President Eisenhower a letter every month for three years. In 1960, on the day of Kennedy inauguration, Isaiah was granted a full pardon and swore to secrecy.

Though they were sworn to secrecy, the legend of Isaiah Bradley, The Black Captain America began to spread through among the Black community, via the Blackvine. Numerous members of the Black community began and continued to come and visited Bradley as a sign of respect and, in many cases, hero worship. Some notable visitors include Malcolm X, Richard Pryor, Muhammad Ali, Angela Davis, Alex Haley, Nelson Mandela, and Colin Powell. Outside the Black community, however, he remained largely unknown. When Bradley arrived as a special guest at the wedding of Storm and the Black Panther, several black superheroes (such as Luke Cage, Goliath, Pulsar, Triathlon and Falcon) were awestruck while white superheroes (like Wolverine) were totally unaware of Bradley’s identity or importance.


In addition to caring for Isaiah, Faith helped care for her many grandchildren, and when Sarah Gail remarried and moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, she allowed her grandson, Eli, to live with her to finish out high school.

Without his grandparents’ knowledge, Eli became a founding member of the Young Avengers, lied about gaining Super Soldier powers from a blood transfusion from Isaiah, and began using Mutant Growth Hormone to simulate Super Soldier powers. When Captain America confronted her with information in an effort to disband the Young Avengers, Faith was shocked. Later during a battle between the Kree, the Skrulls forces, the Young Avengers and the New Avengers, Eli used himself to shield Captain America from gunfire and was severely injured. After the battle Captain America rushed to the hospital to give Eli a blood transfusion only to discover “the other Super-Soldier”, Isaiah, had already given Eli his blood. Since the transfusion, Eli gained the physical attributes and powers of a real Super Soldier.

Josiah al hajj Saddiq Heroic Adventurists — Captain America, Josiah X and Patriot

Josiah X was a Muslim minister and activist. Josiah X was the genetically engineered child of Isaiah and Faith Bradley, born to be a Super Soldier.

During Bradley’s imprisonment, the U.S. military began experiments to duplicate his powers and create more Super Soldiers. To this end, they harvested blood from Isaiah Bradley (before the Super Soldier Serum made him super durable) to create a child who would be as receptive to the Super Soldier process as Isaiah Bradley was. Thirty-eight failed attempts occurred before the child named Josiah was finally carried to term. A young African-American girl matching Faith’s blood type served as surrogate mother, but when she discovered the truth about what the child would be used for, she escaped with Josiah and found Faith Bradley. Faith publicly told the girl she was stupid, that their house was watched, and with Sarah Gail’s doll in the basket she sent the girl out, screaming for her to run. Then, late at night Faith and Sarah Gail snuck out of the house and put the infant on a train. Sarah Gail left a note on her brother’s blanket, “My name is Josiah.”

Josiah served several tours in Vietnam, becoming a seasoned and experience veteran. His combat unit, made up of primarily black soldiers, was nearly killed on a mission by an inconsiderate and racist officer’s order to bomb the area while they were still on patrol. He punched the officer and was court martialed, and sent back to the States to be held in military prison.

While imprisoned, tests suggested Josiah may be the missing Super Soldier baby. Agreeing to what he was told would be minor tests in exchange for his freedom, Josiah willfully allowed his transfer from detainment in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to a secret research facility in Berkeley, California. It was here that blood tests proved he was the missing child and the only known subject that had survived. His surrogate mother, brought in to confirm a genetic match, again helped him escape and told him what she knew about his past, the first names of his genetic parents.

Josiah grew up in a Catholic orphanage outside of Boston during the early years of his life. Here he felt hopeless and abandoned by the God he was taught to worship. When Josiah’s powers manifested, he shoved Sister Irenia and accidentally knocked her unconscious. Fearing he had killed her, he fled. Not long after, Josiah lied about his age, and under the assumed name of Josiah Smith he enlisted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.

Four years later, while Josiah was involved with the radical Black Panther Party movement, he learned of the Super Soldier experiments on black enlisted men in WWII, and found the names of his parents. Mount Vernon, Virginia, Josiah returned to the Bradley home and met his mother, sister and childlike father. Unable to stay long for fear of being discovered, Faith told Josiah to return when it was time. Faith told him to leave promptly, as they were always being watched, so he left, and waited for a signal to return.

For a time Josiah lived as a mercenary and killed for profit. Eventually, Josiah discovered the Islamic faith and found his purpose in it. He completed the hajj, the traditional Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Upon returning to the States, Josiah made his way to Boton to confess the murder of Sister Irenia. To his surprise, she was still alive and healthy, and the two began a deep and meaningful friendship. Upon her retirement, Irenia came to live with Josiah as his housekeeper and mentor.

Josiah became a Muslim minister, and opened a mosque in Little Mogadishu (“The Mog”) in Brooklyn. Josiah became involved with James “Rhodey” Rhodes after Rhodey’s sister died under mysterious circumstances. Eventually, Josiah came to join Rhodey’s “Crew” to bring down the drug-dealing, crime-lord, Triage and his 66 Bridge Gang. Armed with his father’s shield, Josiah determined to no longer turn a blind eye to the criminal activities in his community.

Josiah continued to periodically visit the Bradley family after they moved back to The Bronx, enjoying time with the family he never had. Some time later it was revealed that Josiah had stopped visiting, and had not been seen by the family in over a year.


Justice has powers similar to his father and his nephew. During his creation his genetic code was monitored with great precision, and manipulated to compensate for the side effects of the unrefined Super Soldier Serum. These powers include:

  • Peak Human Strength: Josiah’s strength is increased to the peak of human potential. He is stronger than normal humans. He could lift up to 800 lbs, which gave him the power to bend a very strong rusty iron bars as his powers manifested as a teen at the orphanage.
  • Peak Human Speed: Josiah is faster than normal humans. He could run and move at great speeds, which makes him capable of reaching up to 30 mph. On one occasion, he has been shown to easily outrun a squad of soldiers after breaking out of the testing facility he was in.
  • Peak Human Stamina: Josiah’s musculature produced less fatigue toxins during physical activity than most other humans, though not to a superhuman degree. He could physically exert himself at peak capacity for up to 1 hour before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood began to impair him.
  • Peak Human Durability: He is more resistant to physical injury than that of normal humans. While not superhuman, he is able to fall from several stories like 100 ft and withstand certain amounts of blows from superhuman opponents. For example, if a person beats him with a ironwood baseball bat, the bat will easily break and he would shown a little discomfort.
  • Peak Human Agility: Josiah’s agility is also increased to the level that is, while not superhuman, superior to that of any Olympic athlete that has ever competed.
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Josiah’s reflexes were increased to the levels that is superior to that of any Olympic athlete.
  • Peak Human Healing: Josiah’s healing is faster than normal humans. He is able to heal broken bones, torn muscles, several gunshot & knife wounds and other severe injuries within of several days and most lesser injuries like cuts, scrapes and burns within hours. Unlike his father and his nephew, it is unknown if he is capable of regenerating lost limbs.
  • Peak Human Senses: Josiah’s sense are enhanced to the peak of human potential.
  • Peak Human Longevity: Josiah’s aging is dramatically slowed due to having incredibly healthy cells in his body.
  • Peak Human Intelligence: Unlike his father, Josiah’s mental performance has been greatly enhanced while his creation was being monitored, allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. One manifestation of this is his tactical genius; the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Josiah also possesses an eidetic memory, meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall. This enables him to remember any military tactic and apply it to any situation.

In the course of his many years, Justice has had experience and training as a soldier, a radical activist, and as a mercenary. He has learned a variety of martial arts styles, foreign languages, and weapons training.

Kevin “Kasper” Cole White Tiger


The son of Jonathan Payton “Black Jack” Cole, hardline African-American cop nicknamed “Black Jack” because of his dark skin tone, and Ruth Cole, a white Jewish mother, Kevin Cole was nicknamed “Kasper” by his peers because of his light skin tone. As a teenager, he saw his father arrested for drug offenses.Although Kasper believed that Black Jack framed, Black Jack was secretly the leader of the 66 Bridges Gang and continued to run their operations from prison.

Kasper grew up to became a narcotics officer in the 74th Precinct’s Organized Crime Control Bureau, supporting both his mother and his pregnant girlfriend Gwen . Although, he still pined for his high school sweetheart Grace, he stayed with Gwen when she had become pregnant with his child.Hungry for promotion, Cole and his crew carried out unauthorized drug busts, drawing unwelcome attention from Lieutenant Sal Anthony, his superior officer and a crooked cop working for the 66 Bridges Gang. Around this time, Kasper “borrowed” a bulletproof Black Panther costume being stored by his boss Sergeant Tork, and began wearing it under his clothes instead of his department-issued bulletproof vest. Kasper thought that the costume would give him the necessary edge to stand out and get his desired promotion. After failing to recruit Kasper, Sal had Kasper and his fellow officers ambushed. Thanks to the costume, Kasper survived, though the other officers were hospitalized in the ICU.Suspended for not wearing his vest, Kasper posed as the Black Panther to bring down Sal and the 66 Bridges Gang. Kasper eventually learned that he was a pawn being manipulated of T’Challa and Hunter, the White Wolf. His crime-fighting eventually pitted him against the 66 Bridges Gang and its regional manager Nigel “Triage” Blacque, the CEO of Grace & Tumbalt. Unbeknownst to Cole, Triage was secretly his half-brother.


Thanks to Killmonger, Kasper was given a synthetic version of the heart-shaped herbal potion that gives the Black Panther their powers.

That gave him superhuman and peak human physical abilities including:

  • Superhumanly Acute Senses: He can see with greater clarity and greater distances than any ordinary human. His vision extends into the ultraviolet and infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see in near-total darkness and retain the same level of clarity. Kevin’s sense of hearing is enhanced enabling him to hear sounds that an ordinary human cannot and to be able to hear sounds that an ordinary human can, but at much greater distances. Kevin can memorize tens of thousands of scents and track them to the exact location, Kevin can sense others’ emotions, can smell fear, and detect if someone is lying. Kevin’s sense of taste is sensitive to the point that he can taste the exact ingredients of any food he is eating. Kevin’s sense of touch allows him to feel minute temperature and pressure changes in the atmosphere around him as well as pick up even the slightest vibrations enabling him to sense his entire surroundings constantly and flawlessly.
  • Peak Human Strength: The special herb has enhanced Kevin’s physical strength to the pinnacle of human perfection. His physical strength is superior to any Olympic-class weightlifter and far superior to normal humans, allowing him to consistently sustain lifts exceeding 800 lbs.
  • Peak Human Speed: Kevin can run and move at speeds superior to those of any Olympic athlete. He can reach speeds of 35 mph.
  • Peak Human Stamina: Kevin’s body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles; he is unable to feel the fatigue toxins flowing through his body, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity. His lung capacity is at the peak human levels, enabling him to hold his breath underwater for 6 minutes. As a result, he has virtually limitless stamina in all physical activities.
  • Accelerated Healing: Healing speed and efficiency is beyond the highest limits of human potential, which means he can heal faster than most human beings. Kevin can flawlessly regenerate injured tissue and brain cells to an extraordinary degree, heal broken bones, broken neck, torn muscles, and regenerate damaged or destroyed limbs and/or organs.
  • Disease Immunity: Due to his highly efficient immune system, Kevin is immune to all Earthly poisons, toxins, venom, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, gas attacks, and nerve-toxins of any kind.
  • Peak Human Durability: Kevin’s resilience is enhanced. His skin, muscle, and bone tissues are augmented to levels that are much denser and harder than normal humans. When a normal man repeatably punched him, Kevin felt no discomfort and the assailant hurt his hand. Kevin was unfazed by an entire Warehouse collapsing on him. When he was shot at close range, rather than penetrating through his chest, the bullets were lodged in his muscles.
  • Peak Human Agility: Kevin’s agility, equilibrium, balance, flexibility, dexterity, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels superior to any Olympic-level athlete that has ever competed. He is extraordinarily limber; his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being’s. He can perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. He is flexible enough to move through the narrowest creeks and dodge attacks even at close range.
  • Perfect Equilibrium: Kevin instantly achieves a state of perfect equilibrium in any position. He adjusts his position by instinct, enabling him to automatically balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Kevin’s reaction time is superior to that of any Olympic athlete that has ever competed. He can effortlessly dodge bullets, blitz multiple opponents before they can react, and move his hands so fast that they have acted as makeshift blades. When a situation emerges, an optimal solution is executed automatically. He can automatically identify and escape dangerous situations and evade opponents without consciously thinking out a plan of action.


  • Combat: Hand-to-hand combat training due to being a law enforcement officer.
  • Expert Tracker & Hunter: Due to his enhanced sense of smell, Kevin is a dangerous/proficient tracker and has memorized many different scents.
  • Detective Skill: Experienced detective, capable of observation, forensic investigation, inductive and deductive reasoning.

Erik Killmonger 

Black Panther Vol4 37.jpg
Erik Killmonger In Comics Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel

Native born of Wakanda, Erik was born under the name N’Jadaka. His parents were killed by raiders led by a traitorous citizen of the Golden Realm who sold out secrets of his home nation to Ulysses Klaue.

He was taken and raised abroad by his hateful caretakers, and given a new name and identity by those who had robbed him of paradise. N’Jadaka was a gifted intellect from an early age. This trait was exploited by his surrogate father M’Demwe, the very same who murdered his family before taking him into the outside world, all while boasting of national superiority as they trekked foreign lands.

All the while, N’Jadaka fostered a deep resentment towards everyone and everything for all the horrible events that befell him, while his future nemesis T’Challa would be crowned king after the death of his father.

Eventually, the youth tired of his life in servitude and his childhood of hardship, and executed M’Demwe, brutally shooting, then stabbing the traitor to death, before striving to find his own path.He later changed his name to Erik Killmonger, and studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, still desperate to avenge his father’s death.

While studying in Harlem, New York, Erik attempted multiple times to murder the source of his woes, but was confounded by supervillainous power players working under the likes of Wilson Fisk/Kingpin.

That mercenary outfit of mutants took Killmonger on as a temporary member within their crew of hired guns. Eventually he fell in love with a fellow teammate, Knight and found temporary solace in their company, while taking odd jobs under the lord of crime in New York. All of that eventually fell apart when their employer sold them out to his top operator Bullseye. His love interest, Knight, subsequently cut a deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. behind the backs of what remained of the team so she could get an easy out from her life of crime.

Killmonger would eventually embrace his chosen name, as well as a new goddess named K’liluna, fallen sister of Mother Bast, when he exacted revenge upon his scorned lover before disappearing into obscurity for a time.

Killmonger returned to Wakanda after king T’Challa brought their homeland to the attentions of the outside world.The two would converse about Wakandan theology while asking about the deity whom Erik was secretly living with, all whilst plotting his revenge against his liege, and the nation he blamed for his abandonment to the corruption beyond it.While re-acquainting himself with the land that left him behind, N’Jadaka would discover plans for a WMD called Project: Koukou, a deadly vibranium shock bomb meant to act as a colonizer deterrent. He then set about systematically killing other Wakandan refugees as an effective misdirection ploy so as to foment his plans for global conflict.

Killmonger’s ultimate aim was to drop Koukou on a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier coming in for diplomatic treaties, framing the hidden nation as aggressors on the world stage, and forcing them to go to war with everyone else, thus; allowing Killmonger to overthrow T’Challa and lead his people to storm over the world in a genocidal crusade. When Shuri trapped him in an invention, instead of being arrested, he jumped from a plane into a lake, where he was believed to have survived.

What became of Killmonger afterward is a mystery. He would eventually settle in a kingdom-based hamlet that would later change its name to N’Jadaka Village in his honor. He became a subversive, with dreams of ridding Wakanda of what he termed “white colonialist” cultural influences, and return it entirely to its ancient ways.He then took advantage of Black Panther’s frequent absences in America with the Avengers to stage a coup d’état, along with Baron Macabre. He was defeated and killed, until the Mandarin claimed his body.Using the ten rings, the Mandarin was able to amplify the resurrection altar and restore Killmonger to life. Killmonger returned to his lover and ally, Madam Slay, and the two plotted to kill the Black Panther and return Wakanda to its ancient ways. While Tony Stark visited Wakanda, Madam Slay drugged James Rhodes and took him prisoner. Killmonger appeared to have killed Black Panther, and blamed Rhodes and Stark, convincing the Wakandans that he could lead them to vengeance. Black Panther returned, revealing that he had faked his death using a life model decoy. Black Panther defeated Killmonger. The Mandarin recalled his ring and Killmonger reverted to an inanimate skeleton. Killmonger’s followers resurrected him again and he would clash with T’Challa on several other occasions.

Killmonger eventually came out of his coma, thus; reclaiming his position as chieftain over Wakanda. He went to New York and contacted Kasper Cole, an inner-city police officer masquerading as Black Panther to help him with cases, and attempted to gain him as an ally (and one-up T’Challa) by offering him a buffered version of Black Panther’s heart-shaped herb and help finding his supervisor’s kidnapped son. In exchange, he had to drop the identity of Black Panther and take up that of a White Tiger acolyte of the Panther cult, and would owe Killmonger a favor. While Kasper agreed to this, he then used his new herb-enhanced powers to track down the boy on his own to avoid owing Killmonger an unpayable debt.

T’Challa is then once again the sole ruler of Wakanda when Killmonger resurfaces and takes control of the neighboring country of Niganda. During a subsequent duel with T’Challa, Killmonger is killed by Monica Rambeau, whom he had previously captured and imprisoned. Killmonger’s young son is last seen swearing vengeance against Black Panther, much like N’Jadaka had done years earlier after the death of his own father.

Powers and abilities

Erik Killmonger is an expert martial artist with peak-level strength and a genius-level intellect. He is also an expert tactician, having taken over Wakanda and Niganda multiple times. Erik is capable of taking attacks from stronger foes and falls from great heights that would kill or injure a normal person with little to no injury (he still can be hurt or killed if enough damage is sustained). He is highly knowledgeable of Wakanda/African history and laws, leading to him battling Black Panther constantly for the throne. It is also strongly implied that he cannot consume the Heart-Shaped Herb to gain the same abilities of the Black Panther due to his not having the royal bloodline.He is also a skilled businessman.


Amanda McKee is a psionic teletechnopath who is able to control machines with her will. She was orphaned at a young age and sent to live in an orphanage where she was discovered by Toyo Harada. Harada brought Amanda into his Harbinger Foundation and she quickly rose in the ranks, taking the name Livewire and becoming one of Harada’s most trusted students. Fearing her mentor’s lust for power, an act of betrayal against Harada led Livewire to be temporarily expelled from the foundation.
Harada ended Livewire’s expulsion and asked her to join the super powered team Unity to defeat X-O Manowar. Once the mission was complete however, Livewire discovered Harada’s desire for world domination and once again betrayed her mentor.

As a psiot and former member of the Harbinger Foundation, Amanda McKee was one of Mr. Harada’s most trusted and adept lieutenants. He personally trained and supervised her, helping Livewire hone the unique abilities she grew into with age as a warrior within his army.

  • Advanced knowledge of martial arts, adapt enough to take on physically superior opponents like War-Monger.
  • Genius Level Intelligence
  • Ability to mentally interface with and control electrical machines.
  • X-O Armor enhanced her powers, now she is a living modem able to connect with the net with her mind.
  • Psychically able to commandeer any mechanical parts or bits of junk to create weapons, shielding or armor for herself.
X-O Nano Suit
  • Laser Cannon Projection
  • Flight
  • Electrostatic Energy Discharge
Why doesn't it matter that Wally West is now black? | Ask the DC Multiverse  Historian

Wallace West, the third Kid Flash, is the teenage sidekick of the Flash and the son of Daniel West, the second Reverse-Flash.

Wally’s parentage was a complicated story. Wally, like his older cousin who shares his name with him, was named after their great-grandfather. Wally’s father Daniel West hid his true identity from his son, bonding and remaining in the boy’s life as his “uncle” rather than his father.

Wally was originally a delinquent; he was disobedient and a troublemaker. When Wally’s mother went missing when the Crime Syndicate tore through Central City, his aunt Iris West took him in but even she couldn’t keep him out of trouble.The boy eventually began to ease out of his rebellious nature when he gained an admiration for Central City’s hometown superhero the Flash. Wally eventually gained a connection to the mysterious Speed Force, giving him superspeed that was unpredictable and hard to control, when a future version of himself sent his powers through time to his past self before dying. With his new powers, Wally attempted to help the Flash and his aunt in any way he could.

Powers and Abilities


  • Speed Force Conduit: After his future counterpart’s death, Wallace gained a connection to the Speed Force, a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time and space itself forward. As it does this, the Speed Force creates excess energy that builds up and needs to be released. Wally, along with all speedsters connected to the Force, acts as a release valve for the Speed Force. When Wallace uses his powers, he taps into that built up energy and expends it.
    • Superhuman Speed: Wallace is capable of moving at vast superhuman speeds and can only be perceived as a blur to the naked eye, as well as run across water and up buildings.Wallace does admit he is not as fast as Barry Allen.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Wallace possesses reflexes far greater than a normal human being. This allows him to perceive the world in slow motion
    • Superhuman Stamina: Wallace’s body can handle the stress of moving at superhuman speeds for long periods of time without out getting tired or weak.
    • Superhuman Agility: Wallace’s agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels. This allows him to easily make sharp turns and leap far distances while moving at superhuman speed.
    • Speed Force Aura: As explained by Barry Allen, a speedsters body is surrounded by a “friction cushion”, which provides light protection from the nastier elements of their speed, including friction, airborne particulate matter, kinetic impacts, G-Force and the like.
      • Superhuman Durability: Wallace is capable of resisting tremendous kinetic impact forces that could easily crush or kill a human, without suffering any serious external or internal injuries.
    • Accelerated Healing: Wallace is able to rapidly regenerate from injuries at rates much quicker than any normal human.
    • Aerokinesis: By running in a circular motion or spinning his arms at super-speed, Wallace is able to generate strong vortices of wind.He was also able to use his speed to generate enough differential wind to cancel out the force of a large tidal wave.
    • Dimensional Travel: By homing in on the energy signature left by Deathstroke’s gravity sheath, Wallace was able to accelerate faster than ever before, past light-speed and into the Speed Force.
    • Electrokinesis: Wallace is able to generate and manipulate the electrical energy he draws from the Speed Force. This Speed Force lightning emanates off of him as a red aura of electricity, especially when he moves at super-speed. Wallace was able to use his Speed Force lightning to restart the Flash’s heart after it had given out.
      • Electro-Blast: Wallace has learned that if he focuses, he can project his Speed Force energy as bolts of lightning from his hands. By running in circles, he can build a larger charge and hurl much more powerful lightning bolts.
      • Electromagnetism: Due to his electrokinetic abilities, Wallace possesses some level of manipulation over magnetism. He can use his lightning to create electromagnetic fields.
      • Energy Construct Creation: Wallace discovered if he concentrated, he could use the Speed Force to create solid energy constructs, which he used to compose his costume.
      • Light Projection: When in extreme duress, Wallace is able to generate blinding amounts of light through sheer force of will.
      • Speed Force Absorption: By interlocking energy currents, Wallace can drain away the Speed Force, or Negative Speed Force from other speedsters who’s DNA has not completely bonded to the Speed Force, or energy sources such as a Speed Force storm.
      • Speed Force Negation: By interlocking his Speed Force energy currents with another speedster, Wallace is able to temporarily short circuit the other speedsters power, creating a “lightning burst”.He was also able to calm the Negative Speed Force in the Flash, by interlocking energy currents with him.
    • Enhanced Senses: The Speed Force grants Wallace enhanced senses that allow him to perceive the world at a rate attuned his reaction speed.When the Flash “died” after his heart gave out, the Speed Force drew Wallace to his location. He was also able to feel the Speed Force in Wally’s body after his death.
    • Molecular Acceleration: When Wallace vibrates his molecules too fast, he can cancel out the molecular frequency of objects around him and destroy them.
    • Speed Steal: Wallace is able to absorb the speed and/or momentum from moving objects. He demonstrated this by slowing a group of airborne bullets.
    • Time Travel: By running fast enough, Wally was able to travel back to the time stream and then to the present from being in stuck in “Nowhen”.

Jackson King is the son of Isaiah King, a member of IO’s Team 1. He served as a leader of Stormwatch One as Battalion before he became the head of the organization.

Jackson King is a skilled telepath and telekinetic. On their own, his powers work on a small scale for more specific tasks. Battalion can disrupt individual minds, generate force fields, construct illusions, and manipulate small objects, atoms and particles.

The first iteration of the Stormwatch Program was known as Stormwatch Prime and consisted of Flashpoint, Nautika, Sunburst, Backlash and Jackson King as Battalion.

Backlash was made team leader because of his strong psionic powers, his athletic physique and his ability to keep a cool head under pressure. He led Stormwatch Prime on many successful missions until an accident in at the end of Desert Storm. In their first confrontation with Deathtrap and the Mercs, Flashpoint, Nautika and Sunburst fell before the enemy and were presumed dead. Only Backlash and Battalion escaped, but the loss dealt a heavy blow to King. Between that loss and the evil path his father took, self-doubt started to form in his mind.

As Battalion he was given a special Cybertran suit that amplified his abilities over 100 times and then focused them through guns. With the suit on his psionic powers are far more potent and can be used for large scale effects, such as crushing space ships and ripping apart multiple-mile wide space stations. His guns fire his amplified psionic abilities in a focused beam that causes physical and mental damage.

Battalion is skilled at using his abilities through technology (for example, broadcasting telepathic and telekinetic attacks through connected devices). This may be a result of his use of the Cybertran suit, or it may just be that he knows how to use his psionics through physical systems. Battalion has also used his psionics to scan people to repair damage to their bodies.

Battalion possesses the unique ability to turn his psionic powers inward to increase his physical abilities to levels well above the 100 ton mark. Battalion may use this ability unconsciously at a low level since he has displayed superhuman reflexes without any visible psionic augmentation. After being shot in the head by his wife, new abilities started to show up, including the ability to see glimpses of the future. Jackson believes that the damage to his brain may have removed limits he had placed on himself in order to avoid becoming like his father, who while being a much more powerful psychic, was evil and insane.

Some displays of Battalion’s psionic abilities include:

  • Telepathic communication
  • Thought reading
  • Memory reading
  • Mind detection
  • Psi-blasts (capable of erasing minds)
  • Psi-shields (other uses of TK include for-fitting restraints/immobilization)
  • Psi-scanning (of physical conditions for healing)
  • Illusions (has one up 24/7 to cover wounds, can project images of himself)
  • Increased reflexes
  • Strength amplification
  • Routing psychic powers through circuitry
  • Manipulation of electricity
  • Flight

In addition to his psychic abilities, Battalion is an excellent hand to hand combatant and more than capable leader. During his time in Stormwatch, Battalion has become knowledgeable about the workings of advanced technology, mostly due to time spent improving his Cyber-Tran suit. Battalion is also a skilled pilot.


Gentle (Character) - Comic Vine

Nezhno Abidemi is the son of a Wakandanwoman and a Russianman. All his life Nezhno was persecuted and rejected, even by his own mother, because his father was an outsider, and it was from him whom Nezhno inherited his X-Gene. Nezhno was raised at the Royal Court of Wakanda. When his mutant powers manifested, Ororo Munroe, the new queen of Wakanda, advised her husband King T’Challa to send Nezhno to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning to learn how to control his powers.As a consequence of the abuse he endured when he was a kid, Nezhno developed a psychological trauma, which caused him to suffer great pain and seizures.To ease his condition, Nezhno’s entire body was covered with Vibranium tattoos to prevent him from over-exerting and killing himself with his power. Perhaps for that, and because he was a pacifist, he was given the codename Gentle, and was immediately placed on Storm’s squad so she could take a hands on role in his development.When the first mutant since M-Day was born, most of the X-Men went looking for her; only students and several members of the team stayed in the Institute. Shortly thereafter it was attacked by an out of control Sentinel Squad O*N*E. Believing that the Sentinels planned to kill them all, Gentle decided to fight at full strength, regardless of the consequences for his health or life. Nezhno fought with the Sentinels on equal terms, but still in the end he was blasted away and lost consciousness.Later, he once again used his powers to protect fellow students from Predator X.Nezhno, together with Queen Ororo, returned to Wakanda. Doctors examined his body and found that his condition worsened during his time in the United States and, therefore, he needed more tattoos.All he ever wanted was to be accepted by his own people. and had hoped that during his absence the Wakandans changed their opinion of him. Unfortunately, Nezhno quickly ascertained that everything remained the same and even his mother, whom he hadn’t seen for many years, berated him for returning to Wakanda. Once again rejected by his country, Gentle finally realized that the only people who ever accepted him were the X-Men, and regretted that he pushed away those who tried to be his friends.


Muscle-Mass Expansion: Nezhno has the ability to increase the muscle-mass of his body, allowing him to drastically increase in size and strength almost instantly.

  • Extreme Strength:The upper limit of Nezhno’s strength has not been categorized, and he has shown himself strong enough to hold his own in battle against a Sentinel, as well as Predator X. Storm stated that his physical strength rivals that of Colossus, placing him at least Class 100 strength. Nezhno’s resting strength gradually increases every time he uses his powers.
  • Superhuman Durability: Nezhno’s body is very tough; he is able to withstand high atmospheric pressure, point-blank shot, Cyclops’ optic blast, and Sentinel laser blast. It was stated that at his peak, he could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk.

Physical Strength

Variable, up to Class 100;It was stated that at his peak, he could go toe-to-toe with the Hulk, and that he was one of the strongest mutants the world had seen.

Raquel Ervin was Rocket, the sidekick of Icon. She joined the Team in its first year and graduated to the Justice League.

Raquel Ervin was born in Paris Island, the poorest, most crime-ridden neighborhood in Dakota.Although she is only the sidekick of the title character, Icon, she is the actual protagonist of the series. She yearned to become a writer (“just like Toni Morrison”), but lacked inspiration until she met Augustus Freeman IV, a corporate lawyer who was secretly a stranded alien with superhuman powers.This occurred while she and her friends were robbing Freeman’s home. Raquel convinced Augustus to become the superhero Icon, and to take her on as his sidekick, Rocket. While in costume, she wore a belt that Icon fashioned out of his escape pod’s inertia winder, which allowed her to manipulate kinetic energy.

Shortly after she began adventuring with Icon, Raquel discovered that she was pregnant by her ex-boyfriend, Noble (one of the other robbers from the day she met Freeman). She gave birth to a son, Amistad Augustus Ervin, named “Amistad” after the famous ship that brought slaves over from Africa to America, and “Augustus” in honor of Icon. While her pregnancy caused her to give up adventuring for a time, Raquel eventually became a superhero again.

Rocket also assists the Blood Syndicate member Flashback in fighting her addiction to crack cocaine.Rocket was more liberal than Icon, which caused them to clash on a number of occasions. She befriended Static, another teenage superhero from Dakota City. While it has been hinted that someday they might become more than friends, their relationship remained platonic throughout the run of their respective title.


All of Rocket’s superhuman powers derive from her inertia belt. By using her belt, she can manipulate kinetic energy, granting some super strength, and a kinetic force field.


Raquel Ervin is a voracious reader and a gifted writer. A former high school gymnast, she is very agile and has quick reflexes. Rocket is also a good hand-to-hand combatant due to her crime fighting experience as Icon’s sidekick.

Malcolm Dragon

Erik Larsen on Savage Dragon #211: "Hopefully People Don't Feel I'm Getting  Too George Lucas With These Fixes"

Malcolm Dragon is the only Son of Kurr Dragon and Sharona Jackson. He was stolen and raised by the Covenant of the Sword organization. After finding out who his dad was and meeting him, he followed in his father’s footsteps and also forged a path of his own.Malcolm Dragon is the only child of the heroes Savage Dragon and Rapture. He was born extremely premature but due to his unique genetic heritage, he was born as developed and healthy as many full-term babies. This early great news quickly turned sour when Malcolm died in Hillman Hospital. It was decided by his parents not to insist on an autopsy as it seemed clear that Malcolm died due to complications with his premature birth and he was laid to rest in a local cemetery. However, unbeknownst to both Kurr and Sharona, Malcolm was still alive and well. The secretive Covenant of the Sword organization had abducted the child and left a synthetic double in his place. This covert group had been set-up in the past by the time-travelling Damien DarkLord and were dedicating to building up a private army of superhumans, raising the offspring of known super-powered freaks in the doctrine of the Covenant of the Sword.Malcolm remained in the care of the Covenant, being raised by an alternate version of his mother, brought over by DarkLord to replace Rapture (whom he had previously killed). He was told of his father but was kept hidden away from Kurr. When he was four years old, Kurr raided the Covenant stronghold to retrieve several abducted children and learned that his son was still alive.Malcolm was finally reunited with his father and step-sister, allowing them to be a family for the very first time. Malcolm and Angel desire to follow in their father’s footsteps as heroes and have thrown themselves into battle against villains such as Mako in an effort to live up to the mantle of Savage Dragon.Malcolm was finally reunited with his father and step-sister, allowing them to be a family for the very first time. Malcolm and Angel desire to follow in their father’s footsteps as heroes and have thrown themselves into battle against villains such as Mako in an effort to live up to the mantle of Savage Dragon

Black Halo

Quentin Taylor (Character) - WorldofBlackHeroes

At first glance, one would assume The Black Halo possesses superhuman strength and invulnerability, but he is in fact a psionic. Quentin has the ability to summon a telekinetic field that allows him to fly, push large objects wherever he desires, and enables him to endure tremendous amounts of punishment.

Quentin Taylor was an overweight rapper and artist. He lived at home with his mother and sister, Sherlynn. One night, after a fight with his mother, he mysteriously disappeared from his bedroom. His abduction coincided with a series of anomalous readings picked by Department PSI. He reemerged two weeks later, genetically altered, with a strange marking on his back. With the help of Backlash, PSI managed to coerce the confused teen into admitting himself for tests. The main argument Backlash used resulted from their confrontation, where Omni nearly killed his friend, and scared the hell out of his mother.

He followed Backlash’s training at PSI, where they discover the nature of his powers. Later, he was in the first wave assault against the resurrected D’rhan in the sunken city of Atlantis. Quentin soon later quit government service.


  • Telekinetic Fields: Omni’s powers come from genetic manipulations done by aliens. They manifest as a telekinetic field. It gives him incredible physical power, an instinctive protective field making him invulnerable and the ability to fly.

Tamara Devoux  Captain Universe

Captain Universe (Tamara Devoux) | Wiki | Marvel Amino

Little is known of Tamara Devoux’s early life, other than that she suffered amnesia during a car crash, and at some point received the power of the Enigma Force, transforming her into Captain Universe. As Captain Universe, she joined the Avengers in order to maintain the equilibrium of the whole universe.

Her first mission with the Avengers was on Mars to stop the powerful beings Ex Nihilo, Abyss and Aleph from terraforming the Earth in their image. When Tamara approached them, both Nihilo and Abyss recognized her as their goddess, and the physical manifestation of the universe itself, immediately submitting and agreeing to her terms. But Aleph did not, and attacked her. Captain Universe turned the robot to ashes with a single touch. Following Nihilo’s submission, the Avengers returned to Earth.


Captain Universe’s powers and power levels vary from partner to partner, presumably to meet the demands of the job at hand. The Uni-Power also enhances the powers and abilities of a host who already has such powers and abilities. Powers that remain relatively constant include:

  • Uni-Vision: a sort of cosmic consciousness. Captain Universe can sense things on a subatomic level or at great distances. This power can also force someone to tell the truth.
  • Matter/Energy Manipulation: Captain Universe can divert an energy flow in a different direction or convert it into a different type of energy. Diverting the flow of gravitons, for example, allows flight. Captain Universe can also change matter at the atomic level, for instance, to transmute one substance into another or to change an object’s shape.

Dora Milaja

Dora Milaje - Wikipedia

The Dora Milaje (pronounced “DOR-ah muh-LAH-jay”) are the personal bodyguards of the Black Panther, recruited from every tribe of Wakanda. In addition with their protective function, they are also a pool of superior Wakandan women. An ancient tribal tradition, the Dora Milaje were assembled as potential queens for an unmarried king, maintaining the peace in Wakanda by ensuring that every tribe has the opportunity to put forward one of their daughters for the crown. Dora Milaje traditionally speak only in the Hausa dialect, and only to the king or each other. The practice of employing Dora Milaje was discontinued until recent years.The Dora Milaje are an elite group of female warriors who serve as special forces for Wakanda. The Dora Milaje carry out several duties, most notably serving as the Black Panther’s personal bodyguards.

Ayo is a member and the second-in-command of the Dora Milaje tasked to guard the Golden Tribe. Ayo protected T’Chaka and then T’Challa throughout their rule, although she was forced to briefly follow Erik Killmonger when he had defeated T’Challa in ritual combat, until T’Challa returned and defeated Killmonger. After the Avengers Civil War, Ayo helped Bucky Barnes free himself of his HYDRA brainwashing. Once the threat of Thanos had reached Wakanda, Ayo took part in protecting her nation against this threat, fighting in the Battle of Wakanda. In 2024, Ayo was sent to take Baron Zemo into the custody of the Dora Milaje after Barnes facilitated his escape.

  • Aneka – A former leader of the Dora Milaje. She was arrested and stripped of her rank after killing a chieftain who had been victimizing the women in her village. After escaping, she became half of the vigilante duo known as the Midnight Angels.
  • Asira – The princess of the Jabari tribe.
  • Ayo – Aneka’s lover and another former Dora Milaje. After Aneka was arrested and sentenced to death, Ayo broke her out of prison. Using a pair of prototype armored suits, the two became the Midnight Angels.
  • M’yra – A member of the Dora Milaje who lost her right arm. She was reassigned to protect Shuri.
  • Nareema – A Dora Milaje member who helped Storm fight the V-Series Doombots.
  • Nakia – A Wakandan Mutate with superhuman strength, speed, and agility. She is a former Dora Milaje of T’Challa.
  • Okoye – A former Dora Milaje Okoye is of the J’Kuwali tribe and acted as a traditional, proper concomitant to the king, speaking only to him and only in Hausa, an African language not widely spoken in Wakanda and thus affording the king and his wives a measure of privacy.
  • Queen Divine Justice – The street-smart queen of the Jabari tribe of Wakanda raised in Chicago, and former Dora Milaje of T’Challa. She originally went by the name Chanté Giovanni Brown.
  • Zola – The headmistress of the Dora Milaje who trained Aneka, Ayo, and Nakia.

Malice (Nakia)

Malice (Nakia) In Comics Powers, Villains, History | Marvel

As a child, Nakia of the Q’Noma Valley marsh tribe was picked by her tribal elders to be Wakandan Dora Milaje, “Adored Ones” or wives-in-training and spent three years training before being presented to King T’Challa; barely a teenager, she was instantly smitten with him, although he promised that her role was purely ceremonial. She became close friends with her fellow Dora Milaje, Okoye who, unlike her, took satisfaction with being just his bodyguard. Nakia’s obsession with King T’Challa increased dramatically when Mephisto cast an illusion over T’Challa causing him to kiss Nakia. She consequently became jealous of T’Challa’s American ex-girlfriend Monica Lynne and plotted to kill her, but T’Challa rescued her and banished Nakia bringing great shame on her tribe and Wakanda.

Nakia was captured by Achebe and tortured by him until Erik Killmonger came and freed her. Killmonger used the Altar of Resurrection on her and in the process gained enhanced abilities. Killmonger decided to name her Malice after the previous one. She went after T’Challa and his female allies and while battling Queen Divine Justice, killed one of T’Challa’s allies, Nicole “Nikki” Adams.

She later teamed up with Man-Ape and kidnapped several of T’Challa’s friends poisoning them out of revenge. Further, Nakia also planned on killing Monica and Dakota North, believing that the latter was also one of T’Challa’s lovers. In the end, T’Challa foils the plan of Nakia, who manages to escape but not without giving him the antidote for his friends.

Nakia finally returned during a mission involving Everett K. Ross. When Ross is captured and tortured by the Hatut Zeraze (War Dogs), Nakia steps in to rescue him. Despite this, she is still in exile from the Dora Milaje. Embittered and cast out, Nakia developed an arsenal of weapons, including an herb named the jufeiro that gives her power over men. But longtime use of the drug made her grossly ill. In a desperate attempt to lure the Black Panther to her before she dies, Nakia tracked down a long forgotten Dora Milaje weapon called the Mimic-27 which can change and morph its shape and form as well as create ability-duplicating doppelgangers. She left Hydro-Man in charge of the A.I.M base where she nicked it from in case her hated sisterhood ever caught up with her.

Nakia eventually decided to send Mimic-27 after T’Challa’s ex-wife, Ororo Monroe (aka Storm of the X-Men), but the weapon broke free of Nakia’s control and attacked her, too. To stop it, the Dora Milaje needed Nakia’s help, but she refused to act until she could see her king again. After meeting up with her beloved T’Challa, the Wakandan King requested she aid the Dora Milaje in stopping the now out of control doomsday weapon running amok in Harlem, Massachusetts. She and her former sisterhood would travel to an Astral Plane where the consciousness of said Living Vibranium weapon was housed. While the heroes of New York battled the rogue Mimic’s self created doppelgängers, Nakia and the other Dora’s battled its tainted sentience which had been poisoned by her own malignance. Nakia gained the strength of self to overcome her mirror reflection and finally quelled the mimic, but died in the process as it was also holding back the cancerous element ravaging her body. In honor for her sacrifice, she was taken back to Wakanda and given a proper burial with full honors by the Black Panther and his Adored Ones, Spider-Man, and the X-Men along with a cadre of Avenger.


OKOYE on Behance
In-story information
Place of originWakanda, Africa
Team affiliationsDora Milaje
Agents of Wakanda
Supporting character ofBlack Panther
AbilitiesMaster martial artist and hand-to-hand combatantMaster tactician, strategist, and field commander

She joined alongside her friend Nakia to be among T’Challa’s wives-in-training. However, when Okoye discovered that T’Challa had no interest in marrying either of them, she immediately came to accept this.She has since stood at T’Challa’s side. Okoye accompanied T’Challa when he recruited Queen Divine Justice.She was also with T’Challa when they tested Kasper Cole on whether he was worthy of the Black Panther garb. Okoye herself tested Kasper if he would stay with his pregnant girlfriend or leave her for Okoye.

Okoye later appears as the director of the Agents of Wakanda.

During the “Empyre” storyline, Okoye is among those that help to deal with the Cotati invasion. While on the Wakandan Helicarrier, she detects plant-based activity in Antarctica as Ka-Zar states that the Savage Land is there. She later assists Thing, Shuri, and the Agents of Wakanda in fighting the Cotati who have breached Wakanda’s forcefield.

Skills and abilities

Okoye is highly skilled in multiple forms of combat, and the leader (and General) of the Dora Milaje. She is exceptional in using various Wakandan weaponry and tools, especially skilled in the use of spears. Okoye is a great tactician and military strategist.


Riri Williams.jpg
Riri Williams is a 15-year-old engineering student and the daughter of the late Riri Williams Sr. Following her father’s death, Riri lives with her mother Ronnie and her paternal aunt Sharon in Chicago. A certified super-genius, she attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on scholarship. Working alone, Riri designs a suit of armor similar to the Iron Man Armor using material stolen from campus. When campus security knocks at her door, she flees while wearing the suit.
When Williams prevents two inmates from escaping the New Mexico State Penitentiary, her suit is damaged. Upon returning to her mother’s house, Riri continues to work on improving the suit, much to the dismay of her aunt. Tony Stark hears of Riri’s accomplishment and goes to meet her. During their meeting, Stark decides that he will endorse her decision to become a superheroine.

Riri Williams was born shortly after the death of her father, Riri Williams, Sr.. She grew up in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, living with her sister Sharon, their mother, Ronnie, and their step-father. When Riri was five years old, behavioral problems led her parents to consult a child psychologist, who certified Riri as a super genius after undergoing several tests. At the psychologist’s recommendation, Riri’s parents looked into special care to foster her abilities, while also giving her emotional support.

In the end of the civil war, Tony Stark fell into a coma fighting Captain Marvel. so Riri decided to continue his legacy as a hero. With the guidance of an A.I. duplicate of Stark, Riri created an improved suit of armor, and took up the alias of Ironheart. Riri rapidly caught the attention of allies and enemies of Tony Stark alike.

After defeating the Techno Golem and her Biohack Ninja with the help of Rescue, S.H.I.E.L.D. started monitoring Riri.Having become famous, Riri was offered not only Tony Stark’s old lab by his mother Amanda Armstrong; M.I.T. approached Riri to offer her their resources, and a group of teenage superheroes, the Champions invited her to join their ranks. Not long afterwards, S.H.I.E.L.D. convinced Ironheart to invade Latveria to take down the war criminal Lucia von Bardas. Riri defeated the Latverian terrorist and declared herself the new monarch of the small nation. After negotiating a truce between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Latveria’s armed forces, Riri abdicated and helped pave the way for Latveria’s first free elections.Christening her the Neuro-Autonomous Technical Assistant & Laboratory Intelligence Entity, Riri and her new AI returned home to Chicago to investigate the disappearance of her childhood friend Daija Hamilton with her mother and Xavier.

Killer Croc by PatrickBrown on DeviantArt

Waylon Jones, also known as Killer Croc, is a alligator-wrestler and sideshow-freak turned Gotham City mobster, sewer-dwelling super-criminal and enemy of Batman. He is motivated due to having been born with a rare mutation that caused him to have reptile-like skin, leading to a lifetime of abuse and prejudice which drove him to madness.

aylon Jones was born with an extreme form of the medical condition Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, which caused his appearance to develop progressively into that of a crocodile, hence his name. His mother died in childbirth, and his father abandoned him. Waylon was raised by his abusive aunt; her persistent alcoholism prevented him from growing up in a suitable environment. As a teenager, Waylon had no friends, and was the object of ridicule of those who knew him. Jones was a regular visitor to the juvenile detention center and was finally tried and convicted as an adult when he was sixteen. He murdered a fellow prisoner who mocked his appearance but nonetheless was out on parole “after eighteen years behind bars. Out of prison, he found a job in a carnival sideshow … wrestling alligators”. “I broke their backs with my bare hands,” Jones later recalled. “Then I got smart. I had the strength, I had the hate — why shouldn’t I USE it to get what I wanted? ‘Killer Croc’ — that’s what they called me. But some day, SOME DAY, I knew they’d call me KING!” It was at this point that Waylon began referring to himself as Killer Croc. Even then, his strength level was greatly beyond that of a normal human. Croc realized that there was more money to be made in crime, so he set out to become Gotham’s most powerful underground figure. Croc had established powerful mob ties in Tampa that he was anxious to put to use elsewhere. He’d discreetly established a foothold in Gotham and assembled a gang before returning to Florida to take care of “some personal loose ends.” After snapping the neck of the deputy who had brutally beat him when he was ten, he returned to discover that his followers had affiliated themselves with the simple-minded Solomon Grundy. Croc kept his temper in check but left the gang to its fate. Within hours, the entire crew was killed when Grundy flew into a rage. Croc soon shifted his allegiance to the Squid, a mobster who was poised to fill the power vacuum in Gotham’s underworld left by the downfall of Rupert Thorne and Tony Falco. Initially, Croc was content to work a protection racket at the visiting Sloan Circus but he soon wanted more. After he witnessed Batman’s escape from a deathtrap, Croc sauntered away, informing the Squid that “this outfit smells of loser.” Croc later shot his former boss from a rooftop and left him for dead. While Batman began tracing the gun that killed the Squid, Croc approached the members of Gotham’s Tobacconist Club and announced his intention to take over the city’s mobs. The president of club’s inner circle proposed a test and directed Jones towards a state-of-the-art Air Force Computer at S.T.A.R. Labs.

“Mister, I was born a freak — I’ve had to prove myself to creeps like you all my life. I could break you in half. But that wouldn’t get me what I WANT … so I’ll STEAL your crummy computer. And then I’ll shove it down your fat throat.”

Powers and abilities

Killer Croc’s backstory explains that he was born with a condition resembling epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a disfiguring skin disorder. However, it is actually a form of regressive atavism, meaning that he has inherited traits of ancestral species of the human race, such as reptiles. This condition has been augmented by the presence of a metagene. Consequently, he has several extraordinary physical abilities relating to his endurance, speed, and strength, making him able to lift up to two tons.

His skin is hardened to the degree that it is nearly impenetrable to ordinary forms of abrasion, including high caliber weapons fired from a distance. He also possesses an extraordinary amount of super-strength; for example, he was able to tear a bank vault door off of its hinges with minimal effort. He has demonstrated regenerative powers, allowing him to heal and restore lost limbs and teeth. He possesses superhuman reflexes and speed, especially while he is moving underwater. He can also see through his crocodile eyelids. Killer Croc also has an enhanced sense of smell. Once he has become familiar with a person’s scent, he can track them from miles away. As his appearance and personality has grown more and more bestial, his misanthropy has increased dramatically. He is jealous and hateful of “normal” people and often lashes out violently without provocation. As a result of these feelings of jealousy, Croc will often entertain himself by grabbing hold of small, pointy objects as a source of comfort.

Kaldur'ahm - Wikipedia
Aqualad was first seen as the protege of Aquaman. He was later unanimously elected by the team to be their leader after their first mission together, as he was perceived as having good leadership skills. In-between seasons one and two of the series, he uncovered he was in fact the son of Black Manta.

Since he was young, he has been taught by his parents to fear water. They do not want him near it because his true parents would be able to locate him. Not to mention certain changes happen to Jackson when he gets in the water.

Jackson has kept this secret hidden for years, lying to his girlfriend about being afraid of drowning, being unable to swim, and being in the dark about the mysterious tattoos he has had since birth. He has done his best to avoid it. But soon something is going to force him out into the open and dive into the water: Aquaman is later contacted by the Entity, which tells him to locate Jackson before a second party does, which is speculated to be Siren and her Death Squad.

While raining, Jackson is seen outside his house where he displays for the first time his abilities, and as he began controlling the water from the rain his tattoos and eyes begin to glow. At this moment he is revealed to possess gills and webbed hands. It is also revealed that Black Manta is actually his real father, and that Mera also displays knowledge of Jackson.

After witnessing Jackson in the rain, his adoptive father takes him to a cottage by the sea. He tells him that Mera had given Jackson to him, asking that he keep him away from his parents, and he was given an Atlantean chest to be opened when the truth is discovered. Before the chest can be opened, Black Manta attacks, almost killing Jackson’s adoptive father before Aquaman arrives on the scene. Together, Aquaman, Jackson, Mera and Aquagirl were eventually able to defeat Black Mante.


The History of Bumblebee: DC's First African-American Superheroine | DC

Karen Beecher-Duncan is a scientist that created a scientific super-suit which gives her superhuman strength and the ability to fly. Karen also has been affiliated with the Doom Patrol, S.T.A.R. Labs, and Teen Titans. As of Rebirth, her origins has been slightly changed she is an Air accident investigator.

Karen Beecher met Mal Duncan when he was in the Teen Titans original team. They worked together on developing the Gabriel Horn, and it was during this project that they fell in love.

Because Karen felt that the Titans did not appreciate Mal, she went back to the drawing board and came up with the Bumblebee’s uniform and equipment. She broke into Titans Lair: a move which led the Titans to believe that she was an enemy.

Her true plan was meant to give Mal a chance to flex his powers and look good in front of the other titans, but Mal’s teammates defended him, this ended when Bumblebee escaped, with her identity still intact. Karen learned how much Mal’s friends respected and cared for him. Karen revealed her identity to Mal and also to the Titans, and she apologized for her actions. Eventually, Bumblebee joined the Teen Titans, she was a member until the group disbanded. Karen took night classes in physics, computer technology and political science.

Karen had no special powers, however she is a high intellectually gifted young woman. She designed and created a power-suit that grants her with a number of superhuman abilities. She has the ability to fly, as well as enhanced strength & durability. She can manipulation her size and project energy. It also allows her to create powerful sonic blasts. At times, she has used other bee-themed gadgets as well (honey entangles, electric stings, U-V vision, etc).

Karen as of in Rebirth has gained access naturally to powers, She is able to shrink herself at will, move at Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Energy Projection, and with the use of her Biometric Exo-Suit she has the ability to fly.Bumblebee originally had no true superpowers and her unique abilities were derived from her scientific superpowered high-tech battle suit. The suit greatly increased her strength, speed, stamina, endurance, agility, reflexes and acted as body armor. It also allowed her to fly, create painful electric blasts that stung like actual bee stings and emit a stream of “honey”, actually a powerful adhesive capable of disabling her opponents by miring them in the sticky, yellow goo. She later got stuck at a shrunken size and now possesses superpowers. She can fly and produce exceptionally strong hypersonic blasts.

John Henry Irons as Steel.jpg
Steel (John Henry Irons)

Doctor John Henry Irons was a brilliant weapons engineer for AmerTek Industries, who eventually became disgusted when the BG-60, a powerful man-portable energy cannon he had designed, fell into the wrong hands and was used to kill innocent people.As the company would have coerced him to retain his services, John faked his death, and eventually came to Metropolis. His own life was saved by none other than Superman. When John Irons asked how he could show his gratitude, Superman told him to “live a life worth saving”. During Superman’s fatal battle against Doomsday, Irons, who was working in construction at the time, attempted to help Superman fight the deadly menace by picking up a sledgehammer, but was buried in rubble amidst the devastation. Shortly after Superman’s death, he finally awoke and crawled from the wreckage, confused and saying, “Gotta stop Doomsday!”

He recovered, but to discover that the gangs in inner-city Metropolis (now unopposed by Superman) were fighting a devastating gang war using BG-80 Toastmasters, an upgraded version of his earlier AmerTek design. Irons created and donned a suit of powered armor in Superman’s memory in order to stop the war, as well as the weapons, which were being distributed by Dr. Angora Lapin (also known as the White Rabbit), a former partner and lover during his time at AmerTek Industries.

John Henry Irons is an engineer, and a natural athlete who frequently displays an impressive degree of strength. In addition, he wears a suit of powered armor which grants him flight, enhanced strength, and endurance. Steel modified his suit many times through his career. The initial “Man of Steel” design was armed with a wrist-mounted rivet gun and the sledgehammer (like the one used by his namesake John Henry) that was ubiquitous for most of his designs. The original design on his breastplate featured a metal version of Superman’s “S” insignia in tribute to the (temporarily) deceased hero, which Irons removed after the return of Superman. Two later armor designs incorporated a similar, but different, “S” symbol. A large hammer is also a key weapon in the suit’s arsenal. His most current “smart hammer” hits harder the farther it is thrown, is capable of independent flight, and has an on-board computer guidance and analysis system capable of detecting a target’s stress points.

When he wore the Entropy Aegis, he had god-like strength and durability and could enlarge himself to giant size. He also had the ability of flight due to energy wings, could travel through time and space at will, and could fire blasts of energy that would reduce a target to its composite elements. However, the Aegis made him very violent and was slowly erasing his soul.

Bronze Tiger (Benjamin Turner)

Benjamin Turner grew up in an upper middle class black neighborhood in Central City. When Ben was only ten years old he woke up to a burglar assaulting his parents in their living room. Ben grabbed a carving knife and continuously stabbed the man till he was dead. The police reported that Ben had went berserk and lost control. Ben had expressed his pleasure in the act and that he was not sorry for killing the man but instead he was sorry that it ended too soon.

When Ben was thirteen years old, he found interest in martial arts so he can learn to control his anger. This wasn’t successful because Ben learned that it was the joy of hurting people, and knowing that he was really good at it, that still got the better of him. Ben resorted to crime and knew sooner or later he was either going to jail or put to death. After coming to this conclusion, Ben, traveled across the world to study with different martial arts masters.

Ben came across the Master Kirigi and proceeded to train with him. However, Kirigi took advantage of Ben, and exploited his pain and anger. Knowing this was disastrous, Ben left to find another master known as O-Sensei. O-Sensei taught Ben how to use his anger as a weapon and never to let it get the best of him.

Ben became best friends with Richard Dragon, while training with O-Sensei. Together they learned more than martial arts such as history, philosophy and science. After learning everything they know from O-Sensei, they soon leave to then become agents for the government. King Faraday assigns them the task to take down the League of Assassins but the League took action and killed Ben’s Fiancee, Miyoshi. Ben was then captured by the League of Assassins and brainwashed. Ben got rid of his anger by channeling it into the identity of the Bronze Tiger, a masked assassin working for the League.

Powers and abilities

The Bronze Tiger possesses no metahuman powers, but is a master martial artist with lightning-fast reflexes. He has mastered several fighting styles such as Boxing, Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, Jujutsu, Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Savate, Vale Tudo, and Taekwondo. He has bested notable martial artists such as Batman and fought Richard Dragon to a standstill. He is on the fighting level of Lady Shiva. He is also an adept acrobat and has extraordinary stamina. Bronze Tiger’s fighting prowess has given him the reputation of being a lethal weapon.

Ki manipulation: Bronze Tiger is a master of esoteric Chinese meditative techniques, which he uses to channel his Ki to enhance his concentration and augment his healing and recovery time. He is adept enough to teach these skills and sense the chi of others.


Tombstone (comics) - Wikipedia

Born as Lonnie Thompson Lincoln in Harlem, he started out as a troubled youth who was bullied by his peers because he was the neighborhood’s only African-American albino. Taller and stronger than the other children, the young Lincoln started his life of crime in school, extorting protection money from his classmates. The school newspaper, edited by Joseph “Robbie” Robertson, was going to run a story exposing these illegal activities, but pulled it when Lincoln used scare tactics to intimidate Robertson. Lincoln allowed his personal demons to direct the course of his life and dropped out to join the ranks of organized crime.As a hitman and enforcer, he used his albinism to his advantage. He filed his teeth and nails to points, giving him the appearance of a vampire. This frequently caught his opponents off-guard, making it easier to kill them. He also lifted weights and engaged in many street fights to hone his fighting skills. One night, Robertson, now working for a local paper, went to meet a source only to see the source being killed by Lincoln. He threatened to kill Robertson if the story was brought out. Robertson kept the secret for over 20 years, allowing Lincoln to continue his rise through the criminal underworld.

Powers and abilities

Originally, Lonnie Lincoln had no superhuman powers; rather, he was simply abnormally tall with near-peak human strength. Lincoln later gained actual superpowers through artificial means as a result of a mutagenic reaction to an experimental preservative gas absorbed into his bloodstream. He possesses physical strength that has been increased far beyond his original limits to superhuman levels. Tombstone’s body is highly resistant to physical injury and is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, great impact forces, high caliber bullets, and toxic gases without sustaining injury. His reflexes, speed, and stamina are likewise heightened beyond a range attainable for normal human beings.

Aside from these advantages, Tombstone is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant with years of street fighting experience and, even before gaining powers, was easily capable of killing someone with his bare hands. He now combines his street-fighting skills with his superhuman strength to create a unique fighting style that relies on intense speed and force to overwhelm his opponents. He is also highly proficient with conventional firearms and well-connected in the world of organized crime.

As an albino, Tombstone is sensitive to sunlight due to a natural deficiency of melanin. He is usually depicted as only being capable of speaking in whispers. However, after the exposure to gas at Oscorp, he has been depicted speaking in tones approaching normal vocal tones.

Tombstone has filed all his teeth into razor-sharp points, but this is largely just a means of intimidation; he rarely uses them to inflict any physical harm.


Superhuman Strength: Tombstone possesses sufficient strength enabling him to lift about 6 tons.

Superhuman Stamina: Tombstone’s muscles produce less fatigue toxins than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to affect him.

Superhuman Durability: Tombstone’s body is highly resistant to physical injury. He is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, great impact force, and temperatures as hot as 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit and as low as -80 degrees Fahrenheit without sustaining injury. By his own account his skin is as hard as diamonds, although his eyes aren’t as durable.


Extremely skilled in the use of hand-to-hand combat and firearms.

Mr Terrific

Michael Holt isn’t simply gifted, he’s extremely special. He learned the theory of time and space continuum and read and assimilated the works of Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and Richard Feyman by the age of six years old. Though things for him have never been fair. A child prodigy, he has an astronomical IQ and is a natural athlete. On the other hand, his older brother Jeffrey, was mentally challenged and died at the age of 15.

Michael went on to acquire numerous doctorates and degrees, precisely 14 of them, as well as becoming an Olympic Decathlete. He was a self-made billionaire, due to his natural aptitude for learning. Even these accomplishments garnering him a small fortune, his greatest moment though was when he married his wife Paula. She gave him a purpose for living. And then she died in a car accident. He lost her and their unborn child.

Considering suicide, Michael contemplated his life. He was than approached by the Spectre. The Spirit of Divine Vengeance told Michael Holt about a man named Terry Sloane, the Golden Age Mr. Terrific. Inspired by Terry’s similar natural gifts and origin, Michael decided to take up his mantle. He realized that though he was a prodigy, it was Paula and Jeffrey who were his role models. In their memory he turned his anger and sadness into resolve. If life wasn’t fair, he’d make it fair.

In 1997, the mantle of Mister Terrific was passed on to Michael Holt, an equally talented man who holds five black belts, has won the Olympic Decathlon and holds many degrees and doctorates in a wide spectrum of fields. While contemplating suicide after the accidental death of his wife and unborn child, he was met by the Spectre, who told him about Terry Sloane. Inspired by Sloane’s life story, he took the name “Mister Terrific” and later joined the current Justice Society of America, eventually serving as its chairman. He is the inventor of the T-Sphere, an artificially intelligent miniature device that he controls with his mask and earpieces. The T-Sphere can fly, create holographic images, project beams of light, release electrical charges, hack into computers and GPS satellites, and constantly cloaks Holt against detection and the recording of his image by any and all technological, non-organic means making him virtually invisible to everything but human line of sight. In the past, he has used them for reconnaissance, infiltration, espionage and information retrieval and storage, often multi-tasking his T-Spheres to all go off on different tasks at once. He can also use his T-Spheres offensively as projectiles and has stated as a threat to an opponent that he can instantly accelerate them to 14 miles per second (50,400 miles per hour) so when it hits them, it would cause a tremendous release of energy, turning around 70% of their corporeal being into super-heated plasma and liquifying the rest. Whether this has ever been tested or was just a bluff is unknown, but considering that his opponent wasn’t real, much less alive, Mr. Terrific would have had no moral difficulties in using this option if it came down to it. While in costume, Mr. Terrific has no fewer than three T-Spheres orbiting his body at all times and has had as many as ten. He is also considered the third-smartest man alive.

Peak Human Conditioning: Mr. Terrific’s bodily functions are at the pinnacle of human conditioning.

Peak Human Endurance/Stamina: Mr. Terrific has a highly developed musculature that generate less fatigue toxins than the musculature of most other humans, enabling him to gain greater endurance. While fighting the Tomorrow Thief, he was able to survive in Arctic temperatures with two broken ribs.

Peak Human Strength: Mr. Terrific’s strength is superior to any normal human.

Peak Human Agility/Reflexes: Mr Terrific’s agility is pushed to the very limit of human capability, and his reflexes are heighten to the peak of human potential.


Athlete: Holt is a natural born athlete. He’s also a Olympic Gold Medalist in the decathlon.

Business Man: Holt is the Billionaire C.E.O of Holt Industries aka HoltCorp, a high tech firm he founded himself. He’s also a Engineer, Inventor, Industrialist, and Scientist.

Child Prodigy/Genius: Holt is known as the third smartest man on earth; Holt is described as having “a natural aptitude for having natural aptitudes;” picking up complicated skills quickly and retaining them, such as performing emergency surgery on teammate Alan Scott after reading about the procedure in a medical text book. By the time he was 6 he had already advanced knowledge of theoretical physics, and read/assimilated the works of Bohr, Einstein, Planck and Feynman. He was able to learn the theory of time-and space continuum while other kids were struggling with Sesame Street. As Holt himself put it, “everyone has a talent…Mine is learning.”

Martial Artist: Holt is a black belt in 6 different forms of Martial Arts disciplines. Holt was able to fight Tomorrow Thief without his T-spheres, in Arctic temperatures, with two broken ribs, defeating him just using his agility and chemistry knowledge.

Multilingualism: Holt is multilingual, though the extent of this hasn’t been revealed. He has been shown to speak the language of the nation of Kahndaq. Given Holt’s propensity for learning, it’s highly likely that he speaks several other languages as well.

Polymath: Holt is a polymath who has specialized in multiple fields. He possesses 14 Ph.D’s (two of which are in engineering and physics), including assorted doctorates and masters in degrees in:

  • Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Science

Strategist: Holt is good in strategy, playing chess against two opponents with eyes closed.


Holocaust was born Leonard Smalls Jr. to the son of Thomasina Jefferson, the mayor of Dakota. From the beginning of Holocaust’s first appearance he is a power hungry individual. He was a proud member of the Pairs Island Bloods and part take in The Big Bang turf war on Paris Island. When experimental tear gas (Quantum Juice) was used on gang-bangers, most either died or became mutated survivors called Bang Babies.

As a member of the Blood Syndicate, Holocaust was a powerful ally but then he wanted to be the leader. So he challenged the then leader, Tech-9, and lost. As a part of the rules that the gang lived by, Holocaust was cast out of the Syndicate. He would then start his own super powered gang including Tarmack, Bad Betty, and a few others. He would also try to recruit Static, but would only succeed in making a rival

Holocaust at one point owned his own club called the Hot Spot.

His philosophy is

“If you ain’t takin’, then your getting took.”

Holocaust is always seen in major events of the Dakotaverse. Holocaust was recruited by Star Chamber, a rogue faction of the Shadow Cabinet in The Shadow War. Holocaust was briefly seen against Rift in Worlds Collide only to die and then be resurrected.

At one point Holocaust joins the major crime group in Dakota called The Coalition, but he has to sacrifice something to join. He gives up his name that he is so proud of. At this point he is called Pyre. Later on, he finally gets his name back after taking over The Coalition and reviving the disbanded Blood Syndicate with a mixed roster of original members and his old flunkies. Holocaust is then defeated by a combination of Dakota’s heroes like Icon and original Blood Syndicate members.

Wise Son

Wise Son (Character) - Comic Vine

He is a founding member of the Blood Syndicate. Following the death of Tech-9, he became the second leader of the Blood Syndicate. He was an easily angered, American muslim and an honorable leader. Wise Son is invulnerable and can’t be physically harmed.

Hannibal White, also known as Wise Son, was another gang member at the famous Big Bang. He was among those who survived and were bestowed powers. Hannibal gained the gift of invulnerability,making his body a heavily dense material.

Wise was one of the most hot tempered members of the Blood Syndicate. He would eventually be pushed into the role of leader when Tech-9 died. His aggressive attitude led him to be at odds with almost all of the Syndicate’s members. Wise, even if he was hard to deal with, did come through as the teams leader on more than one occasion.

Wise is an very intelligent man, he’s also an American Muslim, and a teenage father. He has a sister named Cornelia and a son named Edmund White. Both became bang babies after sneaking to the big bang gang fight in attempt to convince Wise to return home and got affected by gas.

His skin is made up of an ultra-dense molecular structure, Wise Son is, to the extent thus far demonstrated, beyond the reach of physical harm.And to a degree super strength. He can still be stunned or knocked unconscious (as demonstrated in his fight with Icon), though this requires quite a bit of effort.

Firestorm Matrix is Jason Rusch

New 52 - Instead of Cyborg how about Jason Rusch/Firestorm? - Gen.  Discussion - Comic Vine

Jason was a seventeen-year-old living in Detroit, who wanted nothing more than to escape his home city. He lived with his father, who had turned abusive after he lost his hand in an industrial accident. His mother left his father sometime after the accident, leaving the young Jason with his father. With the loss of a job he needed to fund college, Jason turned to a local thug for money, accepting a job as a courier. It was on that job that he encountered the Firestorm matrix, searching for a new host after Raymond’s death. In the aftermath, Jason struggled to cope with his new identity and powers – a struggle that led to the death of the man who’d hired him.

The second dominant half of the Firestorm Matrix is Jason Rusch, who became Firestorm after Ronnie Raymond’s death. Unlike his predecessor who worked almost exclusively with Martin Stein, Jason merged with a number of people, including Mick Wong, Gehenna and, reluctantly, a revived Ronnie.Jason Rusch was a seventeen year old teenager living in Detroit, who wanted nothing more than to escape his home city. He lived with his father, who had turned abusive after he lost his hand in an industrial accident. His mother left his father sometime after the accident, leaving the young Jason with his father. Jason later recalled that his father had hit him on four occasions. With the loss of a job he needed to fund college, so Jason turned to a local tough for money, accepting a job as a courier. It was on that job that he encountered the Firestorm Matrix, searching for a new host after Ronnie Raymond’s death.Shortly after Jason’s eighteenth birthday, a few weeks after Ronnie’s dissipation, Jason was kidnapped by the new Secret Society of Super-Villains for use as a power source in a hidden complex. Freed when the new Secret Six launched a raid on the complex, Jason discovered two important things: he had a fellow prisoner (a mysterious girl named Gehenna), and his imprisonment by the Society had significantly depowered him.


  • Firestorm Matrix
    • Density Control: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix have complete control over molecules and as such can change the density of solids, liquids and gases to as light as hydrogen or as heavy as uranium.
    • Eidetic Memory: Also called “Matrix Memory Recall”, elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can access the memories of each and every single being that has ever been fused into the Matrix. New elements are allowed to automatically download surface information.
    • Energy Absorption: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can absorb massive amounts of energy as well as being able to absorb many different types of energy. Most commonly the elements and energies associate with life and the human body are absorbed. Also solar energy is a possible source of energy that can work as a “emergency battery” for elements out of power.
    • Energy Projection: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can project massive amounts of different amount of energies. Naturally occurring energy projected by Firestorm are “Nuclear Blasts” however elements can project a number of different energies at will.
    • Enhanced Vision: Also called “Quark Vision”, elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix have access to enhanced vision due to their nuclear nature. Different visions experienced are X-Ray Vision, Microscopic Vision, and Thermal Vision.
    • Flight: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can soar through the sky at amazing speeds. At first it may be difficult to achieve flight through Firestorm’s nuclear nature though most master it quickly. Firestorms have been clocked at over 600mph theoretically they can fly much faster.
    • Molecular Reconstruction Elements tied together into the Firestorm Matrix to create Firestorm have one main ability which all other stem from. Their “atomic fusion” or “nuclear nature” stem from nuclear physics tempering with the user’s mixture of psychic energies as well as physical properties. Users accessing Firestorm or the Firestorm Matrix are called “elements” as they individually make up the Matrix. Firestorms can break down and reapply subatomic particles as well as break up the molecular structure of elements and rearrange them. To do this the element must know the exact elemental make-up of the object or human. Most Firestorms cannot affect living tissue but it is possible though very unstable.
    • Phasing: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can phase their bodies through solid objects. Although they have direct control over an object’s density they can use this ability on themselves and only themselves and affect living tissue to pass through objects.
    • Psychic Link: Sometimes called “floating heads”, elements that embody the Firestorm Matrix appear mostly as floating heads to represent their psychic link to the other human being or other element in the Matrix. They can be represented however they’d like but the Matrix defaults them to a disembodied head. Even disconnected an element may have latent psychic traces of the previous user.
    • Regeneration: Though a majorly untested power as well as being as much a reaction from shape-shifting and a direct result of molecular reconstruction; nonetheless, Firestorm elements can regenerate large sections of misplaced or destroyed physical properties.
    • Self-Sustenance: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can survive in space unaided, never need to eat to sustain life and never truly need another element to be processed or broken down by their bodies. Although users may feel these needs and would enjoy producing such bodily functions it is unnecessary.
    • Superhuman Durability: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix receive an increased amount of physical resistance and durability. They can survive bullets and stab wounds as well as the physical damage of exploding constantly.
    • Superhuman Strength: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix receive an increased amount of physical strength and muscle mass. Certain elements can tap into this energy and become large hulking entities however such strength can be quite destructive to the host if not used sparingly.
    • Transformation: Elements tied to the Firestorm Matrix can transform from their “normal” human forms into Firestorm, the Nuclear Man. However other entities may take whatever form they want; such as, Black Lantern Firestorm and Fury. Furthermore, elements can transform their body or body parts at will with concentration with an unknown level of restraint.

Powers and abilities

Jason’s powers stem from the fact that he is bonded to the firestorm matrix allows him to see the past and sometimes future of those once bonded to the matrix. For awhile he had to bond with random people to stabilize the matrix to maintain his powered form but this is no longer the case since he’s been bonded to Ronnie Raymond.

  • Density Control: Firestorm has complete control over atoms & molecules. He can change the density of solids, liquids and gases, to as light as hydrogen or as heavy as uranium.
  • Eidetic Memory: Also called “Matrix Memory Recall”, Firestorm Matrix can access the memories of each and every single being that has ever been fused into the Matrix. New beings are allowed to automatically download surface information.
  • Energy Absorption: Wielders of the Firestorm Matrix can absorb massive amounts of energy, as well as absorb many different types of energy. Jason usually absorbs the elements and energies associate with life, and the human body are absorbed. Also solar energy is a possible source of energy that can work as a “emergency battery” when Firestorm is out of power.
  • Energy Projection: Firestorm Matrix users can project massive amounts of different energies. Naturally occurring energy projected by Firestorm are “Nuclear Blasts”, however he can project a number of different energies at will.
  • Enhanced Vision: Also called “Quark Vision”, Firestorm Matrix has access to enhanced vision, due to his nuclear nature. Different visions experienced are X-Ray Vision, Microscopic Vision, Thermal Vision and more.
  • Flight: Firestorm can soar through the sky at amazing speeds, having been clocked flying at over 600mph, theoretically they can fly much faster as they’ve reached escape velocity to reach the moon and back more than once.
  • Particle Construction: Thoughts tied together to create Firestorm, have one main ability which all other stem from. Their “atomic fusion” or “nuclear nature” stem from nuclear physics tempering with the user’s mixture of psychic energies as well as physical properties. Firestorm can break down and reapply subatomic particles, as well as break up the molecular structure of elements, and rearrange them. To do this, Firestorm must know the exact elemental make-up of the object or human. Most Firestorms cannot affect living tissue, but it is possible though very unstable. Jason seems to lack this handicap.
  • Phasing: Firestorm can phase through solid objects. This ability only works on Firestorm.
  • Psychic Link: Sometimes called “floating heads”, elements that embody the Firestorm Matrix, appear mostly as floating heads, to represent their psychic link to the other human being or other element in the Matrix. They can be represented however they’d like but the Matrix defaults them to a disembodied head. Even disconnected an element may have latent psychic traces of the previous user.
  • Regeneration: Though a majorly untested power, as well as being as much a reaction from shape-shifting, and a direct result of molecular reconstruction; nonetheless, Firestorm can regenerate large sections of misplaced or destroyed physical properties.
  • Self-Sustenance: Firestorm can survive in space unaided, never needs to eat to sustain life, and never truly needs another element to be processed or broken down. Although Firestorm may feel these needs, it is unnecessary.
  • Superhuman Durability: Firestorm Matrix possess an increased amount of physical resistance and durability. This makes it possible to survive bullets, stab wounds, as well as the physical damage of exploding constantly.
  • Superhuman Strength: Firestorm Matrix possess an increased amount of physical strength and muscle mass. It’s possible to tap into this energy, and become large hulking entity, however such strength can be quite destructive to the host if not used sparingly.
  • Transformation: Firestorm can transform from their “normal” human forms into Firestorm, the Nuclear Man. However other entities may take whatever form they want; such as, Black Lantern Firestorm and Fury. Furthermore, others can transform their body, or body parts at will, with concentration with an unknown level of restraint.

Moon Girl

Moon Girl (Marvel Comics).jpg

Lunella Lafayette is a brilliant little girl living on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Her fellow students at Public School 20 Anna Silver frequently mocked her and called her names like “Moon Girl,” because her superior intellect often caused her to daydream and invent strange gadgets.

Lunella Lafayette is a young African-American girl who daydreams and loves to invent. Despite possessing an astoundingly large intellect, she is unable to get into better schools and attends Public School 20 Anna Silver. Her classmates make fun of her and dub her Moon Girl because of these qualities.

In the Savage Land, a group of Killer Folk got their hands on the sacred Nightstone. Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur fought to reclaim it, but Moon Boy died as the Killer Folk were sucked into a vortex through time with the Nightstone. Moon Boy’s dying wish was for Devil Dinosaur to reclaim the Nightstone and to avenge him.

Going through the portal, Devil Dinosaur ended up in New York City. The Nightstone had fallen into the hands of Lunella; who deduced the Nightstone was actually a Kree Omni-Wave Projector. Lunella had identified the Inhuman gene within her own DNA and feared being transformed into a monster due to the changes brought about by Terrigen Mist. Due to several Terrigen clouds that had been drifting around the city following the Inhumans’ detonation of a Terrigen bomb, she took drastic action and intended to use the Nightstone to find a way to remove the Inhuman DNA. With Lunella refusing to give up the Nightstone, Devil Dinosaur was forced to bring her on his rampage through the city as he searched for the Killer Folk. Although Devil Dinosaur fought the Killer Folk, they managed to escape with the Nightstone.

Lunella ended up harboring Devil Dinosaur in her laboratory that she had built in the depths of her school, growing more and more frustrated that she was stuck with the “big red dummy” but found him useful when he helped save the lives of her teacher and class during a fire.However, the Hulk (Amadeus Cho) arrived, seeking to apprehend Devil Dinosaur for his earlier rampage and accused him of the fire. Lunella refused, declaring that she needed Devil Dinosaur and, growing frustrated with Amadeus patronizing her and undermining her intelligence, drew out a few homemade weapons to fight him, but only accidentally ended up knocking out Devil Dinosaur.

Lunella, feeling responsible for Devil Dinosaur’s arrest and, feeling kinship to the beast stuck in a place he did not belong, broke him out under the moniker of Moon Girl, a nickname the other students used to bully her.After the Killer Folk – who had conquered territory previously owned by the Yancy Street Gang – failed to kidnap Lunella from school to be their blood sacrifice to the Nightstone on a full moon, Lunella decided to end things. She and Devil Dinosaur fought the Killer Folk once more and won, reclaiming the Nightstone. Lunella hoped she could finally use it to ensure she would not transform into an Inhuman, but at that precise moment she was caught in a Terrigen cloud.


Deathlok V2 | Deathlok marvel, Marvel comics art, Marvel agents of shield

Colonel Luther Manning is an American soldier from Detroit, Michigan, who, after being fatally injured, is reanimated in a post-apocalyptic future (originally given the date of 1990) only to discover that what remains of his dead body has been turned into the experimental Deathlok cyborg by Simon Ryker. He verbally communicates with his symbiotic computer, to which he refers as the abbreviated “‘Puter”. He escapes from Ryker’s control,although he dreams he has regained his humanity. He battles the evil corporate and military regimes that have taken over the United States, while simultaneously struggling not to lose his humanity. He battles Simon Ryker and the first War-Wolf, and encounters his wife and son for the first time after becoming a cyborg. He battles Simon Ryker’s Super-Tank,and then begins a hunt for a “cyborg doctor” He battles mutants alongside a time-traveling Spider-Man.He begins working for the CIA, encounters Godwulf for the first time, and is then finally sent back in time to the modern era.

He battles the Devil-Slayer, but then battles demons alongside Devil-Slayer. He later becomes controlled by Mentallo and the Fixer and is sent to assassinate the President, but is stopped by the Thing and Nick Fury.After his capture he becomes catatonic, and is taken to England for treatment by the Thing.He is cured by Louis Kort, and Nick Fury takes him into custody.

Deathlok is rebuilt by Roxxon as a robot and sent to sabotage Project Pegasus. The robot battles the Thing and Quasar, and self-destructs The real Deathlok, now working for the Brand Corporation, battles Captain America and a time-traveling Luther Manning clone. Alongside Captain America, Godwulf, and the Redeemers, he battles Hellinger.

Some time later, the “mainstream timeline” Luther Manning begins dreaming that he is Deathlok.He is charged with temporal energy by Timestream.Timestream recruits this “mainstream” human Manning. Deathlok, Timestream, and Manning battled the Collins Deathlok, Siege, and Godwulf.

The Manning Deathlok eventually returns to his own time and overthrows the megalomaniac who had taken over the country. Manning remains in his near-future alternate reality, searching for a purpose in life and unable to disconnect himself from the machine bonded to him.

Eventually, Manning travels to the mainstream Marvel Universe and encounters Daredevil and the Kingpin. He lives a life of solitude until being apprehended by S.H.I.E.L.D., from which he is later kidnapped by the supervillain the Owl and, immobilized, put up for auction as a weapon. Before a sale can be completed, he is stolen by the crime lord the Hood and sent on a kamikaze decoy run.

DC: Vixen's 10 Greatest Fights, Ranked | CBR


Mari McCabe is a Zambesi-born American businesswoman and model. She fights crime as Vixen with the aid of the Tantu Totem that allows her to wield the powers of the animal kingdomIn ancient Africa, there was a legend that the warrior Tantu asked Anansi the Spider to create a totem that would give the wearer all of the powers of the animal kingdom, if they would use the power to protect the innocent. It is possible that the “Anansi” who Tantu met, may have been a member of the alien race who gave Buddy Baker the ability to tap the Morphogenetic Field. Mari’s Tantu totem may tap into that same field. Tantu used the totem to become the first legendary hero of Africa. The totem was later passed down to Tantu’s descendants until it reached the McCabes.

Vixen returns to her home village for the first time in years only to find that Kwesi, the man who killed her mother, has taken over many of the local Zambesi villages. Vixen easily dispatches a number of Kwesi’s troops showing the villagers her powers in the process. Many of the villagers, now fearful of her supernatural nature, ask her to leave so that she does not bring Kwesi’s wrath on the village. Vixen soon confronts Kwesi directly and is surprised to find that he has powers of his own. Kwesi shows speed power and claws that rival anything Vixen possesses. He is able to severely wound her after their initial engagement. Vixen finds that she has great trouble healing the wounds, which turn out to be poisoned. While in her injured state, her JLA communicator is activated, and the Justice League travels to Africa to assist her.

Vixen later finds out that Kwesi is being funded by Intergang and that his powers are actually produced by advanced technology and chemicals. One of these chemicals, a Vodun zombie potion modified to be effective against Superman, infects the Kryptonian and Black Canary. Whisper A’Daire turns out to be the head of the this Intergang plot, and through the uses of the zombie potion takes control of the two heroes and turns them against their fellow Leaguers.


  • Elephant
  • Hippopotamus
  • Blue whale
  • Spermwhale
  • Great White
  • Buffalo
  • Constrictor
  • The Wishers (Humans)


  • Puma
  • Cheetah
  • Hare
  • Wildebeest
  • Sailfish
  • Spur-Winged Goose
  • Peregrine Flacon


  • Through the spirit of various birds, mammals and insects, Vixen is able to fly, glide or hover. Vixen has reached Mach 2, using the flight speed of a Horsefly.

Superhuman Durability

  • Tick
  • Armadillo
  • Sperm Whale
  • Rhino
  • Tardigrade

Superhuman Senses

  • The spirit of the rat and bear gives her an incredibly strong sense of smell. The latter allowed her to track a missing woman across an entire state.

Poison Generation

  • Jellyfish
  • Poison dart frog

Light Generation

  • Through the spirit of the Electric Catfish Vixen is able to generate blinding flashes of light.

Regeneration and Healing

  • The Axolotl allows Vixen to remove her hand and not bleed out while it grows back.
  • Flatworms allow her to regenerate her entire body from almost nothing after it had been vaporized.


  • Through the Tantu totem Vixen is able to link her mind to every animal on the planet, including humans and communicate with them.

Animal Spirit/Aura Generation

  • When her powers are active Vixen generates a glowing visual of the animal she is channeling. Large animals such as Hippos, Whales, Elephants, Bears or Buffalos completely surround her person while smaller ones such as bats, rats, birds or frogs appear either behind her or on her shoulder. It is unknown if other characters can see this image or not.

Lifeform Identification

  • The totem is able to identify the origins of any animal or person even allowing Vixen to deduce that her foe was from another dimesion as his physical body was a void in the red.

Vixen originally could only assume the abilities of one animal at a time. However, she has been seen in one instance using the speed of the cheetah, combined with the durability/momentum of a rhinoceros, and the dexterity of a Capuchin monkey against a member of the Royal Flush Gang, and in another instance holding onto the traits of an entire forest of animals to get her comrades to safety. It has been thought that the totem increases her natural range for mimicking animals to 150 feet; however, as seen in her own mini-series, Vixen: Return Of The Lion, she does not require the totem

For a period Vixen was able to mimic the powers of other superhumans, though this was due to Anansi’s influence, and she can no longer do this.

Vixen has enhanced physical abilities (metahuman strength, agility, speed, stamina), even without invoking the abilities of the animal kingdom. She also possesses razor sharp claws which she is skilled in using in combat, and possesses some abilities in animal control.

Nick Fury

Nick Fury (Ultimate Marvel character) - Wikipedia

Nicholas Fury was born in the early twentieth century and fought for the United States in World War II. During the invasion of Sicily, he, along with Private Fisk and Canadian paratrooper James Howlett attempted to loot a house. American Military Police arrived to arrest them, and all three were subdued. Fisk was grazed by a bullet, while Fury was imprisoned in an unknown location alongside several other black men and Howlett, despite protests that he was Canadian, was also shipped to an unknown location. Fury was selected to be the next test subject for Project Rebirth, as his blood work most closely matched that of subject 22, the most successful of the previous test subjects. He was injected with a serum that gave him super-strength, which he used to free himself and the other prisoners, who then escaped. The scientists who were working on him let him escape, deciding that they had all the information that they needed for the time being.

Nicholas Joseph Fury Jr.

Nick Fury II (Nicholas Fury Jr. | Marcus Johnson) (Comic Book Character)
Once known as Marcus Johnson, Nick Fury Jr. is the second son of the legendary Nick Fury, and the leader of the Secret Avengers. With a military history and a knack for espionage, he has gone on to follow his father’s footsteps as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marcus Johnson was a Ranger in the U.S. Army. Up until recently, he was not aware that his father was actually Nick Fury. For this reason he was being pursued by several different parties. Following the revelation that he was the son of Fury, and that he was born as Nicholas Fury, Jr., he joined S.H.I.E.L.D. along with his best friend Phillip “Cheese” Coulson.

Marcus Johnson’s life used to make sense. He grew up a bright, gifted young man in Atlanta, Georgia who could have gotten a full ride to any university he wanted, but instead, he chose to enlist in the army first. After a tour in the Middle East, he got his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Georgia, before enlisting again. He served in Afghanistan as a Ranger, alongside his best friend Phil “Cheese” Coulson—a man who saved his life more times than he could count. Like any soldier, he missed home, but didn’t think his mother would have to die for him to see it again…

To Johnson, his mother Nia had always been a compassionate woman; a social studies teacher with a heart as warm as her mind was sharp. But after her funeral and the subsequent attempt on his life by Orion (Victor Uvarov) and his underlings from the terrorist organization known as Leviathan, Johnson discovered that his mother had lived a different life before his birth. After having his own life saved by the one and only Captain America, Johnson uncovered Nia’s secret history as a CIA agent. With that piece of crucial information came another bombshell revelation: his father was none other than Colonel Nick Fury, the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

War Machine

War Machine (James Rhodes).jpg

James “Rhodey” Rhodes was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a child he suffered racist abuse from white children in the Grays Ferry area of south Philadelphia, who attacked him while urging him to stay out of their park and keep to ‘his own’. He would go on to be targeted by black gang members as a teen, who believed Rhodes thought he was better than as he focused on his education, rather than joining up with them. He later joined the United States Marines becoming a pilot stationed overseas

James “Rhodey” Rhodes is Tony Stark’s personal pilot and one of the playboy’s oldest friends. Rhodes also known as Rhodey has often donned the Iron Man mantle when the burden has been too much for his friend, but has also established his own identity as the War Machine and Iron Patriot.James Rupert Rhodes was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He first met Tony Stark while flying combat missions in Vietnam. Rhodes’ helicopter had been shot down by Viet Cong rocket fire, and while trying to get the aircraft airborne again, he encountered Stark in a bulky prototype suit of powered armor. At that moment the Viet Cong attacked, and Stark, in his suit, helped to drive them off. Together, Rhodes and Stark made their way to a nearby enemy base where they stole another helicopter, flying it back to the American lines.

The Masters of Silence, three Japanese warriors tricked by Justin Hammer into attacking Iron Man, defeated Stark with technology that enabled them not to be affected by repulsors or unibeams. To combat the threat, Stark designed the “Variable Threat Response Battle Suit, Model XVI, Mark I” (nicknamed “War Machine”), a more heavily armed version of the Iron Man armor designed for all-out warfare. After Stark’s apparent death in the comic book, he left Rhodes in control of Stark Enterprises as its new CEO, along with a new Variable Threat Response Battle Suit designed especially for Rhodes to continue the Iron Man legacy.As Iron Man once again, Rhodes used the armor and fought against threats such as the Living Laser, the second Spymaster, Blacklash, the Beetle, and Atom Smasher.Upon the revelation that Stark was alive, Rhodes quit Stark Enterprises and the friendship between the two was fractured, Rhodes resenting how Stark had kept him in the dark about his continued survival even as Stark argued that the experiments that saved his life were purely experimental and he couldn’t have risked anyone else guessing that he was alive if Rhodes’ grief had appeared anything but genuine. After teaming with Iron Man against battledroids programmed to kill Rhodes, Stark wanted Rhodes to keep the Variable Threat Response Battle Suit, stating that the armor always belonged to Rhodes. Rhodes eventually kept the armor and later adopted the name of War Machine


Rhodes was trained as an aircraft pilot and studied aviation engineering while in service with the United States Marine Corps. He is knowledgeable in aircraft operation/maintenance and has piloted various aircraft at Stark Enterprises. Rhodes is an experienced Marine trained in unarmed combat and military weaponry such as small arms. In addition to being a pilot, engineer, Marine, and businessman, Rhodes derives multiple abilities from various hi-tech armors, either designed by Stark Industries or extraterrestrial in nature. With his years of experience with both the Iron Man and War Machine powered armors, Rhodes is skilled in armored combat and uses a more physical fighting style. Compared to Iron Man, his suit is bulkier than Stark’s and most of the time physically stronger but slower. Due to being an early Stark design and updated less than Stark’s his suit generally has less cutting-edge tech functions than Iron Man.


Skilled Engineer: Rhodes served several tours in Southeast Asia, studying while in the service to become an aviation engineer.

Skilled Aviator: He is a skilled helicopter pilot and is capable of maneuvering most if not all Stark-designed armors.

Skilled Combatant: Rhodes military training made him a very skilled hand to hand combat He also trained in boxing as a young man

Skilled Marksman: Aside from his armor’s weaponry, he is a very good marksman.

Physical Strength

Without the armor, James Rhodes possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.


Bishop (Ultimate) | X men, Marvel art, Marvel

Born about 80 years in the future of the Marvel Universe, Bishop was the son of Aboriginal mutant refugees who fled to America from Australia one day before Australia was devastated by a nuclear attack.He was raised in a mutant concentration camp in the aftermath of the Summers Rebellion, an uprising in which mutants and humans joined forces to destroy the Sentinels. Bishop has a distinctive M brand over his right eye, used to identify mutants in his era. After his parents were killed, Bishop was taken in by a man named LeBeau, also called Witness, who was reportedly the last man to see the legendary X-Men alive. According to LeBeau, Bishop’s adoptive grandmother took Bishop away from him. Bishop and his younger sister, Shard, were then subsequently raised by his grandmother within the same mutant concentration camp in Brooklyn. Bishop’s grandmother taught him many legends of the X-Men, who were old allies of hers. Depowered by unknown means, she had entered the camps in secret to raise her grandchildren. Upon her deathbed, she made Bishop swear to protect Shard. After the Rebellion, the mutants were “emancipated” and sent out of the camps to fend for themselves. Bishop and Shard, who were only children, were left alone. They lived on the streets, stealing in order to survive until coming under the care of a family friend, a war veteran named Hancock. Slightly blind, Hancock nevertheless took on the task of raising the two. One day, Bishop encountered an anti-human group of mutants called the Exhumes, who took Shard hostage just before the XSE arrived. Until that time, Bishop had admired the Exhumes, attributing to them his proud, idealized notion of the legendary X-Men. It wasn’t until the XSE defeated the Exhume and saved his sister that Bishop knew he wanted to join the XSE. When Bishop was 15, Hancock was murdered by criminals who were promptly arrested by the XSE, and he and Shard enlisted in their ranks. Shard soon surpassed Bishop to become the youngest XSE officer. During a training class, Bishop’s instructors and some of his fellow students were attacked and killed. Bishop rallied the survivors and led the struggle against the assailants until reinforcements arrived. Bishop gradually climbs the ranks of the XSE until finally becoming their commander.

While on a mission to wipe out a nest of Emplates, mutant vampires that feed on bone marrow, Shard was critically injured. Bishop went to Witness for help. Witness, then imprisoned at the New York Stark Fujikawa building, agreed to transfer Shard’s essence into a holographic matrix if Bishop would work for him for one year. Bishop agreed, leaving the XSE for a time. The details of Bishop’s work during this period are unknown; Bishop appears reticent on the subject, later refusing to tell Shard of his actions.Immediately upon his re-installment as a commander in the XSE, Bishop and his XSE group the “Omega Squad” captured Trevor Fitzroy, a murderous ex-XSE trainee in the ruins of the Xavier Institute War Room. While there, Bishop discovered a damaged recording of Jean Grey, in which she spoke of a traitor destroying the X-Men from inside. Haunted by his discovery, Bishop confronts Witness for details, but receives only a vague, ambiguous response, leaving Bishop to suspect his former master of being more than simply a witness to the downfall of the X-Men.

Powers and Abilities

Bishop is a mutant who can manipulate kinetic energy (the energy created by any form of movement) and absorb most types of energy , as well as most types of energy directed toward him.The energy can be converted into electricity, plasma, fire, etc. He can then re-channel it through his body for concussive blasts, or in the same form that was absorbed (this includes Storm’s weather effects such as lightning). This re-channeled energy is apparently able to damage beings who are normally immune to their own powers. Due to the nature of his mutant powers, it makes it extremely difficult to damage him with energy-based attacks, while enabling him to work well with any energy-using teammates. Bishop can also store absorbed energy within his personal reserves. Storing this energy within body gives Bishop a variety of benefits including superhuman strength (baseline of a 8 to 12 ton lifting/carrying capacity) with unknown limits, superhuman speed, increased stamina, accelerated healing, and invulnerability. His powers reduce the need for sleep, food, drinking, body evacuations, and oxygen. Bishop can also use his powers to fly. The energy can also be used for flying. In recent years Bishop has been seen to be learning to absorb physical damage much the way Sebastian Shaw does and redirect this kinetic energy into enhancing his physical abilities as well. However, some energy types are more difficult to absorb than others, and Bishop can only absorb so much energy before he is forced to expel it lest it kill him. He also has the ability to instinctively know where he is at. Bishop is resistant to nanites due to his training in the XSE. He is a formidable armed and unarmed combatant, having been extensively trained during his time with the XSE.

He possesses a cybernetic arm that is powered by nuclear energy, and has been shown to have two clawed tendrils in it, as well as allowing him to time-jump due to built-in time travel technology, the full extent of the technology/abilities of his cybernetic arm are unknown. Bishop’s cybernetic grants him Cyberkinesis, allowing him to manipulate technology.

Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller | DC

Amanda “The Wall” Waller is a powerful and dangerous top-ranking government head. She oversees a wide number of shady covert government operations and has deeply clouded morals where she walks the line of hero and villain.

Amanda Blake grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago. At the age of 18 she married the 20-year-old Joseph Waller, and they quickly had a large family together. Her first child was Joe, Jr., then Damita, then the twins Martin and Jessie, and then her youngest child Coretta. Their lives were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy. Joe, Jr. was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship until he was killed in a mugging gone wrong. Damita was raped and murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church. They knew who was responsible, but the police could not get a conviction with no witnesses. Her husband Joseph Waller set out to kill the rapist “Candyman” and both men shot each other dead. Amanda swore that the streets would take no more of her family. She worked hard to put all of her other children through college, then she put herself through college and earned a political science degree. Amanda decided to go into politics, and she approached democratic congressional candidate Marvin Collins to become his campaign director. Collins was elected thanks to her efforts, and he took her to Washington as his aide. Amanda discovered the old Task Force X files while searching through old bills, and asked to revive the Suicide Squad under her direction.

The Agency was formed by Amanda Waller to serve as a small, quasi-independent branch of Task Force X.

Amanda Waller rebuilds Task Force X, and its former leader Rick Flag is assigned to work under her. Flag argues with Waller about her agenda, and Waller says the only thing she cares about is his ability to follow orders.

Waller puts together a new Suicide Squad lead by Flag with members including Blockbuster, Bronze Tiger, Captain Boomerang, and Enchantress. The criminals are offered pardons in exchange for their service, and fitted with explosive bracelets that will detonate if they disobey orders. Her team destroys Brimstone at Mount Rushmore. Blockbuster is the only casualty, despite her expectations that all of them would die

Miles Morales

Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review - Narrative Is Diverse, Joyful, But Limited

After Norman Osborn was arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D and publicly revealed as the Green Goblin, and nearly two months before Peter Parker’s death, a thief broke into the abandoned Osborn Industries. Unbeknownst to the thief, a spider genetically enhanced with the Oz Formula crawled into his bag.

Bitten by a slightly different genetically engineered spider than the one that granted Peter Parker superhuman powers, Miles Morales possesses abilities similar to the original Spider-Man’s, including enhanced strength, agility, and reflexes, the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings with his hands and feet,and a “spider sense” that warns him of danger with a buzzing sensation in his head. Though his strength and agility are similar to those of the original younger Spider-Man, his spider-sense is not as strong, as it only warns him of immediate danger.

Miles Morales, a young kid from Brooklyn visited his uncle Aaron Davis (which was against his parents’ wishes, due to his uncle’s criminal past) after being awarded the final spot in a charter school lottery. At his uncle’s apartment Miles was bitten by the Oz-enhanced spider, which emerged from Aaron’s bag, and Miles discovered he received superhuman abilities like camouflage, increased agility, as well as some sort of stun blast, and upon revealing his newly found powers to his best friend, Ganke Lee, both concluded he had power similar to Spider-Man’s, including wall-crawling.But Miles reacted negatively, as he just wanted to be normal, and decided to leave heroism to the actual Spider-Man.

Months later, Spider-Man died saving his family from Osborn. Miles arrived late to the scene. Struck with grief at not helping Peter Parker before his demise, Miles decided to follow Parker’s philosophy — with great power comes great responsibility — and so continue Peter’s legacy.

He has two abilities that the original Spider-Man does not have: the ability to camouflage himself, including his clothing, to match his surroundings, making him effectively invisible,and a “venom strike” that can temporarily paralyze almost anyone with just a touch. The venoike does not employ actual venom, but is a type of directed energy that can be conducted through Miles’ gloves, and can be used against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which both Miles and his opponent are in contact, such as the webbing of the Earth-616’s Spider-Man. It can break chains being used to restrain Miles and even repel non-ferrous objects, such as plastic Lego bricks.The venom strike is powerful enough to render unconscious a person as large as Hank Pym’s Giant-Man.It is powerful enough to drive away the symbiotic villain Venom during Miles’ first encounter with the creature,but by their second encounter, Venom has developed such a tolerance to the strike that Miles has to be completely enveloped by the symbiote before the venom strike is able to separate the symbiote from its host. Doctor Octopus also developed a set of tentacles that would not conduct the venom strike.The effect of the venom strike manifests itself a few seconds after it is implemented, and is described by Bendis as being comparable to the feeling of being kicked in the testicles.Miles can effect a more powerful version of the strike, which he calls a “mega venom blast”. When Miles employs this ability, his eyes glow with yellow energy, which then explodes outwards in a radiant burst that can not only repel a large group of opponents,but also destroy thick ropes and chains that have been used to restrain him. This application of the strike leaves him “dizzy and useless”,and cannot be used multiple times in rapid succession without a “recharging” period for Miles, though he can still make use of the conventional strike against people during this period. The conventional venom strike is mostly useless against the supervillain Armadillo, but during Miles’ encounter with that villain, his venom blast manifests itself in a form similar to Miles’ webbing, and Miles uses it like a lasso to pull Armadillo towards him and knock him unconscious with a venom strike-powered punch.

Miles’ body also possesses a significant resistance to injury. During an altercation with the Roxxon mercenary Taskmaster, Miles is thrown through a brick wall without any apparent serious injury, though the experience is painful for him.

Black Manta

Black Manta: The DCEU Villain Is Trying to Fix His Family - And Failing Hard

The boy who would become Black Manta was an autistic youth who grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and loved to play by the sea. As a youth he was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship for an unspecified amount of time. At one point he apparently saw Aquaman with his dolphin friends and tried to signal him for help but was not seen. Finally, he was forced to defend himself, killing one of his tormentors on the ship with a knife. Hating the emotionless sea (and Aquaman, who he saw as its representative), the boy was determined to become its master.

Placed into an institution for his mental “affliction,” the boy was treated cruelly by his attendants. The boy experienced being immersed in water as sublime ecstasy, while the softness of the cotton sheets of his bed bore for him excruciating pain.  The attendants would strap him to the bed anyway, and to stifle his screams of pain, they would smother him with pillows until he passed out. The boy could barely speak, usually repeating a few words, such as “love swim.” The doctors began performing experimental treatments on the boy, experiments that seemed to cause him pain. One of these experiments was successful enough that he became able to speak in complete sentences. Using his newfound ability to seem normal, the boy put his doctor at ease enough to unstrap him. Afterward, the boy used the syringe used to help him speak to murder the doctor and escape. 

As an adult, he designed a costume (primarily a black wetsuit with bug-eyed helmet that was able to shoot blasting rays from its eyes) and fashioned a high-tech submersible inspired by black manta rays. Taking the name Black Manta, he and his masked army became a force to be reckoned with. He also joined the short-lived Injustice League.

Powers and abilities

Black Manta possesses a keen scientific mind and is an expert in mechanical engineering and military tactics. Despite being a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and swordsman, he generally relies more on technology and strategic planning than direct physical confrontations.

As a result of the serum that cured him of his autism, Black Manta possesses some degree of advanced stamina and endurance. He utilizes a nigh-invulnerable battle suit that further enhances his physical strength and durability to superhuman levels, allowing him to lift and throw cars with ease. Due to this, David with his suit can lift an additional 5000 Ibs more than without the suit. This armor is adapted to an oceanic environment, providing complete resistance to deep sea pressures and granting Black Manta the ability to breathe underwater. The suit also includes a jet pack propulsion system that functions in or out of water, a telepathic scrambler, and a wide array of different weapons and gadgets including twin swords, a hand trident, a wrist-mounted speargun on the right arm, a harpoon, deployable miniaturized torpedoes, and a diving helmet that can discharge powerful optic blasts from the eye lenses. Black Manta often uses unique vehicles, such as a modified manta ray-shaped submarine, for traveling underwater.

At one point, Black Manta was transformed by the demon Neron into a human-manta ray hybrid in exchange for his soul, which allowed him to breathe underwater without the use of his suit. This transformation has since been undone by Aquaman. For a brief time, Black Manta possessed a powerful mystical relic named “The Black Pearl”, a powerful Atlantean artifact that allowed him to control the oceans at will.

Misty Knight

Misty Knight | Wiki | Comics Amino

Knight is a former NYPD police officer, whose arm was amputated following a bomb attack. After receiving a bionic prosthetic from Tony Stark, she started a private-investigation agency with close friend, Colleen Wing. The two would later form the crime-fighting duo Daughters of the Dragon. As private investigators, Knight and Wing frequently worked with the Heroes for Hire duo Luke Cage and Iron Fist; Knight is often seen in a romantic relationship with the latter.

Misty Knight was a rising star with the NYPD when she was seriously injured preventing a bomb attack that forced the amputation of her right arm. Rather than take a desk job, she resigned from the police force, though she remained good friends with her long-time partner on the force Rafael Scarfe. Tony Stark provided her a bionic arm that endowed her superhuman strength. Soon after that, she met Spider-and then Iron Fist. Misty roomed with X-Men member Marvel Girl until Marvel Girl returned to her life as an X-Man.

Misty teamed with her friend Colleen Wing in fighting the criminal Emil Vachon in the Hong Kong area. She saved Colleen from an attempted beating. She then set up a private detective agency with Colleen entitled: “Knightwing Restorations Ltd”.

Soon after she first met Iron Fist, the two crimefighters fell in love. Misty conducted undercover work against the crime lord John Bushmaster.She aided Iron Fist, Spider-Man, and Colleen Wing against Davos, the Steel Serpent.She then first met and fought Luke Cage, Power Man. Misty’s “Knightwing Restorations Ltd” detective agency would go on to help Power Man and Iron Fist’s Heroes for Hire agency on numerous cases. Misty aided Iron Fist and Power Man in rescuing captives of John Bushmaster and procured a videotape clearing Cage of crimes. Misty was then captured and nearly killed by Nightshade. She then helped the X-Men, Colleen Wing, and Sunfire against Moses Magnum in Japan. She fought Sabr and then fought Constrictor and Sabretooth together, and was rescued by El Aguila. She escaped captivity and captured Ward Meachum. Colleen Wing later broke off her friendship with Misty due to Misty’s relationship with Tyrone King.Misty rescued Iron Fist from drowning, reconciled with him, and ended her relationship with Tyrone King.Later, when Iron Fist broke up with her, Misty began a short romance with Power Man. This episode was a source of tension between Power Man and Iron Fist for a brief period.

Misty Knight is a highly skilled combatant who, in addition to her police-combat training, is proficient in martial arts and possesses near-perfect aim with firearms. She is a superb detective, having graduated at the top of her class at the police academy and earned a degree in criminology from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.Her bionic arm is superhumanly strong, and she can punch a target with incredible force, or crush objects as tough as steel in her vise-like grip. Since the rest of her body is not cybernetically enhanced, she cannot lift objects heavier than her back, shoulders, and legs can physically support. Her arm’s advantages as a weapon are limited to kinetic crushing and impact forces.Her original bionic right arm was constructed from steel, and designed by Stark International. Her new arm was built by Stark Industries and is an alloy of Antarctic vibranium and diamond; at close range it can liquefy all known metals, including adamantium. It is now able to generate a wide anti-gravity repulsor field similar to Iron Man’s armor.It can apparently release a concentrated beam of cryogenic energy, which can cover a target in a blanket of ice from a distance. This cold seems to make the target much more fragile, allowing otherwise durable materials to be broken or rended when frozen.Iron Man revealed the arm also displays technopathic capabilities, teaching Misty how to control a horde of robots.Following her “pregnancy”, Danny Rand spent money on additional features to the arm, including magnetism and a concussive blast.

A couple of new upgrades given to her bionics were shown during her hunt across the world for the recently resurrected Wolverine. Showcasing an energy shield to ward off incoming assaults with, a force field which she can expand over a marginal radius to help protect multiple people if need be. It even has a deployed grapple line within the forearm for use as an extension to reach and grab objects a good distance away. Often useful for latching onto and swinging from place to place with or to escape deadly falls from great heights.

Published by Star Moon

My name is Lilies , I was born in Brooklyn in 1983