Halloween is just around the corner! Have you started planning for the party yet? What games do you intend to include at the party? If you are still undecided, fret not! Momjunction is here to help you with some halloween games for toddlers.

1. Donut Eating Race:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Donut Eating Race

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Hang several donuts from a sturdy rod or tree.
  1. Blindfold the tots and on a count of three, have each tot try to eat the donuts.
  1. Make sure they do not use their hands for eating the donut. Anyone who uses the hands should be disqualified.
  2. The child who finishes the donut first will be the winner.

What Is In The Bowl?

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Fill one bowl with grapes, one with cooked spaghetti and one with jelly. You can use any food product that you feel will look gross and slimy.
  1. Now wrap the bowl nicely with orange and black felt so that no tot can peek what’s inside the bowl.
  1. Tell every tot to put his or her hands in the bowl and guess what food item it is.

4. Apple Bobbing:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Apple Bobbing

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Fill the bucket with apples.
  1. Now ask the tots to pick the apples from their mouth. Remember, no hands allowed.
  1. The tot who manages to pick the maximum number of apples will be the winner.

 Find The Pumpkin:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Find The Pumpkin

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Draw five yellow pumpkins, ten white pumpkins, and five orange pumpkins and cut out all of them.
  1. Give each pumpkin a funny and wacky face.
  1. Write number 1 on the back of the white pumpkin, five on yellow pumpkins and ten on the back of the orange pumpkin.
  1. Now hide all the pumpkins in the backyard.
  1. As you call out ‘go’ the tots have to find the pumpkins. Set an assigned time or call out ‘stop’ to end the game.
  1. Now add up the numbers on the pumpkins of each participant.
  1. The player with the most points will be the winner.

7. Walk On The Witch’s Hat:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Walk On The Witch’s Hat

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Tape the large picture of the witch’s hat on the floor before playing the game.
  1. If you don’t have the hat, then make one from a brown bag. Cut out a brown bag and open it out flat.
  1. Draw the hat on the brown paper and cut it out.
  1. Then ask the players to stand in line and close their eyes. You can even blindfold the tots to make sure that no one peeks. Also, appoint a leader. He will make sure that no one looks. Whoever peeks should be out of the game.
  1. Now tell the leader to start and stop the music. When the music is played, the tots have to start walking in a circle just around the hat.
  1. When the music stops, the tots are standing on the hat will be out of the game. The last player to circle the hat will be the winner.

8. Trick Or Treat:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Trick Or Treat

You Will Need:

How To:

  1. Hand each toddler a bag filled with candies.
  1. Write the participant’s name on each bag so that the bags are not mixed up.
  1. Now decide on the time limit. You can even keep the game going on the entire time. It will keep the tots busy.
  1. The primary objective of the game is to catch the people sang these words – Pumpkin, Candy, Halloween,  Witch, Ghost, Pumpkin, Party.
      1. We’d recommend you to write the words on a piece of paper and hand one copy to each participant.
      1. If the player finds any other players saying any of these words, then he has to give a piece of candy from his bag.
      1. The person who has the most number of candies will win the game.
      1. Let the tots keep the candies left in their bag.

Pumpkin Toss:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Pumpkin Toss

You Will Need:

      • Pumpkin of various sizes
      • Metal rings or embroidery hoop

How To:

  1. Line up the pumpkin in a backyard.
  1. Mark the line where the children have to stand.
  1. Now have each tot toss the ring over the pumpkin.
  1. The tot who can throw the ring over the most number of pumpkins will be the winner.
  1. In this halloween party games for toddlers, we’d recommend you to reward all the participants, not just the winner.

15. Pass The Witch’s Broom:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Pass The Witch’s Broom

You Will Need:

      • Broom
      • Foam

How To:

  1. Cover the broom’s handle with foam.
  1. Now make the tots stand in a circle or sit in chairs. Tell them to pass the broom at a steady pace, until the music stops.
  1. The tot who has the broomstick when the music stops has to ride it around the backyard or room. Clap with the other children while the little Harry Potter roams around on his broom. Here’s the song:

“Pass the witches broomstick round and round the room.
While the music’s playing, quickly pass the broom.
Anyone is out if the broomstick drops,
Or the one who has it when the music stops!”

The last player with the broom will be the winner.

16. Ghost Hunt:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Ghost Hunt

You Will Need:

      1. Two ghost figures or.
      2. White construction paper.
      3. Tape

How To:

  1. Cut out white construction paper in 4 inches* five inches.
  1. Roll the papers to form tubes. These will work as the ghost callers. Ensure that you make one for each child.
  1. Show the two ghosts cut outs to the tots. Now make the tots shut their eyes and hide the ‘ghosts’.
  1. Make the tots open their eyes and at the count of three, let the hunt begin. The tots who find the ghost have to come back to you and ask for the ghost caller.
  1. The tots have to make strange ghost noises with the tube. The noise will make the ghosts come out of their hiding place.
  1. Continue the game until all the children make the ghost sounds.

17. Create The Spider Web:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Create The Spider Web

You Will Need:

      • A ball of yarn
      • Black construction paper.
      • Scissors

How To:

  1. Draw and cut out a spider shape from the black construction paper.
  1. Make the tots sit in a large circle. Make an adult sit beside the tots.
  1. Take a ball of yarn and make the tots throw at each other.
  1. Tots have to continue throwing the yarn back and forth until they create a giant spider web.
  1. Now put a paper spider in the center of the ‘web’ and tell the tots to lift up without making the insect fall off.
  1. Repeat the game if the spider falls off. Isn’t this halloween games for toddlers and preschoolers amazing to hear?

Halloween Hopscotch:

Halloween Games For Toddlers - Halloween Hopscotch

You Will Need:

      • Orange poster board.
      • Scissors

How To:

  1. Cut out pumpkin jack-o-lanterns from the orange poster board.
  1. Make the trails for jumping. For preschoolers, make a straight or a slightly curved path.
  1. Now have the tiny tots jump down from the path to path. You can even space out the jack-o-lantern cut out for a greater challenge.
  1. Now let the tots play hopscotch. Allow the tots to come up with new ways to play the game.
Halloween Dart Board Game



Work on your aim this Halloween and say “boo” when your pals miss the bullseye.

Pumpkin Golf

First one to make a whole in one wins everyone’s Halloween candy (just kidding).

Get the tutorial at A Girl And A Glue Gun »

What you’ll need: pumpkin ($40, amazon.com), X-Acto knife ($6, amazon.com), toy golf set ($28, amazon.com)

Candy Corn Bingo

This Halloween board swaps out snoozy numerals (boring!) for witch hats, ghosts and black cats. Purchase a bag of colorful candy corn to use as markers.

Get a free, printable board at Studio DIY »

What you’ll need: candy corn ($9, amazon.com)

Halloween Party Games

Glow-in-the-Dark Ring Toss

Wrap glow-in-the-dark duct tape around a few bottles and see how many glow stick bracelets kids can get around the bottle necks.

Get the tutorial at A Pumpkin & A Princess »

What you’ll need: glow-in-the-dark duct tape ($15, amazon.com), glass bottles ($19, amazon.com)

Printable Pumpkin Twister

Swap out colorful circles with a printable pumpkin motif for a fun twist (pun intended!) on the classic party game.

Get the tutorial at Pint-Sized Treasures »

What you’ll need: large white poster board ($20, amazon.com)

Spiderweb Walking Game

Create a spiderweb out of tape on your carpet and have kids see how long they can walk on the “web” without falling off, while dodging obstacles and collecting prizes along the way.

Get the tutorial at No Time For Flashcards »

What you’ll need: green tape ($12, amazon.com)

Create a spiderweb out of tape on your carpet and have kids see how long they can walk on the “web” without falling off, while dodging obstacles and collecting prizes along the way.

Get the tutorial at No Time For Flashcards »

What you’ll need: green tape ($12, amazon.com)

Roll a Frankenstein

Make a craft project more interactive by rolling dice to see who can attach the most body parts to their Frankenstein first.

Get the tutorial at Housing a Forest»

What you’ll need: assorted construction paper ($14, amazon.com)

10 Halloween Movies and Shows on Netflix That Won’t Terrify Kids

1Super Monsters Save Halloween
Super Monsters Save Halloween



The second season of the Super Monsters series kicks off on October 5, but it’s best to start with this Halloween special, which actively shows preschoolers how the holiday’s scares are mostly make-believe. The characters explain the tricks behind haunted houses and spooky decorations so they don’t seem quite so horrifying anymore.

2Pocoyo Halloween: Space Halloween
Pocoyo Halloween Space Halloween



This 40-minute special focuses on one of the fun-for-everyone parts of Halloween: the costumes! Everybody dresses up, and then the gang heads into outer space to learn about new planets.

3Room on the Broom
Room on the Broom



This short film, an adaptation of the book by Julia Donaldson, stars a witch, but she’s by no means scary: She’s quick with a smile and a laugh, and kind to the animals who all ask her for a ride. This one’s so good, it was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, and parents might be able to recognize the voices of Gillian Anderson, Simon Pegg, and Sally Hawkins.

4Dear Dracula
Dear Dracula



Dracula comes to a young monster fan’s street, but he’s played for laughs, not scares. Dracula thinks he’s lost his touch, and he needs his new friend to help him get his mojo back — and, in the process, he teaches his fan to come out of his shell. It’s more of a heartwarming buddy story than a Halloween haunt. The short film is based on a graphic novel by Joshua Williamson.

5Masha’s Spooky Stories
Masha's Spooky Stories



In this TV series, little Masha is a pint-size debunker, looking into common childhood fears (including monsters and the dark) and figuring out why there’s nothing to really be afraid of.

6The Worst Witch
The Worst Witch



If there’s one thing kids can’t get enough of, it’s schools where the students learn magic. This series, now in its second season, follows the hapless Mildred Hubble as she tries (and sometimes fails) to learn witchcraft, and any young student can relate.


7Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania



In this series, along with the movie that inspired it, Dracula isn’t a monster — he’s just a dad. And if his daughter, Mavis, is rebellious, it’s because she wants to be nicer to humans, not scarier.

8Thunder and the House of Magic
Thunder and the House of Magic



This movie turns haunted-house tropes on their head: An abandoned kitty looks for shelter in an old house, only to find that its owner is a magician and the house is filled with delightful magic. Then, when the owner is taken to the hospital, the cat and the other inhabitants of the house try to find a way to save it from a scheming nephew.




In Pixar’s Coco, Miguel has to travel through the land of the dead — but it isn’t a ghoulish journey. Instead, he’s aided by his ancestors, who teach him a lesson about family.

10Mary and the Witch’s Flower
Mary and the Witch's Flower



Just when you thought you’d seen every movie about a magic school for new witches, another pops up to add to your list. This one, about a girl who picks a special flower that brings her to the enchanted Endor College, does have some suspenseful scenes where characters are in peril, but it also has a theme of learning to be brave.

Published by Star Moon

My name is Lilies , I was born in Brooklyn in 1983