Idea for a Halloween Party

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Image result for Halloween Scavenger Hunt

first clue

There’s a special place that you must go to.
To discover a cauldron of witch’s brew.
Dunk one team member’s face to find
the apple of your team’s design.

Set up a cauldron of “Witch’s Brew” where everyone can bob for apples. Tie a different color of string around the stem of each apple, and make sure the teams know which color they are and that they must bob for the apple with their team’s color on the stem.

second clue

For your next task you must retrieve
a set of tootsies among the leaves.
Look up, look down and you may see
a pair of feet in a great big tree.

Cut a pair of feet in each team’s color out of construction paper. Hang the feet in the trees- if you want you can color red on the feet to make them look dismembered. Each team must somehow get their pair of “dismembered feet” from the trees.

third clue

Now you must look for lips that are talking.
They’re not too far so get started walking.
Look for the head that won’t stop speaking.
And take your pair before you start shrieking.

Set up a table where you can place either a fake talking head that you might be able to find at a Halloween Store, or someone who doesn’t mind kneeling on the ground for the entire scavenger hunt (with a table around the head). Nearby, have someone turn on a fake chainsaw and yell this poem out to each group that approaches:

A year ago on All Hollow’s Eve
I chopped off the head of my friend Steve.
I took his teeth, with choppers gleaming.
I stole his lips to stop the screaming.
Where did I put those lips I wonder?
Find your color lips or I’ll tear you asunder.

If you can’t find them you’ll wind up like him (point to the head on the table which is assumed to be “Steve”)! MHAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
(Everyone must take turns drawing different colored lips out of a bag without lookin until they find their color)

fourth clue

Your next goal is to find a mask.
This will not be an easy task.
Look for a place that will really scare.
Start digging where souls “Rest In Peace”, if you dare.

Set up fake gravestones. Place the masks under piles of leaves in front of the stones. Each team must find the mask with their team’s colored string/ribbon attached to it.

fifth clue

On Halloween night pumpkins come to life.
As they are carved with a long sharp knife
Reach your hand through “pumpkin guts” to grasp
a bag of seeds with your team’s colored clasp.

Place a bag or two of seeds inside several different pumpkins. Make sure there is a bag of seeds with a colored ribbon/string for each team. This way, they have to reach their hands inside of a few pumpkins to find the bag of seeds that matches their team’s color.

sixth clue

There lies a pond on the forest floor.
Where hands are found, all guts and gore!
They’re cold and clammy and they float along.
No longer on bodies where they belong.

First, fill a bunch of gloves with water and stick them in the freezer. This way it makes the hands like big, clammy ice cubes. Tie a colored string (one for each team) on the hands. If you want, you might be able to put each team’s color in the water before you freeze the gloves so that the hands are already the appropriate color. Make sure to put a lot of extra hands in the water (use a baby pool filled with cold water). Everyone must find their floating hands with the correct color of string (or the correct color of ice inside the glove).

seventh clue

Far in the woods, a web you will see.
It is stretched out between two large trees.
Look for the insect that matches your team’s hue
whether it’s yellow, green, red, purple, or blue.

Place a huge spider’s web between 2 trees. Tie different colored plastic and or rubber insects to the web. Also, make sure to leave a large sign that says something like, “Beware of large tarantula” as well as a large and fuzzy looking tarantula in the middle of the web with big glowing eyes.

eighth clue

There’s a great pumpkin which must be found.
Plastic bags you will find on the ground.
Sift through these bags and sort through the leaves
to find your colored prize on this Hallow’s Eve.

Place several small pumpkins throughout each of your pumpkin trash bags filled with leaves. To distinguish each pumpkin, you can paint them each a different color or tie a colored string on each pumpkin’s stem.

ninth clue

Look up in the sky, “It’s a bird, it’s a plane!”
No, it’s just a few ghosts playing a game.
Choose the one that’s dressed in your shade.
He may appear creepy, but don’t be afraid.

Hang little ghosts in different colors from the tree of your choice. Each team must get the ghost dressed in their team’s color (you can hang lots of ghosts and make them retrieve more than one if you choose).

tenth clue

Tied to a tree stands Roger Jones.
He has no skin, just lanky bones.
He was left to die one cold dark night.

His grin, still there, is such a fright.

Now that he’s gone he needs not a thing.
So grab the bone that has your team’s colored string.
Be careful not to disturb his head.
His stale breath is dreadful and will knock you dead!

Tie a skeleton (paper if you don’t have access to a real one) to a tree and give him extra bones that are colored with each team’s colored string. You can even use a paper one if necessary, and tie plastic or paper bones to the tree for each team to retrieve.

eleventh and final clue

You’ve made it through the witch’s brew
And been scared by the bodiless head too.
You found your pumpkin, your mask, your hand.
And now the guts are over – this is the end.

Here’s the part where you win your prize.
And you’re awarded for being so quick and wise.
Up in the tree on each branch you will see…
A fabulous accessory you can wear with glee.

So up you will go, to reach each prize.
This way your brilliance won’t be disguised.
For the rest of the night, on your head the hat must stay.
It will ward off evil spirits and keep the ghosts away.

Each team must have a “souvenir” from each of the stations to get to this point. Make sure there is a sign up which says: “BEWARE… ANY TEAM THAT GOES BEYOND THIS POINT WITHOUT A SOUVENIR FROM EACH OF THE 11 STATIONS IS DOOMED TO BE DISQUALIFIED.”

Hang Halloween hats in the tree. The winners get to wear them for the rest of the party!

Have fun!

Bloody Halloween Party Ideas

Blood is the perfect Halloween party theme. There are so many great bloody Halloween props and bloody Halloween masks out there for it, you are almost assured success! From the Bloody Banquet party invitations to the blood themed drinks, this Halloween party is one that your guests will never forget.

bloody banquet halloween invitations

We created a spooky Bloody Banquet theme invitation that is sure to impress your guests. There is also a large selection of Halloween invitations to choose from, so go with whatever strikes your fancy.

If you want to be creative and make your own invitation stick with the blood theme. Print your party information on off-white or flesh colored paper. You can layer it on a piece of black or red cardstock to give it a more finished look. Buy some first aid gauze and splatter it with red paint. Let it dry completely and wrap the invites in the gauze. Mail the invite in a padded envelope.

You can also mail your invitation in a box with some black paper shreddz and a bloody finger. Tie a white string around the finger and attach a tag the reads “Don’t forget to RSVP”.

bloody halloween props, party decorations and party supplies

Start by welcoming your guests with bloody decorations around your entryway. A hanging skulls and a bloody weapon garland will give everyone chills.

If you are having a party were many people will not know each other, purchase some of those “Hello my name is” name tags for guests to fill out. Have them add a line that includes their blood type and next of kin, just in case something befalls them at the party 🙂

When you decorate the room, start with the background decorations and then add some great props to take it over the top. Here are a few that we think are perfect for setting your bloody stage –

  • Asylum Decorating Kit – Perfect for a blank wall in the party room, really sets the scene!
  • Blood Splats Drips – These gory plastic clings are great for mirrors and windows.
  • Bloody Cloth – Great for a fireplace or mantel.

Complement all these great decorations with low lighting and candles.



Fake Blood

  • 3 parts clear corn syrup
  • 1 part water
  • Corn starch or chocolate syrup for thickening
  • Red and blue food coloring

Combine corn syrup and water. Add the red food coloring and mix. Add a small amount of blue food coloring to achieve a more realistic shade. Now add the corn starch or chocolate syrup and mix until you get the desired thickness. If you use cornstarch you may have to strain it to remove any lumps. Chocolate syrup will make the “blood” a realistic red/brown color. Refrigerate until you’re ready to use, and use within 2-3 days of mixing. Be aware that the food coloring in this recipe may temporarily stain skin and will permanently stain clothes.

So now the rooms are perfectly frightful, it’s time to move of to setting out the repugnant buffet…
Bloody Mary
serves 1

  • 1 1/2 ounces vodka
  • 1/2 cup tomato juice
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • Worcestershire sauce, to taste
  • Tabasco to taste
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 celery stick (for garnish)

In a cocktail shaker, add vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, ice and salt and pepper to taste. Shake well, then strain into a tall glass filled with ice cubes. Garnish with celery.

It’s a shocking spread, everyone will agree!

bloody banquet party games
I think having a horror movie screening is a great idea. Whether you go current or classic, everyone will love a good scare! Here are a few of my favorites –

  • Dracula – with the great Bela Lugosi, classic
  • Halloween – the original slasher flick
  • Psycho – a great Hitchcock classic
  • The Addams Family – a fun and not too scary choice
  • The Nightmare on Elm Street – Freddy Krueger is the star in this 80’s slicer-dicer
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre – The original 1974 classic or the 2003 remake are both great
  • Scream – Part horror, part teen-flick and part comedy, but always a great scare
  • Saw – a gory Halloween tradition with several sequels
  • Carrie – a classic as far as we’re concerned

No Halloween party is complete without a costume contest! Let your guests know that there will be a contest on the invite and prepared to be wowed. Give a fun Halloween

bloody halloween masks and costumes
The perfect Halloween party is not complete without the perfect Halloween costumes. As a host you should have a fantastic costume that matches the theme. Here are a few fantastic options –

  • Bloody Butcher – Dinner’s on!
  • Carrie -All ready for Prom?

Too bad you won’t be qualified to win your own costume contest, you would be a shoe in!

bloody banquet party favors
Send your guests home with a spooky souvenir from your Bloody Banquet. The perfect favor is a bottle of champagne or wine with a personalized Bloody Banquet bottle label, for beer or water or wine, that matches your invitations. Many companies release special edition Halloween wines and champagnes in the fall.

Everyone will have such a bloody good time at your Halloween party they will be speculating about next year on the ride home!

Voodoo Masquerade Halloween Party Theme

Why not do the voodoo that you do so well this Halloween? A Mardi Gras Halloween party is a great idea. So what if Mardi Gras is usually in February or March! I won’t tell if you won’t! It’s a time for reveling, getting unusually crazy and doing it all behind a mask. Invite your friends to do just that with you! As a special tribute to Voodoo of the South, take this twist to give your Mardi Gras Halloween party a touch of danger.

What is voodoo?Voodoo is a religion that originates in Africa. In the Americas and the Caribbean, it is thought to be a combination of various African, Catholic and Native American traditions. It is practiced around the world but there is no accurate count of how many people are Voodooists. Voodoo has no scripture or world authority. It is community-centered and supports individual experience, empowerment and responsibility.Voodoo is different in different parts of the world, and varies from community to community. This is mostly about Voodoo in New Orleans and Haiti.


Is Marie Laveau real?
Mistress Marie Laveau: The Real Story of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. Known as the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, according to many eyewitness accounts, this was a title Marie Laveau not only earned, but to this day has not relinquished.

New Orleans Voodoo Crossroads was founded in 1991 as a vehicle for the dissemination of true and accurate information about the beliefs and practices of the Voodoo spirituality in New Orleans. We offer the finest products and services in the Tradition of New Orleans Voodoo.
Masquerade halloween party invitations

If you want to follow the voodoo theme, write your invitation as a spell, with the pertinent details, on parchment paper and send it off to your guests. Alternatively, send a voodoo doll with the invite, if you are brave enough to do it.


If you are feeling ambitious you can make masquerade masks into invitations! Use construction paper, glitter, sequins, feathers and anything else that will add sparkle to your works of art. Visit your local art supply store or craft store for some ideas and assistance. Put all of the party information on the reverse side of the masks. (Make sure to use a pen that won’t show through on the front of the mask.)
If you don’t have time to create your own invitation but you still want the personal touch we have Halloween invitations and Mardi Gras invitationsthat you can personalize.

Halloween masquerade decorations

The decorations for your Halloween masquerade should be darkly elegant. It is Halloween, so you should throw in some spooky elements too!

Welcome Your Guests 

  • Have your guests walk down a walkway of fencing and through cemetery complete with skeletons on their way into the party.
  • Use “b” lights (those little ones you use at Christmas). Wrap them on your front porch railing or around your door.
  • As your friends arrive, you may want a “greeter” at the front–dressed as a jester who is passing out goodies!
  • Anyone who didn’t come with a mask should be given a mask… it will add the the mystery!

Halloween Masquerade Decorations Party Room

  • At the entry, set up a fog machine to fill the room.
  • Add candles everywhere! Place them in holders so they don’t catch costumes on fire!
  • You may want to add gold coins scattered on top of the tables to make your presentation just right.
  • Of course, a few hanging skulls wouldn’t be amiss!

Table and Buffet Decorating Ideas

  • Spanish moss piled around the bases of raised serving platters will give off a Mardi Gras voodoo vibe.
  • For centerpieces, use Mardi Gras hats on half the tables and crystal balls on the rest of the tables.
  • At the fabric store, buy purple, black, and green fabrics–the fancier the better. (Patterned sheers work great) Drape them on your buffets, and over dining tables.
  • Around the tables scatter beads or more confetti. Simple, inexpensive and fun.

Halloween party menu 

You can go Louisiana/Cajun since Mardi Gras is a New Orleans thing…or you can serve regular, inexpensive fare because at some point, no one is going to care. Serve it on Mardi Gras paper goods. Illuminate your dining area with many candles.


Make sure you have a fabulous themed bar for your Halloween Masquerade! Here are a few drinks that we think will cast the perfect voodoo spell on your guests


Hurricane – the classic drink of Mardi Gras, and PERFECT for any masquerade!

1 ounce fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice
4 ounces dark rum
4 ounces passion fruit syrup
Lime slice
1 Maraschino Cherry
Crushed ice

In a cocktail shaker, add lemon juice, rum, passion fruit syrup, and crushed ice; shake vigorously for 1 – 2 minutes. Strain into a hurricane cocktail glass. Garnish with lime slice and a maraschino cherry. Serve with a long straw.


Masquerade Seabreeze Cocktail – Excellent tart cocktail from the Absolut Vodka website

7 Parts Cranberry Juice
7 Parts Grapefruit Juice
1 Peel Lemon

Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon.

Scary Skeleton Soiree

Bone up on this theme…because it’s easy and scary, too. Just Add Guests™ and this Scary Skeleton Soirée will be like none other. Skeleton paper goods, decorations, and party supplies are frightfully fun, and you barely have to lift a “bony” hand!


Scary skeleton halloween invitations

If you’re hosting a Skeleton Soiree, set the tone for your event with a creepy invite!  Once your guests open the envelope, make sure they can’t wait to attend – dressed up and scary.

  • Use Personalized Skeleton Invitations to set the perfect mood.
  • A personalized ticket invitation can be used to invite guests to a bash from beyond the grave.
  • For a one of a kind invitation, write out your invitation information on the back of a skull cutout.
  • If most of your guests live close, try delivering your invites dressed as the grim reaper.  You’ll give them a good scare, and they’ll love your dedication!
  • Add fun Skeleton Confetti in the envelope to help add to the theme.

Don’t forget to mail your invitations out 4-6 weeks in advance.  Halloween is a busy time of year for parties, so be sure your invitations aren’t late.  Since this is a Halloween party, be sure to let your guests know if they should come in costume and if you’re choosing a theme for all the costumes.  (You are, of course, having everyone in costume, right?)


Scary skeleton halloween party decorations and party supplies

There is a huge assortment of Halloween skeleton decorations to choose from for a skeleton theme party.  Start your decorations outside by beginning with an assortment of carved pumpkins! It’s a must on Halloween. To fit the theme, carve skull faces into white gourds.  Add some fog by using a small fog machine; it will give creepy feel as your guests enter the party.

Try a few of these other outside decorating ideas to make your house one of the spookiest on the block:

  • Hang a Glow Skeleton at your front door to welcome all.
  • Place Lighted Groundbreaker Skeleton Body Parts on your lawn for a creepy effect.
  • Line walkways and the driveway with Spooky Sidewalk Signs.

Don’t forget great spooky decorations once you are inside as well! Skeletons and skulls are your top choice for a skeleton soiree Halloween bash!  Here are some decorating ideas for inside:

  • Place a Catacombs Skull Scene using Sticky Tack on your walls.
  • From the ceiling and door frames hang skulls for an eerie feel around your party space.
  • Light up Skeleton Balloons (awesome!) make balloon bouquets to place throughout the room! Tie off with black ribbon and use a skull as a balloon weight.

skeleton theme table decorations

Food and drinks are always a focal point at any party, so be sure to make your table extra spooky for this Halloween party. Stick with a black and white color scheme and add touches of red for fun.  Here are some tips for decorating your table.

  • Choose Skull and Crossbones paper goods; they are the perfect match for the theme.
  • A Skeleton Pinata makes a perfect centerpiece.
  • Scatter mini Glitter Skeleton Parts on the table as confetti
  • Scatter black votive candles across the tables.
  • Put a Personalized Halloween Candy Bar at each place as a final touch to your scary spread.

You’ll want to have a fantastic bar at a Halloween party geared towards adults.

  • Place Skulls on top of all your buffet and bar tables.
  • Add Skull and Bones Ice Cubes when you serve drinks and appetizers.
  • Next to the buffet or bar place a Inflatable Skeleton Cooler.
  • Attach Personalized Beer Bottle Labels to your drinks.

Choose a “signature drink” like a skulltini.


2 ozs whiskey
2 ozs schnapps
2 ozs cranberry juice

Mix together in a cocktail shaker and enjoy in a red martini glass.

halloween skeleton party favors

Your guests are going to have a fantastic time at your skeleton soiree.  Don’t forget to send them home with a fun favor from your Halloween bash.

  • Best Costume Skeleton Trophy is a great way to reward the winner of a costume contest.
  • A Personalized Halloween Candy Bar is a sweet skeleton treat.
  • The Box of Bones Game is a fantastic skeleton themed party favor for kids.

Your guests are sure to give you a “hand” for throwing a fantastic skeleton theme Halloween party.

  • characters from Shakespeare)
  • Slaughter at Saturday Night Live


Create Your Own Halloween Theme!

Have a simply adult Halloween party idea of your own?

Zombies Attack the Super Bowl

  • Massacre on the Titanic
  • Haunted Hippies
  • Alien Attack Wedding
  • Eaten in the 80s (80s Zombie)
  • Dead 50s Diner
  • Zombie Fourth of July
  • Cannibal Thanksgiving
  • Dead Disco
  • Spooky Speakeasy
  • New Dead’s Eve
  • Cannibal Baby Shower
  • Dead at Hogworts (dead Harry Potter characters)
  • A Massacre of Tarts and Vicars
  • Massacre of Greek Mythology
  • Zombie Olympics
  • Spooky Shakespeare (Zombified characters from Shakespeare)
  • Slaughter at Saturday Night Live


 Brew-Ha-Ha Punch


2 cups sugar
2 quarts water
2 (0.13-ounce) envelopes lime drink mix
1 (46-ounce) can pineapple juice
1 quart ginger ale


Stir together sugar and 2 quarts water until sugar is dissolved. Stir in remaining ingredients. Chill.

Note: For a scary presentation, place punch bowl into a larger bowl, and add dry ice to larger bowl.


Apple Bobbing Punch


1 (32-ounce) bottle apple cider
1 (32-ounce) bottle cranberry juice drink
1 (16-ounce) jar whole crabapples, undrained
1 (6-ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
1 (6-ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 (1-liter) bottle ginger ale or lemon-lime soft drink, chilled


Stir together first 5 ingredients. Chill. Stir in ginger ale just before serving. Serve over ice.





  • vegetable shortening
  • black gel food color
  • silver luster dust
  • vodka (or any clear extract)
  • 2 travel size plastic spray bottles
  • bat and moon shapes printed on card stock or heavy paper
  • scissors
  • parchment paper or a cardboard box larger than your cake
  • Any size cake covered with yellow fondant.  Here I used 6” and 8” rounds and yellow Satin Ice right out of the bucket.


STEP 1:  Cut out the bat and moon shapes.  Draw your own or find shapes you like online and print.

STEP 2:  Rub vegetable shortening all over the back of the moon template.  Not so much that you see chunks of shortening, but enough so that the template will stick.  Place the template onto the top tier of your cake and press along all the edges to make sure the template is sealed to the cake.

STEP 3:  Squirt about a tablespoon of black gel food coloring into one of the spray bottles.  Add about 1/2 teaspoon of vodka.  Twist on the cap and shake to combine.

STEP 4:  To keep your kitchen splatter free set your cake on parchment paper, or in a cardboard box turned on it’s side.  Then spray away!  Hold the spray bottle about 6 to 8 inches away from the cake.  Make sure that the area surrounding the moon is nicely covered (since that’s where your bats will be flying), but feel free to leave little spotches of yellow showing around the back and sides of the cake to add to the hazy night sky feel.  Set the cake aside and allow the black to completely dry.  About 15-20 minutes depending on the humidity where you live.

STEP 5:  Once the black coat is dry, rub vegetable shortening on the backs of the bat templates.  Place the templates onto the cake with the larger bats towards the bottom of the cake and the smaller bats closer to the moon.  Make sure to use the same bat that you cut from the moon shape to fill it in at this point.

STEP 6:  Add about a teaspoon of silver luster dust and a 1/2 teaspoon of vodka to the second spray bottle.  Twist on the cap and shake to combine.

STEP 7:  Place your cake back in the splatter-free zone and have some fun adding the silver stars to your cake!  Spray enough to create a beautiful starry sky, but not so much that you end up with a solid silver cake.

STEP 8:  Gently peel away the paper templates to reveal your spooktacular creation

Spiderweb Cake



  • 1 box chocolate cake, plus ingredients called for
  • 1/2 c. unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 c. confectioners’ sugar
  • 7½ oz. jar marshmallow crème
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • pinch of kosher salt
  • 3/4 c. heavy cream
  • 1 1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tube store-bought vanilla icing


  1. Butter and flour two 9” cake pans. Prepare cake batter according to package instructions.
  2. Bake according to package instructions and let cool.
  3. Once cool, place first cake on a platter.
  4. Make frosting: In a large bowl using a hand mixer, combine butter, confectioners’ sugar, marshmallow crème, vanilla extract, and salt and beat until fluffy and combined.
  5. Top with second cake.
  6. Make ganache: In a small saucepan, heat heavy cream just until it bubbles. Place chocolate chips in a heatproof bowl and pour over heavy cream. Let stand 2 minutes, then whisk until chocolate is completely combined.
  7. Pour ganache over cake. Frost a spiral of frosting on top of ganache and use a toothpick to draw cobwebs.

The Great White Pumpkin Cheese Ball


2 (10-oz.) blocks extra-sharp white Cheddar cheese, shredded*
1 8-oz.) package cream cheese, softened
2 (4-oz.) goat cheese logs, softened
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Braided pretzel, muscadine vine and leaf
Crackers and assorted vegetables


1. Stir together first 4 ingredients. Shape mixture into a ball to resemble a pumpkin. Smooth pumpkin’s entire surface with metal spatula or table knife. Make vertical grooves in ball, if desired, using fingertips. Press pretzel into top of cheese ball to resemble a pumpkin stem; place muscadine vine and leaf beside pretzel. Serve with crackers and assorted vegetables.

*Extra-sharp Cheddar cheese may be substituted.

Note: We tested with Cracker Barrel Extra-Sharp Cheddar Cheese. To make ahead, wrap cheese ball in plastic wrap, without stem, vine, or leaf, and store in refrigerator up to two days. Attach stem, vine, and leaf before serving.

Goblin Dip with Bone Crackers


1 (16-ounce) can chili without beans
1 (16-ounce) can refried beans
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
1 (8-ounce) jar chunky pico de gallo
1 (4.5-ounce) can chopped green chiles, undrained
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
Toppings: shredded Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese with peppers, chopped black olives, sliced green onions


Cook first 6 ingredients in a heavy saucepan over low heat, stirring often, 15 minutes or until cream cheese is melted. Sprinkle with desired toppings, and serve warm with Bone Crackers.

Bone Crackers

Easy Barbecue Sliders


2 (12-oz.) packages French rolls, split
1 1/2 pounds shredded barbecued pork
Barbecue sauce


Bake rolls according to package directions. Serve barbecued pork on rolls with barbecue sauce and coleslaw.

Note: We tested with Pepperidge Farm Hot & Crusty French Rolls.



Here is a list of what I think are some of the best Halloween songs. They include everything from classic Halloween party songs, to oldies, to modern classic Halloween music. Enjoy!

  1. Nightmare on My Street – DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
  2. Purple People Eater – Halloween classic song
  3. Monster Mash – Bobby Boris Pickett
  4. Love Potion #9 – The Searchers
  5. Monster (in my pants) – Fred Schneider of the B-52s (NOT for kids)
  6. Nature Trail to Hell – Weird Al (Funny, but probably not for kids)
  7. Somebody’s Watching Me – Rockwell
  8. Little Red Riding Hood – Sam the Sham & the Pharoahs
  9. My Son the Vampire – Alan Sherman (Not for younger kids)
  10. Marie Laveau – Bobby Bare
  11. Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman – The Tubes (funny, not for kids)
  12. Boris the Spider – The Who


1.Dance Magic Dance,” by David Bowie (from Labyrinth soundtrack)

  1. “Superstition,”by Stevie Wonder
  2. “Terror!” by The Rakes
  3. “Boris the Spider,” by The Who
  4. “Coffin Trick,” by Atlas Sound
  5. “Nail in my Coffin,” by the Kills
  6. “Pluto,” by Björk
  7. “Little Ghost,” by The White Stripes
  8. “The Ghost Who Walks,” by Karen Elson
  9. “I Put a Spell on You,” by Nina Simone
  10. “Hell,” by The Squirrel Nut Zippers
  11. “Sympathy for the Devil,” by The Rolling Stones
  12. “Dead Man’s Party,” by Oingo Boingo
  13. “Little Drop of Poison,” by Tom Waits
  14. “Ghost Riders in the Sky,” by Johnny Cash
  15. “Blood Like Lemonade,” by Morcheeba
  16. “Dandy’s in the Underworld,” by T.Rex
  17. “Jump in the Line (Shake Senora),” as performed by Harry Belafonte
  18. “This is Halloween,” from The Nightmare Before Christmas
  19. “Thriller,” by Michael Jackson
  20. “Werewolf Bar Mitvah,” from 30 Rock



  1. Thriller – Michael Jackson
  2. Werewolves of London – Warren Zevon
  3. Freaks Come Out at Night – Whodini
  4. Devil in Disguise – Elvis Presley
  5. Highway to Hell – AC/DC
  6. The Devil Went Down to Georgia – Charlie Daniels Band
  7. Voodoo – Godsmack
  8. People Are Strange – The Doors
  9. Devil Woman – Marty Robbins
  10. I Want Candy – Bow Wow Wow
  11. Grim Grinning Ghosts – Bare Naked Ladies
  12. Haunted House of Rock – Whodini



  1. Black Magic Woman – Santana
  2. Welcome to my Nightmare – Alice Cooper
  3. Voodoo Child – Jimi Hendrix
  4. Strange Brew – Cream
  5. Witchy Woman – The Eagles
  6. Sympathy for the Devil – Guns ‘n Roses
  7. Runnin’ With the Devil – Van Halen
  8. Tombstone Shadow – Creedence Clearwater Revival
  9. Pet Sematary – The Ramones
  10. Bat Out of Hell – Meatloaf
  11. Prince of Darkness – Alice Cooper
  12. Burning Down the House – Talking Heads
  13. Bad Moon Rising – Creedence Clearwater Revival
  14. Don’t Fear the Reaper – Blue Oyster Cult Mix
  15. Hell’s Bells – AC/DC
  16. Spooky – Atlanta Rhythm Section
  17. I Put a Spell on You – Creedence Clearwater Revival
  18. The Legend of Wooley Swamp – Charlie Daniels Band



  1. Zombie Stomp – Ozzy Osbourne
  2. Witch Hunt – Rush
  3. The Vampire Song – Bloodletting – by Concrete Blonde
  4. Dragula – Rob Zombie
  5. Fear of the Dark – Iron Maiden
  6. Bark at the Moon – Ozzy Osbourne
  7. Let the Bodies Hit the Floor – Drowning Pool
  8. Dead & Bloated – Stone Temple Pilot



  • Halloween Movie Theme Song
  • Dark Shadows Theme Song
  • The X-Files Theme Song
  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Tubular Bells (The Exorcist theme song)
  • Addams Family Theme Song
  • Jaws Movie Theme Song
  • Twin Peaks Television Theme Song and Soundtrack
  • Interview With the Vampire Born to Darkness
  • Soundtrack from The Lost Boys
  • Theme from Psycho
  • Fantasia Toccata and Fugue
  • Bram Stoker Dracula Soundtrack: Love Remembered by Anton Coppola
  • Soundtrack from The Craft
  • Time Warp from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Ballroom Blitz also from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
  • Well, pretty much the entire soundtrack from The Rocky Horry Picture Show
  • This Is Halloween – The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Ghostbusters
  • Weird Science – Oingo Boingo
  • Dusk Till Dawn Soundtrack
  • Soundtrack from The Crow

Best Halloween Movies for Kids

Coraline (2009)

Based on Neil Gaiman’s popular “children’s horror” novel, Coraline is in many ways similar to Alice in Wonderland—only creepier. Unhappy about relocating to a new house and leaving all her friends behind, the gutsy heroine discovers a door to an alternative world. There she finds attentive, doting versions of her real parents and other exciting wonders. But this new world is more dangerous than it seems and Coraline must find a way to rescue her family and herself. Recommended Age: 9 and Up

Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie (2005)

Who doesn’t love Pooh? It’s Halloween in the Hundred Acre Wood, and everyone is excited to trick or treat. But Pooh eats all of the candy (oh, Pooh Bear!), so Roo and Lumpy set off on a quest to capture a scary Gobloon who will grant their wish for more. Sweet and not scary, this film is perfect for the pre-school set.Recommended Age: 3 and Up

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949)

Talk about an oldie that’s definitely a goodie! This short classic tells the story of a stuffy schoolteacher who tries to win the love of the prettiest girl in town with his act of bravery. Whereas many films based on the Headless Horseman story are quite gruesome, this one is mild enough for a kindergartener.Recommended Age: 6 and Up


 Casper (1995)

The iconic cartoon character stars in this sweet film. Poor Casper has always struggled with being lonely and when he finally finds a friend, he tries to bring himself back to life. But things do not go according to plan. At its heart, this is a tender ghost-meets-girl story. And Casper whispering “can I keep you” never fails to make us tear up!Recommended Age: 6 and Up


 Labyrinth (1986)Image result

Dealing with sibling rivalry? Labyrinth is a must-watch for anyone who has ever felt fed-up with a younger sib. When Sarah wishes that Goblins would take her baby brother, the King of the Goblins comes and whisks the boy away to a Labyrinth. Sarah must venture inside and solve it within thirteen hours to get her little brother back. Filled with fantastical Jim Henson puppets, this movie has magic enough to enchant the kiddos. Plus, David Bowie is perfect as the brooding, discontent Jareth.Recommended Age: 8 and Up

 The Witches (1990)

While visiting the seaside with his grandmother, Luke stumbles upon a convention of witches who are hatching a plan to exterminate children. He must find a way to stop them—a task that seems infinitely harder once he is turned into a mouse. The witches are scary enough to give us a fright—especially when they peel off their human costumes.Recommended Age: 8 and Up


The best Halloween movies for kids

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King, has one problem: He’s totally over Halloween. When he accidentally stumbles into Christmas Town, he’s determined to host the world’s best Christmas…so determined, in fact, that he even kidnaps Santa in order to take his place! After years of focusing on what’s spooky, though, the residents of his own Halloween Town can’t quite master their new toy-making jobs (cue evil wooden ducks and carnivorous wreaths). Young fear fans will fall in love with characters like Sally, a rag doll made by the town’s mad scientist, and Zero, a ghost dog with a glowing red nose—plus there are plenty of fun Halloweeny songs to sing. The film may be a little dark for tykes, so you may want to wait until your kids are tweens to watch. Rated PG  (really 8 and up)

Poltergeist (1982)

Poltergeist (1982)

Admittedly, this movie terrifies little kids, so we’d probably suggest waiting until your youngster is 12 or so before breaking this out on Halloween night—PG ratings were not the same in the ’80s! Still, Poltergeistis a cult classic for a reason: Scenes including the creepy clown doll, moving kitchen chairs and (spoiler alert) the skeletons in the pool really stick with you. In the film, a greedy developer builds on sacred Native American burial grounds (unbeknownst to the families moving in), and the neighborhood—including one very special little girl in particular—suffers the consequences. Rated PG (really 12 and up)

Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters (1984)

Three spirit-obsessed scientists are canned from their jobs at NYU, but they don’t let that get ’em down; instead, they put their talents to good use. Using their passion for the occult as a driving force, they start a ghost-extermination company to help New Yorkers handle some very real ghost troubles. Their work doesn’t come without its skeptics, though…one even wrongly jails them for fraud! Ultimately the unlikely team helps to save the city from an ancient god. Be warned: It’s another film that’s not quite rated for the current day, and Ghostbusters is probably only appropriate for tweens and older. Rated PG (really 11 and up)

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Being in the business of scaring kids isn’t easy—Sulley’s buddy Mike always reminds him so. When a regular day of terrifying the world’s children doesn’t go quite as planned, the two monster pals end up with an adorable kid (eeek—what could be scarier!) in tow and need to make a plan to get her home safely. Monsters, Inc. delivers a feel-good ending, and with leading voices from John Goodman and Billy Crystal (plus impressively advanced animation for the time—look at Sulley’s fur!), the film easily became an instant classic. Also, what’s better for Halloween than a monster movie? Rated G (really 5 and up)

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Hocus Pocus (1993)

In the 1600s, three evil witches known as the Sanderson sisters (Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy) cast a spell that killed a little girl and turned her brother into a rather adorable immortal black cat. Though the witches were hung for their crimes, the legend goes that they’ll return on Halloween if a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle—which Thackery Binx (the boy/cat) guards fiercely to make sure they never return. Cue character Max Dennison of the ’90s, freshly moved from Los Angeles to Salem, Massachusetts, who will do anything to impress his cute neighbor (and ditch his little sister)—even light a candle. After all, who believes in all that hocus pocus, anyway?Rated PG (really 10 and up)

Goosebumps (2015)

Goosebumps (2015)

See your favorite “Goosebumps” monsters in action with this cool Jack Black flick. Moody tween Zach Cooper has a crush on his cute neighbor, Hannah, but he’s a little thrown off by her dad’s weird behavior —and not normal protective dad-style weird either…really, really weird. When it turns out Dad is actually the famed author R.L. Stine and he’s hiding a rather monstrous secret in his original manuscripts, the crew must work together to save their town from a disaster of a plot twist. Who knows? Zach might even earn the author’s stamp of approval before the night is over…maybe. Rated PG (really 9 and up)

Harry Potter (2001–2011)

Harry Potter (2001–2011)

Literature’s greatest boy wizard is turned into one of the movie’s most charismatic under-12 heroes (a tip of the pointy hat to Daniel Radcliffe) as J.K. Rowling’s world of muggles, monsters and mystical goings-on at Hogwarts is brought to life on screen. Things will get seriously PG-13 dark by the time this eight-film series ends, but the kid-friendly adaptation of book one truly makes viewers of all ages believe in magic. Rated PG (really 6 and up)

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice (1988)

Adam and Barbara (Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis) just so happen to be dead, and to make things worse, a new family is moving into their home. Though his gross-out putrescence (and other undesirable character traits) may be off-putting for some, Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) is their only hope for restoring order and driving an unbearable living family (with the exception of the daughter, Lydia) away for good. Rated PG (really 12 and up)

Halloweentown (1998)

Halloweentown (1998)

it or not, you’ll be as glued to the TV as they are. Follow Marnie Piper (Kimberly J. Brown), who’s recently discovered she’s a witch thanks to her gifted grandmother Aggie (Debbie Reynolds). When there’s trouble in Halloweentown, Marnie and her siblings must work together to save their mom and grandma from Kalabar, an evil warlock who wants to conquer the mortal realm. Rated TV-G (really 6 and up)

Addams Family Values (1993)

Addams Family Values (1993)

This dark comedy-sequel dives right in with your favorite creepy crawly crew as they navigate some seemingly (and to them, horrifyingly) normal activities—like dating (the torture!), tolerating a new baby brother (the agony!) and even going to summer camp (the most vile of all). You’ll wish they were your neighbors…well, if you appreciate all things macabre.Rated PG-13 (really 11 and up)

Monster House (2006)

Monster House (2006)

One house on the street is not like the others, and teenager DJ knows it. Unfortunately, it’s harder than expected for him to convince the police and his babysitter that their neighbor’s home is actually a living, breathing monster. DJ and his friends must embark on a crazy adventure in hopes of saving the people the house has eaten (and ideally destroying it afterward). Anxiety-prone kids should pass on this one, but young horror fans will dig this film for its relatable characters and heartwarming ending. Rated PG (really 9 and up)

Corpse Bride (2005)

Corpse Bride (2005)

Think you’re having a rough day? The protagonist in this stop-motion Tim Burton flick accidentally proposes to a dead girl when he’s dreaming of proposing to his (very alive) arranged match. Awkward. You and your crew navigate the world of the undead as Victor tries to get things back in order—though by the end, normalisn’t exactly what he’d thought it was, and you’ll have a hard time figuring out who to root for in this sad, sweet romance. Rated PG (really 9 and up)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

When Elliott finds an alien hiding in his mom’s tool shed, a friendship blossoms into something truly out of this world. With the help of his siblings, he keeps E.T.’s existence a secret, but it’s hard to keep the creature safe when government agents try to sniff him out. You’ll overlook some slightly salty banter to allow your pint-size crew the joy of giggling when Elliott dresses E.T. as a ghost to sneak him out of the house on Halloween, and you’re sure to say “awww” when young Drew Barrymore comes onscreen. Oh, and a final fun fact: Steven Spielberg’s character E.T. is actually inspired by an imaginary friend he had as a child. Rated PG (really 7 and up)

Hotel Transylvania (2012)

Hotel Transylvania (2012)

This kid-friendly, animated twist on your typical horror movie finds Count Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) operating a high-end resort, situated far from humankind. When teen boy Jonathan (Andy Samberg) stumbles upon it falls for the Count’s daughter, Mavis (Selena Gomez), the overprotective, undead dad must make sure his guests don’t discover the human visitor. The familiar voices of stars like Kevin James, Fran Drescher, David Spade and Molly Shannon help to further demonstrate that monsters have a non-spooky side—especially when they’re on vacation. Rated PG (really 6 and up)

Gremlins (1984)

Gremlins (1984)

When a young boy, Rand, takes in a furry Ewok-like creature named Gizmo, he’s told to follow very strict instructions. But Rand takes his pet-owner duties less than seriously, and he soon discovers that Gizmo has spawned several ugly monsters which wreak havoc on the town. Sure, the flick takes place around Christmastime, but the prospect of Gremlins lurking in your home is enough to creep anyone out. Rated PG (really 11 and up)

The Addams Family (1991)

The Addams Family (1991)

A creepy, kooky family, comprised of Gomez, Morticia and their pallid children Pugsley and Wednesday, reside in a creaky mansion next to a cemetery. They mind their own business, dedicating their time to grim interests that others find disturbing, when Gomez’s long-lost brother Fester suddenly returns—though it turns out that their visitor may be an imposter, dead-set on getting a hold of the family’s fortune. Rated PG-13 (really 11 and up)

Casper (1995)
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)

Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)

Things take a spooky turn for absentminded inventor, Wallace, and his trusty canine companion, Gromit, in this stop-motion, claymation flick based on the series. The pair create one of their infamous contraptions in order to help their friends protect their gardens from hungry rabbits. A malfunction results in the creation of a giant, rabbit-like monster, which gets Wallace into trouble in more ways than one. Rated G (really 6 and up)

ParaNorman (2012)

ParaNorman (2012)

This comedy-thriller from LAIKA tells the story of odd 11-year-old, Norman Babcock. At first, it’s a familiar tale about a kid who doesn’t quite fit in (the boy claims he can talk to the dead), but everyone starts singing a different tune once it’s revealed that Norman is the only person who can prevent the town’s destruction by 17th-century zombies. This flick (best for ages 7 and up) has its freaky moments, but in the end it’s an endearing lesson about tolerance and compassion toward the strange and unusual. Rated PG (really 10 and up)

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)

Washington Irving’s grisly tale of Sleepy Hollow becomes more palatable for the kiddies in this cartoon, the second of two featurettes. Following The Wind in the Willows adaptation is the story of bumptious schoolmaster Ichabod Crane and his nemesis the Headless Horseman. It’s a trite, chocolate-box picture of colonial days—until the Horseman shows up for one of those nightmare sequences with which Uncle Walt so relished terrifying his young audience. Rated G (really 6 and up)

It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)

It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)

Based on Charles M. Schulz’s comic strip Peanuts, this Halloween classic features trick-or-treating, pumpkins and cute costumes (Snoopy too). You’ll sympathize with Linus, who patiently waits for the Great Pumpkin to come, and see a softer side of Lucy, who eventually dumps her bad attitude to be sweet to her brother.Not rated (really 2 and up)


Best Halloween Movies Of All Time, For Every Type Of Horror Fan

1. Halloween

2.The Ring

3.The Exorcist


5.A Nightmare On Elm Street

6.The Shining

7. The Blair Witch Project


9.Trick ‘r Treat (2007)

10.Donnie Darko (2001)

11.The Crow (1994)

12.Sleepy Hollow (1999)

13.The Conjuring (2013)

14.The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

15.The Sixth Sense (1999)

16.Evil Dead II (1987)

17.The Craft (1996)

18.Fright Night (1985)

19.House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

20.An American Werewolf in London (1981)

21.Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

22.Ju-on: The Grudge (2002)

23. The Grudge 

24.The Lost Boys (1987

25.Insidious (2010)

26.Ginger Snaps (2000)

27.Dark Shadows (2012)

28.Silent Hill (2006)

29.Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)

30.Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)

31.Thir13en Ghosts (2001)

32.Cursed (2005)

33.Lady in White (1988)

34.The Thing (1982)


Published by Star Moon

My name is Lilies , I was born in Brooklyn in 1983